Blake Ellsworth's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Blake Ellsworth's first Contract.

Y2K is THE city. It's an economic and cultural hub. Anyone who's anyone spends at least some of their time in the city. When you're targeting the rich and famous, you go where they are.

All the best stuff to steal is in the city, and you can offload almost anything there. All the people it pays to know are in the city. Why would he be anywhere else?


Blake lives in a penthouse overlooking a park, though he spends little time there aside from sleeping. Because he does not let many people get close to him, Blake has few friends, but many acquaintances and associates. All of them are in the city.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Blake Ellsworth's first Contract.

Blake steals primarily from the rich and famous. Whether its artwork, jewelry, or secrets, he takes anything he can sell.

Sometimes he takes jobs requesting specific targets, but mostly he follows his heart. If he hears tell of a particularly juicy haul, he can't help but be tempted. Similarly, the more difficult the score, the more satisfying it is getting away with it.


Most of his income goes toward funding his lifestyle. Blake likes to eat at fancy restaurants, drink expensive alcohol, and generally flaunt his wealth. Besides, running in wealthy circles enables him to keep up with his preferred class of target. It's a vicious cycle.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Blake Ellsworth's first Contract.

Blake's ambition extends beyond the ordinary pursuit of wealth. He has practically all the money he could want. What he really wants is to pull off the ultimate score - to do something so amazing that people will speak of it long after he retires. For Blake, each score is a step towards cementing his legacy and proving to himself and others that he is unparalleled in his field.

Blake is willing to go to extreme lengths. He thrives on danger and sees each risky venture as a thrilling game. His moral compass is skewed by his ambition; he views the rules and laws as obstacles rather than boundaries. Blake is not above using violence to achieve his goals, but he sees killing as a last resort, preferring to outsmart rather than overpower his opponents. Killing someone almost always creates enemies. However, if it came down to a life-or-death situation, and his or his crew's survival depended on it, Blake would not hesitate to kill.

In essence, Blake's ambition is a double-edged sword, propelling him towards legendary status while simultaneously threatening to be his undoing. His relentless pursuit of the ultimate heist, coupled with his love for danger and thrill, defines his character and drives every decision he makes.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Blake Ellsworth's first Contract.

The most defining event of Blake's life occurred during what was supposed to be his magnum opus: the theft of the "Alpha Andromedae," a world-renowned, priceless diamond housed in a high-security vault. This heist was meant to be the crown jewel of his career, an audacious feat that would solidify his reputation as the greatest thief of his time. Blake meticulously planned every detail with his trusted partner, Vincent Kane, who had been by his side through numerous successful heists.

However, on the night of the operation, everything went wrong. As Blake and Vincent were making their final approach to the vault, they triggered an unexpected alarm. Swarms of security personnel and police quickly descended on the location. In the chaos, Blake discovered the unthinkable: Vincent had betrayed him. Vincent had struck a deal with a rival criminal organization, planning to double-cross Blake and take the diamond for himself, leaving Blake to be captured or killed.

Blake barely escaped with his life, but the betrayal left him deeply paranoid of others and saw him distance himself from anyone he might call a friend.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Blake Ellsworth's first Contract.

1. Maya Alvarez

Maya Alvarez is Blake's arms dealer and one-time protege. Despite Blake's trust issues, Maya has managed to earn his confidence through her unwavering loyalty and unmatched abilities. Maya is the person Blake is closest to; she is his confidante and the only one who knows his true plans and fears. Her quick wit and resourcefulness have saved Blake more than once, and she is the closest thing he has to family.

2. Vincent Kane

Vincent Kane was once Blake's trusted partner and friend. They shared countless adventures and heists, but Vincent's greed and ambition led him to betray Blake during the "Alpha Andromedae" heist. Now, Vincent is Blake's most personal nemesis. Having vanished after the betrayal, Vincent is rumored to be building his own criminal empire. Blake's quest for revenge keeps Vincent ever-present in his thoughts, driving many of his actions and decisions.

