Jessica Laolu's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Jessica Laolu's first Contract.

Hey there, Wanderlust Journal!

What a glorious day to reflect on where I call home! 🌞 You might wonder, "Jessica, why Newark?" Well, let me tell you!

First off, Newark is the perfect balance of close-but-not-too-close to my folks. I love them dearly, but I need my space. Being here means I can be there for them in a heartbeat if crisis strikes, but I’m far enough to keep my independence intact. It’s all about that sweet, sweet balance!

Another reason is the vibrant network of amazing acquaintances I've made here. From fellow motorcyclists who join me on spontaneous weekend rides to tech geeks who share my love for gadgets and coding, Newark’s got it all. Plus, it’s a melting pot of cultures, just like me! 🌍

Now, let's talk about my little empire, GeoGlimpse Tech Solutions. I specialize in georeferencing and coding, helping clients align geographic data with precision and finesse. It’s mostly just me and my trusty tech, but I love being the master of my own ship.

My home in Newark? Picture this: a cozy loft with huge windows that let in all the glorious sunshine. My walls are adorned with maps of places I’ve been and places I’m itching to explore. There’s a corner dedicated to my photography, with prints of breathtaking landscapes from my travels. My bike has its special spot, always ready for the next adventure. And, of course, my kitchen is a mini coffee haven – coffee is life! β˜•

Life here is a delightful blend of stability and excitement. Newark may not be the wildest place on the map, but it’s my little slice of paradise where I recharge and plan my next escapade.

Until next time, keep exploring, keep dreaming, and remember – life's a journey, not a destination.

Stay sunny and wild,
Jessica 🌟

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Jessica Laolu's first Contract.

Hey there, Wanderlust Journal!

I know you’re curious about how I fund my endless adventures and that endless supply of coffee. 🌟 Well, it’s all thanks to my brainchild, GeoGlimpse Tech Solutions. My company offers some seriously technical services – the kind that governments, conservation agencies, and farmers are willing to pay top dollar for.

I specialize in sophisticated data acquisition and processing. Think high-precision georeferencing, mapping, and coding solutions that help track everything from environmental changes to optimizing agricultural output. My skills are highly sought after, and my time? Incredibly valuable. This work isn’t just about money; it’s about using technology to make a real difference.

The best part? My company makes a pretty penny, and I’m free to operate however I want. No 9-to-5 grind for me!

So, where does all that cash go? Well, I invest in top-notch tech and gear for my business, ensuring I stay ahead of the curve. Then, of course, there’s my motorcycle – my trusty steed that’s always ready for the next adventure. Travel expenses are a biggie; I’m always planning my next trip, whether it’s a cross-country ride or a flight to some far-flung corner of the globe.

And let’s not forget coffee – I spend a fair bit on premium beans from around the world. β˜•

Life’s good when you’re doing what you love and making enough to live on your terms. Here’s to more adventures, more coffee, and more living life to the fullest!

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Jessica Laolu's first Contract.

Today, I'm diving deep into the heart of what drives me – my ambition. It’s not just about what I want to achieve, but why. 🌟

My ambition? To master every skill, visit every place, and know every piece of knowledge. Not because I have a specific use for all of it, but because my heart is an undying flame of enthusiasm. I want to shine as brightly as I can for as long as I can. Maybe human life isn't enough for the size and ambition of the human spirit, but I'm determined to give it my best shot.

I strive to be an infinite traveler, an eternal student of the world. I want to unlock every potential within me and see just how far I can go. This isn’t about accolades or recognition – it’s about the sheer joy of discovery and the thrill of new experiences. I want to leave no stone unturned, no horizon unexplored.

How far would I go to achieve this? I’d push my limits, take risks, and embrace challenges with open arms. Would I kill for it? No, that’s not my style. I value life – mine and others’ – too much to take it away. But would I come close to death for it? Absolutely. I’ve faced danger before and would again if it meant experiencing something extraordinary or uncovering a hidden truth.

Every day is a new opportunity to learn, explore, and grow. My journey is endless, my enthusiasm boundless. Here’s to pushing the limits of what one human life can achieve!

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Jessica Laolu's first Contract.

Today, I'm reflecting on the most defining event of my life – leaving for university. 🌟

Deciding to leave home and head to university was a game-changer. It was my ticket out from under my family's wings and the first step toward true independence. My parents, bless them, wanted me to fit a mold that just wasn’t me. Heading off to university was my way of saying, "I need to do this my way."

