Dr Hector Grant's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Dr Hector Grant's first Contract.

Dr Hector Grant is a brilliant doctor and scientist with no regard for human life, his research lab is located in the depth of the arctic in an underground bunker. He has many lab assistants and these assistants are under constant pressure to perform otherwise they end up the next test subject! Hector has one goal in life to cure every disease and take his place as the smartest man alive and he will go to any lengths to make that happen. The facility is built underground and has multiple cold storages for both test subjects and for sensitive research materials. The laboratory is split into 5 segments with the middle section being a large elevator that takes in delivery’s made by mercenaries that Hector employs to bring more test subjects. He spends most of his time in his own personal lab in the top left segment but the other segment on the top right is where living subjects are kept and watched over by his lab assistants. The bottom left segment is cold storage split into two chambers one side for research materials and the other for frozen test subjects. The last segment is where his lab assistants both live and eat at the cafeteria that’s on the lower part of the segment.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Dr Hector Grant's first Contract.

Dr Hector Grant sells his cures all over the world so that he could fund his own medical research. He also employs a group of mercenaries that bring him valuable resources and research materials. He runs a large pharmaceutical company that sells his products around the world. His best selling product is a special glue that pulls wounds closed but the research for that product was particularly gruesome as the first few iterations would burn through the wound instead of stick it closed. The next few iterations had promise but the glue would leave a toxic residue in the victims blood. By the 10th iteration the product was safe and ready to be shipped around the world.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Dr Hector Grant's first Contract.

Dr Hector Grants own ambition is to cure every disease not for the good of man kind but for his own ego and to cement himself as the smartest man alive. He will go to any lengths to achieve this he would kill and torture his way to saving the world whether they like it or not. He would do anything for this cause and would commit great atrocities to any extent of the word. He has and will continue to experiment with human beings to find the cure to every single disease. His ego is huge and he only thinks of people as Guinea pigs to further his own genius and to complete his ambitions. He has used many humans to this effect.