Ashen One's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Epitaph

The kingdom of Lordran, in silent solidtude.

The kingdom is a vast and treacherous land, shrouded in darkness and ruled by powerful Lords of Cinder. I am constantly faced with the dangers and mysteries that lurk around every corner, yet still I remain in the hopes my Player comes back.

From towering knights clad in armor to fierce dragons that soar through the skies, Lordran is a realm ill fitting for the meek, but my determination and skill carry me through. I take refuge at the sacred Firelink Shrine, where I seek solace and guidance as I embark on my quest to link the flame and restore balance to our troubled kingdom, and find my player whom lays beyond.