That decision set off a chain reaction that shaped my entire life. It gave me the freedom to explore who I was and what I wanted. University was where I discovered my passion for georeferencing and tech, which snowballed into creating GeoGlimpse Tech Solutions. From there, I began traveling extensively across the Americas and Africa, soaking up every culture, landscape, and experience I could find.

Leaving home also introduced me to the world's finest coffees and teas – and let's not forget the beautiful men and women I’ve met along the way. 😏 Each encounter, each sip of coffee, each new horizon broadened my perspective and fueled my insatiable curiosity.

That single decision to strike out on my own set me on a path of endless adventure and discovery. It taught me the value of freedom, the thrill of the unknown, and the joy of carving out my own destiny. It’s a journey that started with one bold move and has taken me to places I never dreamed possible.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Jessica Laolu's first Contract.

Hey there, Wanderlust Journal!

Today, I want to talk about three amazing people in my life who keep things interesting. 🌟

Alex Thompson is my tech-savvy friend and coworker at GeoGlimpse Tech Solutions. They’re brilliant with gadgets and coding, and I couldn’t run the business without them. Lovely person, always eager to help and share a laugh. However, their personal life is kind of a mess – think missed appointments, forgotten birthdays, and a perpetually chaotic apartment. Despite the chaos, Alex has a heart of gold and is incredibly reliable when it comes to work.

Malik Laolu is my older brother Malik is old-school and a bit preachy, but he's also incredibly reliable and loving. He’s the one I can always count on for solid advice and support, even if it comes with a lecture about responsibility and life choices. We don’t always see eye to eye, but his unwavering support and love mean the world to me. He’s my rock in many ways.

Sam Martinez is a fellow motorcyclist and my on-and-off romantic interest. Our relationship is filled with steam and tension, driven mostly by our shared love for motorcycles and traveling. Sam is exciting and passionate, but not exactly relationship material. We’re better at riding together than settling down, and that’s perfectly fine by me. Our adventures are always thrilling, even if they’re not destined for forever.

These three keep my life dynamic and full of surprises. Each brings something unique to the table, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The High Cost of Living

Hey there, Wanderlust Journal!

Today, I’m diving into the past and reflecting on my childhood. It was quite the journey, filled with both love and challenges. 🌟

I grew up in a humble but not poor working-class family. My parents, Amina and Kofi Laolu, were incredible people, though our relationship has always been a bit strained due to their controlling nature. They were loving and did a fantastic job raising me, but they could be overbearing, which made my quest for independence a constant struggle.

Amina Laolu, my mom, is a talented seamstress and designer. She has a magical touch with fabrics, creating beautiful garments and crafts that always caught the eye. Her creativity was boundless, and she loved sharing her passion with me. I spent countless hours in her workshop, learning the art of sewing and design. Those moments were special, even if they sometimes came with lectures on proper behavior and ladylike manners.

Kofi Laolu, my dad, is a skilled carpenter and woodworker. He could take a simple piece of wood and turn it into something extraordinary. His workshop was a haven of creativity and craftsmanship, filled with the scent of fresh wood and the sound of tools at work. I adored spending time with him, learning how to carve and build. His patience and dedication were inspiring, but he also had high expectations and a strict approach to discipline.

School was another story. I attended the local public school, where I was always a bit of an oddball. My adventurous spirit and tomboyish nature didn’t exactly fit the mold of what was expected, especially with my parents' constant reminders to be more ladylike. I had friends, sure, but I often felt like I was walking a different path. My mind was always racing ahead, dreaming of far-off places and daring escapades while my peers were content with the status quo.

Academically, I was precocious and a bit of a genius, which sometimes made it hard to fit in. Teachers either loved or were frustrated by me, and classmates often didn’t understand my restless energy. But those challenges only fueled my desire to break free and explore the world on my own terms.

Leaving home for university was my ticket to independence and discovering who I truly am. It was a tough transition, but it was necessary. My parents, despite their overbearing ways, laid a strong foundation for me. Their love and the skills they taught me have been invaluable, even if our relationship remains a bit strained.

