Finnly Greene's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Finnly Greene's first Contract.

Wichita, Kansas. My last contact only had that location to ponder his revenge. What he does on his private time is his own business, and the fact that he was kicked out for his genius is absolute idiocy. Additionally, he never cheated. The evidence was flimsy, and he easily disproved it. OR HE WOULD OF IF HE WAS GIVEN A CHANCE. HE HAS THE MAKINGS OF A CHAMPION. THEY CANNOT TREAT HIM LIKE THIS. He will plot in this location, and will never forget the betrayal from his compatriots. He lived in Kenosha, Washington before the incident, as he enjoyed the weather, if only the politics were a bit his speed. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Finnly Greene's first Contract.

He plays in small town chess tournaments with a much smaller prize pool than he is used to. He spends the money on supplies for his bunker testing operations. A secret underground society will take a lot of funds, a lot of planning, a lot of grit, and just a bit of his genius. Luckily his compatriot does not cost him any rent, and he will be repaid in the future. I will never forget this debt I owe. Once the society is established, they will be rewarded. Otherwise, He spends his funds on healthy food, which are free of plastics and seed oils. 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Finnly Greene's first Contract.

I want a society of free thinkers, in a combination of those who are willing to look past their biases and accept the truth, and those who are brutal enough to punish those for their trickery. He would go to many lengths, including murder and other such atrocities to get back at those who have wronged him. And to make sure that those who wronged him (and those of similar demeanor) will never gain a foothold in his perfect society. He would go through emotional trauma, long bouts of injury, and many such cases of pain to get his revenge and new homeland. Though he may not be trained in handling torture, he has always handled emotional pain better than others.  

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Finnly Greene's first Contract.

His most defining event aside from winning the chess championship, was his betrayal at the hands of his former collogues. He never cheated, but he was framed for cheating, and therefore banned from all future United States Chess Federation events. His whole life and career, ruined at the hands of those who he thought he could trust. Ever since then, he has become mistrustful of others, as he could not believe that those he worked with would treat him like this. He is bitter and plotting, and noone but his chosen allies will come out unscathed. None will be forgiven. 

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Finnly Greene's first Contract.

Jisaiah Collin-Hook. The only ally from the before-times, he has been there for a while. Although he is athletic, he has never once berated Finnly or questioned his ways. We met in boyscouts, and he currently lets me plot out my revenge at his place. We are the greatest sort of friends.

Jisaiah Collin-Hook. The only ally from the before-times, he has been there for a while. Although he is athletic, he has never once berated Finnly or questioned his ways. We met in boyscouts, and he currently lets me plot out my revenge at his place. We are the greatest sort of friends.

Jisaiah Collin-Hook. The only ally from the before-times, he has been there for a while. Although he is athletic, he has never once berated Finnly or questioned his ways. We met in boyscouts, and he currently lets me plot out my revenge at his place. We are the greatest sort of friends.