Joe Beastly's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Joe Beastly's first Contract.

After a failed raid on a [PLACEHOLDER] factory that his organisation deemed to be polluting the land, Joe is forced to abandon his previous life in California and for now live it out lowkey in a Rural Appalachian ranch with an alias as a Mexican farmer and raise a bunch of sheeps and cowsthere for a living.

Joe’s house there is nothing fancy, just a two story brick house with everything that a man could need: bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, garage, living room, and a stash of very illegal explosives in the basement. The fact that this house is built of brick-instead of paper like most American houses-makes it somewhat of a fortress. He shares the ranch with a few other goons from his old organisation.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Joe Beastly's first Contract.

Using what he learned from vetenary school, Joe earns his living by tending to his farm animals in the ranch. Cows, sheeps, and chickens are his main money maker. Though he doesn't have the heart to sell them to be slaughtered. Only selling the products that they make. He doesn't really mind that his profits aren't optimal.

The hard earned money is then spent on Joe's addiction of illegal explosives. Just like his hero, this man wants to blow the fuck out of the industrial society, but in person and in such a greasy manner that public jerk off efficianadoes would look away in disgust. Oh and he also needs to spend them on utilities too.