Looking back, I see a childhood filled with creativity, love, and the constant push and pull of wanting to be free while still feeling the weight of my parents' expectations. It’s shaped me into who I am today – a fiercely independent and adventurous soul, always seeking the next great journey.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The High Cost of Living

Today’s musings are all about love – that elusive, sweeping, grand thing people always talk about. 🌟

Have I ever been in love? Well, that's a tricky question. I've had this on-and-off thing with Sam, my motorcycle companion. Our relationship is more about the thrill of the ride and the shared love for adventure than anything deeply emotional. It’s fun, exciting, and filled with steamy moments, but it’s not serious. Sam and I understand each other well enough to know we’re better as companions than romantic partners.

There was a time when I thought I might be in love. I’ve felt infatuated before, caught up in the whirlwind of attraction and excitement. But if love is this sweeping, outstanding thing that people describe, I’m not sure I’ve experienced it. Infatuation, yes – that intense, dizzying rush of feelings that makes everything seem brighter and more exciting. But love? I’m still waiting for that one.

Honestly, I’ve grown a bit distrustful of the feeling. Infatuation has a way of clouding judgment, making you see things that aren’t really there. It’s led me down a few paths that ended in disappointment, and I’ve learned to be cautious. I’ve become more reserved, letting my head guide my heart rather than the other way around.

Maybe one day I’ll find that all-encompassing love that people talk about. For now, I’m content with my adventures, my friends, and my freedom. There’s a whole world out there to explore, and I don’t want to miss a single moment waiting for something that may or may not happen.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Tales To Be Told

One of my biggest fears is the idea of being trapped or losing my freedom. The thought of being confined, whether physically or mentally, sends shivers down my spine. My whole life has been about breaking free from constraints, exploring the unknown, and living on my own terms. The idea of anything or anyone taking that away from me is terrifying.

Another fear that haunts me is the possibility of failure – not just in the small, everyday sense, but in a larger, more existential way. I’ve set my sights on mastering every skill, visiting every place, and unlocking every piece of knowledge. The fear that I might not achieve these goals, that I might fall short and leave this world with so much left unexplored, keeps me up at night.

I also have a deep-seated fear of losing the people I care about. Despite my independent nature, the connections I’ve made along the way mean the world to me. The thought of something happening to my friends or family, or even the acquaintances I’ve grown fond of, is a constant worry. It’s the price of caring deeply, I suppose.

Lastly, there’s the fear of the unknown. As much as I thrive on adventure and discovery, there’s always an element of fear in not knowing what’s around the corner. It’s a double-edged sword – the thrill of the unknown is what drives me, but it’s also what scares me the most.

Facing these fears head-on is what makes me who I am. They push me to keep exploring, keep learning, and keep living life to the fullest, no matter how daunting it may seem.

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Tales To Be Told

First up, my motorcycle. This beauty is more than just a machine – it’s my freedom on two wheels, my ticket to endless adventures. Every scratch and dent tells a story of the roads I've traveled and the places I've explored. It’s been with me through thick and thin, carrying me to new horizons and giving me the thrill of the open road. The roar of the engine, the wind in my hair, and the endless possibilities ahead – that’s what makes my motorcycle so special.

Then, there’s my coffee mug. At first glance, it might seem like an ordinary piece of pottery, but it holds immense sentimental value. My brother, Malik, made it for me when he took pottery classes. He poured his heart into creating something unique and meaningful just for me. Every time I sip my morning coffee, I think of him and his love and support. It’s a simple reminder of our bond and the importance of family, even when life gets complicated.

These two items – my motorcycle and my coffee mug – might seem worlds apart, but they both symbolize freedom, love, and the journey that makes life so rich and fulfilling.

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Project: Wormwood

Life has thrown me quite a curveball lately, and it's a big one. 🌟

The biggest problem in my life right now? I’ve been arrested in China. It’s all a result of the last contract I took on. The Chinese authorities are trying to scapegoat me for the Wormwood gas incident, and it’s a mess. They’ve apprehended all my equipment and samples, leaving me in a precarious position.

I’m doing everything I can to clear my name and get free, but it’s a tough battle. The bureaucracy is overwhelming, and the situation feels like it’s spiraling out of control. I’m keeping my wits about me and using every bit of my resourcefulness to navigate this nightmare, but it’s hard not to feel a bit desperate at times.

Despite the circumstances, I’m determined to fight through this. I won’t let this setback define me. I just need to stay focused, stay strong, and find a way out of this mess.