3. Evelyn Drake

Evelyn Drake is a high-society art curator who used her criminal contacts to build an impressive collection. She and Blake had a passionate, albeit tumultuous, relationship fueled by their shared love for high-stakes art heists. Their romance ended when Evelyn decided to settle down and go legit, but they still share a deep bond. Evelyn provides Blake with inside information on valuable targets and occasionally assists him with her extensive knowledge of art and security systems. Their relationship is complex, marked by mutual respect.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Great Catch-Up

Blake Ellsworth was born into a family that lived on the edge of society. His parents, Jonathan and Lydia Ellsworth, were notorious con artists who roamed from city to city, living off their wits and a variety of elaborate schemes.

Jonathan Ellsworth: Jonathan was a charming and charismatic man with a natural talent for deception. He specialized in high-stakes cons and had an impressive network of shady contacts. Jonathan was a master manipulator, able to talk his way out of almost any situation.

Lydia Ellsworth: Lydia was equally cunning and adept at the art of the con. She handled the logistics of their operations, meticulously planning every detail to ensure success. Lydia was also fiercely protective of her family, instilling in Blake a sense of loyalty and self-reliance.

Blake's childhood was akin to a military brat. He was constantly on the move, living in a series of rundown motels and temporary hideouts. His parents involved him in their schemes from an early age, teaching him skills like pick-pocketing, lock-picking, and the art of persuasion. Blake quickly learned how to read people, think on his feet, and stay one step ahead of the law.

Blake did attend public school sporadically, but he never stayed in one place long enough to form lasting relationships or fit in. His transient lifestyle and the nature of his parents' work made it difficult for him to engage with the conventional educational system. When he did attend school, Blake often found himself singled out as "the new kid." While it gave him a certain status and mystique, it precluded making actual friends. Additionally, he was far more street-smart and world-weary than other children his age, which set him apart and made it difficult for him to connect with them.

Instead of traditional schooling, Blake's real education came from his parents. They taught him everything they knew about the world of cons and heists, providing him with a unique, albeit morally ambiguous, skill set. By the time he was a teenager, Blake was already participating in and sometimes leading their operations, proving himself to be a prodigious talent in the criminal underworld.

Growing up as a con man, Blake developed a deep-seated distrust of authority and societal norms, viewing them as constraints to be circumvented. His parents' lifestyle instilled in him a love for adventure and a taste for the thrill of the con, setting the foundation for his future career as a professional thief. Despite the challenges and instability, Blake's childhood equipped him with the skills and mindset needed to navigate and ultimately dominate the dangerous world he chose to inhabit.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Great Catch-Up

Evelyn Blake

Blake and Evelyn's relationship was intense and passionate. They were partners in both crime and romance, pulling off several heists together and enjoying the thrill of their high-risk lifestyle. Their connection was electric, fueled by their mutual love for adventure and the adrenaline rush that came with each successful heist.

However, their relationship was also fraught with challenges. Blake's increasing obsession with his ambition and his dangerous lifestyle began to take its toll. Evelyn, while initially drawn to the excitement, started to crave a more stable existence. She saw the potential for a life beyond the heists, one where they could enjoy the fruits of their labor without constantly looking over their shoulders. She was working toward a way out of the criminal life.

The turning point came during a particularly risky operation. Blake's reckless approach nearly got them both caught, and Evelyn realized that she couldn't continue living on the edge indefinitely. She loved Blake, but she also valued her life and sanity. The heist ended successfully, but it marked the end of their partnership. Evelyn decided to step away from the criminal world and pursue a legitimate career in the art world, hoping to find some semblance of normalcy.

Blake, on the other hand, couldn't give up the thrill and the ambition that drove him. They parted ways, with Evelyn leaving a void in Blake's life that no one else has been able to fill. Their breakup was amicable yet bittersweet, marked by lingering affection and a mutual understanding that their paths had diverged.

Evelyn's departure had a profound impact on Blake. It made him realize the cost of his ambition and the life he chose, but it did not dissuade him from his path. He became more guarded with his emotions, focusing even more intensely on his goals. While he still harbors feelings for Evelyn, he has accepted that his path is a solitary one. Their relationship remains a cherished memory, a reminder of the brief moment when he experienced love and what he had to sacrifice to pursue his dreams.