Dolly Bellerose's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Sugar & Spice

I live in a pretty town in Florida. I'm not supposed to tell you where exactly though. My mom says that you cant tell strangers that. But when I get the questions at pageants they normally just want to know what state. I like living in Florida. It has lots of animals and rain and ice cream and pageants which are so fun!

Sometimes it gets really hot and wet and it makes my hair get so messy and that part isn't so nice but there's lots of alligators and those are fun to look at! 

I wish I could have a pet alligator but my mommy said that we cant have one. I know that the neighbor has alligators as pets but she wouldn't let me have one. I peek over the fence to see it sometimes. It has a string around it's neck and a cute little purple hat on.

Right now I live in Europe! It was the present my mom said I could have if I won the last pageant I was in. And I did! The buildings here are soooo pretty and the people have a funny accent. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Sugar & Spice

I get an allowance from my mom when I do chores and when I win a pageant I get a BIG allowance that I can spend of anything I want. Or sometimes I get to pick a fancy thing my mom doesn't let me buy sometimes like a sparkly makeup. She says they're too messy and they have too much glitter but I think that glitter makes everything better and prettier. I think that now that I know I get to play with new friends I have to get little gifts for them like the ones my mom gives out when she has parties with her friends. I brought confetti the last time because it was a party but it got all wet and sad and I left it in my bag. Glitter is kind of like confetti though and it cant get sad and wet so I'll bring lots of it in my purse from now on!

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Sugar & Spice

I want everyone to be my friend! Then we can all play games together and everyone will like me because they're my friend. I can win all of the pageants then because if I go and the other girls on the pageant are all my friends it'll be just like a party and then we can play together and have fun and then because I'm their friend they'll say I win and then the judges will say that I win because they're my friends too and we can all celebrate me winning the pageant at big parties! We'll be able to go to fancy restaurants for free because the owner will say "Oh my gosh its my friend Dolly you must eat here for free!" and I'll say "Oh thank you restaurant owner you're such a good friend!" and we can all have a big party!

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Sugar & Spice

The most important moment of my life was when I won my first big pageant! I had never been on a stage so big before and the lights were so bright they made my eyes hurt. I answered all the questions and showed off my dancing and all the judges gave me tens! They even said the essay I wrote was very good and I got full points! I had never gotten a perfect score in a competition before! I had never gotten a perfect essay before either! Even in school. (My mom makes jokes about how I can only do good essays for pageants) 

I felt so good and happy and my smile was so big that the photo man for the competition took a picture of me and it was all over TV and the newspaper. My mom was so proud of me she bought me a big pretty princess dress and a tiara! The dress doesn't fit me anymore but the tiara does! I keep it in my purse as a good luck charm.

I felt so good winning that competition and everyone wanted to be my friend after so I've been going to lots of pageants ever since and I even won more Pretty Princess Pageants!

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 2, Sugar & Spice

My friend Hanry is a Badger who is very soft and he likes to wrestle and eat ants. He likes to go to tea parties and eat biscuits.(but only the fancy ones with the flowers) I only get to buy those from the tea shop at the corner by the movie theater.

I have a friend at school named Racheal and she's really nice. She likes to talk about makeup and sometimes she tells me about movies her dad works on. He does makeup for zombies and aliens who are in movies. She says she wants to be as good as him one day. 

My mom is the most special person in my life. She takes me to all of my pageants and she makes really good food and gives me lots of allowances when I win. I want to make her proud by winning all of the pageants! She's my best friend! 

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Sugar & Spice

I'm still a kid and I'm having a good time so I think my childhood is great! Sometimes pageants stress me out but winning them is so fun it makes it worth it! I don't have a dad but my mom is really great. She told me that he was very handsome and nice. She said I'm pretty like him and so I think of him when someone says I'm pretty. It makes me smile because its like a gift that he gave me that lets me get so many friends. 

I go to a normal school and have lots of friends who all want to play with me every lunch time and break. I met my friend Rachael at school and she's really nice. I always make lots of friends whenever I go and I always fit in. Sometimes it takes a while to become friends with everyone but I always get lots of friends wherever I go.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Sugar & Spice

I love my mom a lot! She takes care of me and I love her because she's my mom! I love going to pageants and I love dressing up! Oh Oh! I love playing pretend too! Its always fun to get to pretend to be somewhere different or pretend to have a cool toy! I love all of my friends!

Lots of books and shows and movies have people in love and its always fun to see them because they look so happy. My mom makes me smile all the time and I love her! I think everyone should have someone who makes them smile a lot! 

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Savage

I'm afraid of a lot of things. But its important to always be brave! Even if you're scared you can be brave by trying your best! 

I think that being in the dark is scary and I don't like being alone either, its like being in the dark but it can happen anywhere. Whenever I feel alone I look for my friends!~ I can always count on them to cheer me up. If I don't have any friends nearby then I imagine that they're next to me and that makes me feel all better. Its a fun way to play pretend that helps me be brave. 

There's also really scary stuff like being hurt really badly or getting stuck somewhere. 

Once I got stuck inside of a cabinet in the kitchen. I was playing hide and seek with my mommy and I went inside one to hide but got stuck. I couldn't turn around and when I yelled for her she was too far away to hear me. I was there for a really long time. It was really scary.

That's why I don't like being alone or in the dark. It makes me feel like I'm stuck again.

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Savage

My most prized possessions are my trophies. Oh! And my special tiara! My mommy gave it to me a long time ago. I got the trophies and the tiara for the same reason, I had won my first pageant! That's what the first trophy is from, the rest are from the other ones that were after. All of them are special to me though. I get to keep them shiny and when I look at them I remember all of the friends I made at the competitions and it makes me so happy. 

My tiara is a reminder that my mommy is proud of me. I know she gets really busy with her job and so when she can't play with me I put on my tiara and play pretend like I'm a princess and my mommy is the Queen who is much too busy to play with me. Then I can pretend to play with all of my maid friends. At least sometimes. If they're too busy cleaning then they cant play but that doesn't happen very often.