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Project: Wormwood

Thought I’d share what a typical morning looks like for me. 🌟

I’ve got a pretty professional routine to kickstart my day. I wake up early, usually around 6 AM, and the first thing I do is get in a good workout. Whether it’s a run through the neighborhood or a session at the gym, getting my body moving is essential. It clears my mind and fills me with energy.

After a solid workout, I head back home for a refreshing shower. There’s nothing like washing away the sweat and feeling rejuvenated. Then, it’s time for a hearty breakfast. I’m a big believer in starting the day with a nutritious meal, so I whip up something delicious and healthy – maybe an omelet with veggies or a smoothie packed with fruits and protein.

Once I’m fueled up, I sit down with my coffee and start tackling emails. I read through and answer anything urgent, making sure to stay on top of my communication. It’s a good way to get into the right mindset for the day ahead.

Then it’s time to dive into work. I usually separate my days between field and office work. On field days, I’ll head out for site visits, data collection, or whatever the contract demands. On office days, I’ll be at my desk, analyzing data, mapping, and working on reports.

I always make sure to carve out a bit of social time, even if it’s just a quick chat with Alex or a coffee break with a friend. It’s important to stay connected and keep a healthy balance between work and life.

This routine keeps me grounded, focused, and ready to face whatever challenges come my way. Every morning is a new opportunity to learn, grow, and make the most out of the day.

12. If you were going somewhere special that you wanted to look your best for, what would you do to prepare? What would you wear? How long would it take you to get ready?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Project: Wormwood

Let’s talk about getting ready for a special occasion. 🌟

When I’m preparing for something special and want to look my absolute best, I start by planning ahead. I give myself plenty of time to get ready so I can enjoy the process without feeling rushed. Here’s how it usually goes:

First, I’d hit the gym or go for a run earlier in the day to feel energized and confident. After a good workout and shower, I’d indulge in a bit of pampering – maybe a face mask and some extra skincare to make my complexion glow.

Next, it’s all about the outfit. I’d choose something that combines style and comfort, reflecting my adventurous spirit. Maybe a sleek, tailored jumpsuit with bold accessories or a flowy dress with an edgy jacket. Whatever it is, it has to make me feel powerful and ready to take on the world.

For my hair, I’d spend extra time styling my thick, curly locks. Depending on the occasion, I might go for defined curls or a sophisticated updo. My makeup would be natural but polished – just enough to enhance my features without feeling overdone. A bit of eyeliner, mascara, a hint of blush, and a pop of color on my lips.

All in all, getting ready would take me about an hour and a half. I like to savor each step, making sure everything is just right. Once I’m ready, I’d take a moment to look in the mirror, smile, and remind myself that confidence is the best accessory.

Feeling fabulous and prepared, I’d head out to enjoy the special event, knowing I’m ready to shine.

13. What will you do for your next birthday?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Project: Wormwood

My next birthday is coming up, and I've been thinking about how I want to celebrate it. 🌟

This year, I’m planning something truly special – a road trip adventure! I’m going to take my motorcycle and hit the open road, exploring some of the most scenic routes and hidden gems I’ve yet to discover. There’s nothing like the thrill of the ride and the freedom of the open road to make a birthday unforgettable.

I’ll start the day early, packing a few essentials and, of course, my trusty camera to capture all the breathtaking moments. I’ve mapped out a route that includes winding mountain roads, serene lakes, and quaint little towns. I’ll stop along the way for delicious meals, maybe at a charming roadside diner or a picnic by a beautiful vista.

I’ve also invited a few close friends to join me for part of the journey. We’ll ride together, share stories, and enjoy the camaraderie that comes with shared adventures. In the evening, we’ll find a cozy spot to set up camp, light a bonfire, and celebrate under the stars with good food, laughter, and maybe even some live music if we’re lucky.

The highlight of the trip will be reaching a special destination – a place I’ve always wanted to visit but never had the chance. It could be a secluded beach, a historic landmark, or a hidden trail that promises adventure. Wherever it is, it’ll be a place where I can reflect on the past year, appreciate the journey, and set my sights on the exciting adventures to come.

