Blake Sacks's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Blake Sacks's first Contract.

Blake lives outside a middle of nowhere farm town called, Aspen.  Located in the flattest state of Kansas.  Why out here?  In the middle of bum fuk nowhere?  It's quite, people leave him alone and he leaves them alone.  Which is important when it comes to scaring off them UFO things the kids are talking about all the time these days.  Also people don't complain much when the occasional tourist goes missing...

Blake's property is a ranch.  Lots of open space, a barn, and a small shack he lives in.  It's modesty decorated and surprisingly homey, for a vampire.  The barn is the work shop.  That's were his "mighty steed" sleeps when he's not riding it around town.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Blake Sacks's first Contract.

Most of Blake's income is from his investments he's made over the past 150 years.  The rest comes from his handy work in the workshop.  Blake is a bit of a jack-of-all-trades kind of guy.  It's surprising what kind of stuff you can pick up over the years when you put things together yourself.  So Blake actually makes a living restoring and maintaining antiques.  He's worked on everything from engines to furniture and firearms.

Blake still has and maintains his old Winchester Rifle, the 45 colt revolver, and messenger gun himself.  It's gotten harder and harder to find parts and ammunition, but when you can make it yourself, a little bit goes a long way.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Blake Sacks's first Contract.

Y'see, the biggest problem I have right now is all them monsters poppin' up uninvited.  They're scaring the neighbors!  If they start asking questions, maybe they'll start asking 'bout me.  I can't have that.  People just ain't ready for it yet.  How upset would you be if you found out your neighbor was a blood sucking vampire?

Maybe if all these monsters would stop showing up, people would calm down and I can get back to my quite life on the farm.  I still am one of the fastest guns in the west.  Why don't I put it to good use?  Help the people simmer down a bit.

It's been awhile since I've had a good hunt, and human prey has just gotten so samey...

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Blake Sacks's first Contract.

Ironically the most defining moment in Blake's life was when it ended.  There was reports of something out on the prairie attacking farm hands.  The local sheriff put together a posse to find this thing.  There were many theories running around about how it was a monster of some sort, but Blake chalked it to just rumors.

So long story short, this monster found the posse.  Blake was the only one brave enough to stand his ground and try to fight back.  Welp, Blake ended up loosing the fight.  Turns out monsters are real, and this particular one is a vampire.

The vampire offered Blake the choice to become a vampire or to die.  Blake accepted if only so he could help stop more monsters from hurting more people.  The vampire agreed with a sly smile, and the rest is history.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Blake Sacks's first Contract.

The most impactful person in Blake's life would definitely be the one who gave him the "gift" of eternal life.  Chief Sharp Fang.  While the Chief doesn't have a tribe anymore, he lead his tribes across the great plains to wild success before the west was tamed.  Today, Chief Fang runs a record shop, selling old vinyl records in Dodge City, and goes by a different name, Wilson Smith.  The two maintain a respectable relationship and have agreed to keep each other's distance.  There is tension between Blake and Chief, but that seems to be due to a difference of philosophy.

Then there's Gus Braken, he's Blake's local blood supplier.  He makes sure it keeps flowing.  While Blake doesn't know exactly how Gus gets his supply, Blake has insisted numerous times that it be gathered from either the condemned or willing subjects.

Finally there's the local disc jockey and conspiracy theoriest, Hatch Thorn, AKA Mad-Hatter.  When he's not running the square dance floor, he's online, poking his nose were he probably shouldn't be and keeping Blake informed of anything going on in the local area that's abnormal.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Mushroom Hunt

Blake's childhood was pretty typical, for the time period.  School was held in the town church.  The toys were scarce, but Blake didn't really want for much.  Blake helped out on the Ranch, the very same one he's been living on for the past century.

Mom and Dad were loving parents.  Dad taught Blake how to shoot, along with everything else on how to run a ranch.  If there was one thing about Blake's childhood you could say, it was a bit lonely.  They were isolated out there on the prairie, not many other kids aside from his brothers and sisters to play with.

After Blake's embrace, the years drug on and he lost track of his fellow family members.  Blake watch the world from afar, content to watch it go by.  The little town Blake grew up in somehow survived the dust bowl, and changed very slowly.  With Blake servicing as an unofficial sheriff.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Mushroom Hunt

Blake Sacks never snagged a Mrs. Sacks.  At first it was the embrace that kept him from making any serious bonds.  Then it was his perspective on time.  He found it harder and harder to relate to these "modern women." Today's fashion trends definitely don't cater to Blake's antiquated sensibilities.  So Blake is content to wait and see if a Mrs Right comes knocking at some point.  Time is on his side after all.

Blake isn't looking for an heir at this time either.  Not like he can biologically have a proper child at any rate.  With that, there's not much else to say