14. What is your greatest regret?

Link Answered after Contract 6, ANOINTED

I’ve been doing some deep thinking lately, and today I want to talk about something heavy – my greatest regret. 🌟

Looking back, my greatest regret is not staying in closer touch with my family, especially my parents. Despite our strained relationship and their controlling nature, they were always loving and supportive in their own way. In my rush to gain independence and explore the world, I sometimes pushed them away too hard. There were so many moments I missed – family dinners, small celebrations, and even the quiet, everyday conversations that mean so much.

I regret not finding a better balance between my adventurous spirit and staying connected with the people who matter most. While I’ve achieved so much and seen incredible places, there’s always a pang of sadness when I think about the time and memories I could have shared with my family. It’s something I’m working on now, trying to rebuild those connections and make up for lost time.

Life’s a journey, and sometimes we get so focused on the road ahead that we forget to look back and appreciate the ones who helped us get there. I’m learning to do that now, and I hope it’s not too late to make things right.

15. What is the nature of your Gifts? Are they inherent potential? Do harbingers just grant your wishes?

Link Answered after Contract 6, ANOINTED

Today’s reflection is all about the nature of my Gifts. 🌟

The nature of my Gifts is a blend of inherent potential and the influence of Harbingers. I’ve always believed that we all have untapped abilities lying dormant within us, just waiting for the right spark to bring them to life. For me, that spark often comes from the Harbingers.

My Gifts aren’t simply granted wishes – they’re more like enhancements of my existing skills and potential. When a Harbinger intervenes, they help unlock and amplify these latent abilities, pushing me to new heights I might not have reached on my own. It’s like they see the raw talent within me and give it the boost it needs to flourish.

For instance, my Crystalline Barrier didn’t come out of nowhere. I’ve always had a knack for protecting myself and those around me, and the Harbinger simply magnified that into a tangible, powerful shield. The same goes for my new skill with thrown weapons – it’s a natural extension of my agility and precision, heightened by the Harbinger’s touch.

In a way, working with the Harbingers is like a partnership. They recognize my potential and help me harness it in extraordinary ways. It’s a thrilling process, discovering just how far I can go with a little supernatural nudge.

16. How do you feel about spirituality? Are you religious? What do you believe?

Link Answered after Contract 6, ANOINTED

Today, I want to dive into something deeply personal – my views on spirituality and religion. 🌟

When it comes to spirituality, I have a complex and evolving relationship with it. I wouldn't call myself religious in the traditional sense. Growing up with parents from Kenyan and Moroccan backgrounds, I was exposed to a rich tapestry of beliefs and traditions. While I respect and appreciate these cultural influences, I never felt entirely connected to any one religious doctrine.

Instead, I consider myself more spiritual than religious. I believe in a higher power or universal force that binds everything together, but I don’t subscribe to a specific set of religious practices. For me, spirituality is about the interconnectedness of life, the energy that flows through all living things, and the sense of wonder and awe I feel when I’m out exploring the world.

Nature, in particular, feels sacred to me. There’s something profoundly spiritual about standing at the edge of a vast canyon, watching a sunset over the ocean, or riding my motorcycle through a dense forest. These moments make me feel connected to something greater than myself, something eternal and beautiful.

I also believe in the power of human potential and the innate goodness within people. I’ve seen firsthand how determination, kindness, and courage can transform lives and create miracles. My encounters with Harbingers and the Gifts I’ve received reinforce my belief that there’s more to this world than meets the eye – a blend of destiny and personal growth that guides us along our paths.

In summary, my spirituality is a mix of reverence for nature, belief in a universal force, and faith in human potential. It’s a deeply personal journey that continues to evolve as I explore the world and discover more about myself.

17. How do the events of the Contracts conflict with your worldview? How do you react when everything you thought was true is put in doubt?

Link Answered after Contract 6, ANOINTED

Today, I’m reflecting on how the events of my contracts often clash with my worldview. 🌟

The contracts I take on are filled with bizarre, supernatural occurrences that constantly challenge my understanding of reality. As someone who believes in the power of human potential and the interconnectedness of life, it’s jarring to encounter things that seem to defy all logic and natural laws. When you’ve faced a Giant Octopus in a boiling tank or dealt with undead animals in an aquarium, it’s hard not to question everything you thought you knew.

These experiences put my worldview to the test. I’ve always believed in a higher power and the beauty of nature’s interconnectedness, but witnessing such strange and often dark phenomena makes me question the balance and harmony I hold dear. It’s unsettling when everything I thought was true is put in doubt.

So, how do I react to these challenges? Initially, it’s a mix of shock and disbelief. I’ve had moments where I felt like the ground beneath me was shifting, and nothing made sense anymore. But I’ve learned to adapt and grow from these experiences. Rather than letting them shatter my beliefs, I use them as opportunities to expand my understanding of the world.

I remind myself that the unknown is just another part of life’s vast tapestry. There’s still so much we don’t understand, and that’s okay. Instead of rejecting these experiences, I embrace them as part of my journey. They push me to explore deeper, question more, and remain open to the mysteries of the universe.

Ultimately, these conflicts make my worldview more resilient. They teach me that belief and understanding are not static but constantly evolving. Every contract, no matter how strange, is a chance to learn and grow, to strengthen my spirit and broaden my perspective.

18. Give a brief description of the other Contractors you see often. What do you like or dislike about them?

Link Answered after Contract 7, Adapting to Darwin

Hey there, Wanderlust Journal!

I’ve crossed paths with a lot of Contractors, but the one I have the closest relationship with is Keys. 🌟

Keys is a musician, and from what I can tell, he’s in this line of work mostly for the fame. We’ve been through a lot together – facing undead monstrosities, getting attacked by a crazy scientist, nearly getting eaten by a giant shark, lying to the police and FBI, impersonating a federal agent, dodging bullets and blades with the Mexican cartel, and even almost taking down a vampire. It’s been one wild ride after another.

Keys is a tall, lanky guy who rocks a cyberpunk-esque mask and studded belts. He’s also a talented sound engineer, and honestly, I’m always impressed by how he manages to bring that creativity into our missions. Recently, he told me he started dating a nice guy, which is awesome. We caught up after I got out of the Chinese prison, and it felt good to reconnect.

I don’t know how feasible contractor friendships are in the long run, given the nature of this work, but I genuinely like Keys. He’s one of the few people in this crazy world who I feel I can trust.

Stay sunny and wild,
Jessica 🌟

19. Describe the perfect room.

Link Answered after Contract 7, Adapting to Darwin

Hey there, Wanderlust Journal!

Let’s talk about what the perfect room looks like to me. 🌟

Now, I’m usually more at home in the great outdoors, but there’s something magical about certain indoor spaces that just draw me in. My perfect room would capture the warmth and energy of a bustling café or a vibrant Turkish or Tunisian bazaar. Imagine a place filled with warm human energy, the rich scents of spices and coffee hanging in the air, and a hint of mystery in every corner.

The lighting would be just right – a soft interplay between light and shadow, with cozy nooks to get lost in. There’d be warm, earthy tones, colorful textiles, and a sense of life and movement all around. Maybe a bit of ambient noise, like the hum of conversation or the distant sound of music, adding to the atmosphere.

This room wouldn’t be just a place to sit – it would be a place to experience, where every detail invites you to stay a little longer, soak in the ambiance, and let your imagination wander.

Stay sunny and wild,
Jessica 🌟

20. Everyone excels at something. What is your philosophy about the thing you are best at?

Link Answered after Contract 8, Crustacean Calamity

Hey there, Wanderlust Journal!

Today’s reflection is all about what I’m best at: puzzle solving and intellectual challenges of all kinds. 🌟

When it comes to solving problems—whether it’s cracking a complex system or figuring out some strange, reality-warping artifact—that’s where I’m most at home. Give me a cup of coffee, focus, and a little brainpower, and I’m ready to dive in. My philosophy? I believe that all of us have gifts, and we should have the chance to use them. Everyone’s got something they’re good at, and when we’re able to tap into that, we can do amazing things.

Of course, this means that some people’s “gift” is being especially awful. I mean, it comes with the territory, right? But even then, I like to believe there’s something unique about everyone. The trick is figuring out how to use our talents for good—or at least, how to keep ourselves from making things worse.

Stay sunny and wild,
Jessica 🌟

21. What do your Limits say about you? What would it take to make you break them?

Link Answered after Contract 8, Crustacean Calamity

Hey there, Wanderlust Journal!

I’ve been thinking about my limits lately—those lines I won’t cross no matter how intense things get. My limits are pretty clear: I can’t stand atrocities, anguish, or the idea of being captured. I’ve never delighted in pain, whether it’s my own or someone else’s. When I see someone suffering or being put through something cruel, it eats away at me. But out of all of these, the hardest limit for me is losing my freedom.

Freedom is everything to me. It’s the reason I’m constantly moving, exploring, and pushing myself forward. The thought of being trapped, whether physically or mentally, is suffocating. That’s the line I won’t let anyone cross—at least, not without a serious fight. But what would it take to make me break my limits? Honestly, it would take something huge—maybe a situation where the stakes are so high, where someone I care about is in danger, or where there’s no other way to protect the people I value. Even then, I’d struggle with it. Limits exist for a reason, but when you’re pushed to the edge, you start to see just how far you’re willing to go.

Stay sunny and wild,
Jessica 🌟

22. Create a 7-song β€œsoundtrack” that represents you. Include a brief explanation of why each song represents you.

Link Answered after Contract 9, Mother makes fuel from bones

Hey there, Wanderlust Journal!

Today, I’m diving into something a little different—my personal 7-song soundtrack. 🌟 These tracks capture different parts of who I am, from my drive and resilience to the quiet moments of reflection.

  1. "Ain’t No Mountain High Enough" – Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell
    This one’s all about perseverance and optimism. No matter how tough things get, this song reminds me that nothing can stand in my way when I’m determined.

  2. "Suffragette City" – David Bowie
    This pre-punk classic captures my rebellious, adventurous spirit. Bowie’s raw energy here is like the soundtrack to my wild, spontaneous side that’s always looking for the next big thrill.

  3. "Teardrop" – Massive Attack (4AD)
    A moody, haunting track that represents the more introspective and thoughtful parts of me. It’s perfect for those moments when I’m deep in problem-solving mode or reflecting on life’s twists and turns.

  4. "I Feel for You" – Chaka Khan
    Chaka Khan’s blend of power and emotion in this song speaks to my own mix of strength and vulnerability. It’s fun, lively, and reminds me to keep things playful, even when life is serious.

  5. "Personality Crisis" – New York Dolls
    A throwback to 70s pre-punk, this track represents the chaotic, unpredictable side of contracts—when things go sideways, but you just keep rolling with it. Plus, it’s got that gritty energy that matches the crazier parts of my life.

  6. "Cherry-Coloured Funk" – Cocteau Twins (4AD)
    Dreamy, ethereal, and mysterious—this song captures my love for exploration, both in the real world and in my head. It’s like the soundtrack to those moments when I’m getting lost in new ideas and places.

  7. "Superstition" – Stevie Wonder
    This one’s a must. Stevie Wonder’s "Superstition" captures the way I approach life: a mix of logic, intuition, and knowing when to trust my gut. It’s funky, confident, and just the right amount of caution.

Together, these songs pretty much sum me up—part dreamer, part rebel, and always ready for the next adventure.

Stay sunny and wild,
Jessica 🌟

23. How will your Ambition evolve as you gain power? Will you eventually retire? Will you keep going to the inevitable end?

Link Answered after Contract 9, Mother makes fuel from bones

Hey there, Wanderlust Journal!

I’ve been reflecting on how my ambition will evolve as I gain more power. 🌟

My ambition is, by its very nature, unattainable. It’s more of a utopian north star—a guide to keep me walking in the right direction rather than something I expect to fully achieve. But I don’t just aimlessly chase the impossible. There’s no point in embarking on such a massive task without a solid plan. My ultimate goal is to build an institution from which I can explore... well, everything. And by doing so, leave behind a legacy.

Retirement? Not really in the cards for me. I don’t see myself sitting back and settling down. I’ll probably either transcend or die trying. That’s the path I’ve chosen. I want to take a peek behind the curtain, to see the bare bones of reality—the universal truth. Because in the end, what greater achievement is there than that?

Stay sunny and wild,
Jessica 🌟

24. What kind of things can make you angry? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 10, Safe House

Let’s dive into something I don’t usually talk about—what makes me truly angry. 🌟

The first thing that gets under my skin? Injustice. It absolutely boils my blood to see people treated unfairly or taken advantage of when they don’t deserve it. Whether it’s someone being exploited, harmed, or manipulated, it hits me hard. I think it’s because I’ve always believed in freedom and opportunity for everyone. When someone’s freedom is stripped away, or they’re held back from living their potential, it lights a fire in me. I’ve worked too hard for my own freedom, both physically and mentally, to see others have theirs taken away. It’s like a direct attack on what I value most in life.

Another thing that gets me going is incompetence—especially from people in positions of power or authority. When someone with responsibility fails to do their job, or worse, makes careless decisions that harm others, I can’t help but feel angry. It’s one thing to make mistakes, but when people are careless or lazy in roles where they should know better, it’s maddening. These are the people we rely on, and when they drop the ball, the consequences ripple through everyone’s lives.

Dishonesty is another major trigger for me. I get it—no one can be completely honest 100% of the time. But there’s a huge difference between telling a white lie and manipulating or deceiving someone to get ahead at their expense. It’s such a breach of trust. When I see people lying to gain an advantage or to hurt others, it strikes me as one of the lowest forms of betrayal. Honesty is the foundation of relationships, whether personal or professional, and when that trust is broken, it’s hard to let it go.

In the end, it’s about fairness, freedom, and truth. When any of those are violated, it’s impossible for me not to feel that fire.

25. What do you try hardest to keep secret?

Link Answered after Contract 10, Safe House

Hey there, Wanderlust Journal!

So, this one’s a bit more personal—what do I try hardest to keep secret? 🌟

If I’m being honest, it’s my fear of failure. Most people see me as confident, driven, and always up for the next challenge, and I work hard to keep that image. But underneath it all, there’s this constant worry that I won’t live up to the expectations I’ve set for myself, or worse, the ones others have of me.

I put a lot of pressure on myself to succeed, especially when it comes to my work and the people who depend on me. From running GeoGlimpse Tech Solutions to the contracts I take on, I push myself to be the best—because failure isn’t just about me. It impacts my employees, the people I care about, and even my sense of self-worth. The thought of letting them down? That’s something I can’t bear.

I also keep my softer side hidden. I’ve always been seen as strong, independent, and capable, and while I am those things, there’s also a part of me that craves connection and vulnerability. But showing that softer side feels like exposing a weakness, and in this line of work, that’s dangerous.

I guess, in the end, it all comes down to keeping up appearances—holding on to that image of strength, confidence, and capability, even when I’m feeling the weight of it all.

26. If you made it all the way to Harbinger, what name would you go by? What sort of Contracts would you run?

Link Answered after Contract 11, Flor De Vida

I’ve been thinking… if I ever made it all the way to Harbinger status, what would I call myself? 🌟

Of course, I’d be “The Infinite Traveler” or “The Infinite Explorer”—silly, you know this! My contracts would be an invitation to see the world—and the universe—in ways no one else could. I’d offer glimpses into the deeper workings of nature and physics, crafting contracts that encourage adventure, wonderlust, and that insatiable curiosity to see what’s out there.

They wouldn’t be easy—no, definitely not. But they’d be full of life, joy, and discovery. I’d give my contractors a taste of the unknown, where they could ride the edge of reality, peer behind the curtain of the universe, and feel that deep thrill of understanding something that’s been hidden all along.

There would be danger, sure. It’s part of the deal. But the rewards? Oh, they’d be worth it. Life, after all, is a joyride—especially when physics and the mysteries of space are thrown into the mix. If I ever get there, I’d make sure my contracts give people a chance to feel that wonder and awe I always chase.

Stay sunny and wild,
Jessica 🌟

27. A Contractor you’ve worked with multiple times doesn’t survive a Contract you’re on. Do you set up a memorial? Loot the body? Try to bring them back?

Link Answered after Contract 11, Flor De Vida

Hey there, Wanderlust Journal!

I’ve been thinking about what I’d do if a fellow contractor didn’t survive a contract I was on. 🌟

Honestly, it depends. There are a lot of strange types in this line of work, and not all of them are people I particularly vibe with. If someone I don’t really connect with doesn’t make it through, I can’t say I’d feel a strong moral obligation. Some of them can be pretty objectionable people. But for most, if they’re at least pleasant enough, I’d notify the authorities and make sure there’s some sort of closure. No one deserves to just disappear without a trace.

Now, if it’s someone I’ve grown fond of, I’d go out of my way to arrange a proper funeral and memorial. I like to think that even in this weird, dangerous world, we can still look out for each other and bring some peace to those who’ve left us. It’s all about giving them the dignity and respect they deserve, especially after facing the kind of risks we do on a regular basis.

Stay sunny and wild,
Jessica 🌟