james brown's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Gustin Brewery

james brown is a mafia that lives in mexico he chose this place rather than any other because of the huge amount of mafia clans and illegal stores that provide him with all the weapons and drugs that he needs to become a number one mafia and take revenge other his sister's killers so in order to achieve his goals he chose the most convenient town for him and other than that his parent died at a young age which led him to live with his uncle at mexico by coincidence  which he continued to live in till now 

in his beloved home james brown made alot of friends and mafia partners in his area to co operate with them and eventually achieve his dream 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 2, The Gustin Brewery

I am a dangerous town citizen live in mexico a place famous of its high crime rate and variety of criminals and mafia groupes, I chose to work with a small sized mafia group that I am slowly trying to develope to cover the whole town and become the most well known and feared in mexico my gang mostly get money from selling drugs and non bloody crimes like thievery but sometimes they get wild in there missions in order to cover lack if money because the groupe is still developing so they go along there gang boss me to do some bank robberies or even assassination due to there skilled boss in guns and stealth  me.

after every mission I and the gang share money with most shares going to me wich I use alot of the money to develope the gang and buy equipment for next missions like weapons and keep the rest for personal use 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 2, The Gustin Brewery

during my first contract, I risked it all to win and increase my fame among other mafias I got into a near death situation and yet I kept fighting , also I killed 2 people with ease and no mercy , so i am an absolute psychopath during my missions and I only think about my dreams, my sister, and my goals as if my eyes go completely blank and my ears deaf while in a risky situation I uses my full power and focus in order to survive and win so I absolutely does not care about my safety and i am ready to risk it all in order to achieve my dreams and take revenge of my lost beloved sister and eventually become the number one mafia

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 2, The Gustin Brewery

I went through a very tough life I suffered since I very first years of my life as my parents died in a car accident when I was in a really young age which lead me to move into my uncles house which he was not treating me properly and also I got traumatized again after lossing my only one loved person my sister with all of those astonishing events in my  life I chose a way other than the ordinary , the way of the crimes as a mafia boss in a small mafia group and picked a dream of taking revenge of my sister and also becoming the number one mafia 

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 2, The Gustin Brewery

I had 3 loved ones in my life and my relation with other family members was not that good the three family members was 

first, my mother, she was a calm short red head with medium finances and mostly dress like young girls with a common outfit made of some shorts and an over sized shirt she was kind and loving to here 2 beloved childs me and luna

secound,my father,he was an alcoholic tall guy with brown skin that had also medium finances his outfit was mostly made of a black suit with black jeans and black shoes that he wears every day in his way to work.

sadly, both my parents died at a young age that let me move onto my uncles house completely in shock.

and the last person my most loved one, my sister luna,she was the kindest and most loving person i ve ever seen she always supports me even in the most difficult situation as our parents die she didint even try to cry in front of me she instead tried to come and confronte me but sadly another shock came into my life which is the death of my sister accusing her for bring a witch because she had some special energy and after that event i felt so hopeless yet i had huge anger going on me and a feeling if betray by the mafia group that killed and tortured my sister and since than i had only one thing in mind which is revenging my sisiter

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, The Gustin Brewery

my childhood was pain in the ass mostly the worst one out there i lost my parents at a very young age i was born mute so the only way to communicate was to try to scream or to use sign languge and over all of that after my parents me and my beloved luna moved into my uncles house which he was an alcoholic that did not treat us very well but still his home was better than a shelter , except all of this pain and suffering i got hit with another painful event my shitty life which is the death of my sister which left me in a whole shock because i was young back then and also another reason is that she is the most loved person in my heart.

in school i didint really do much it didint fit me firstly because i didint get the chance to study due to the amount of shit i went through when i was young and also it didint suit me because im mute



7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, The Gustin Brewery

i didint really fall in love in my yet because of alot of factors including my frequent movement between states due to the early events that happened in my life also another reason is that i cant really communicate with other people freely because of my handicap (mute) also i got bad reputation because of my job as a mafia all of those with my already existant sickness that i developed after my sisters death (schizophrenia)

made it almost impossible to communicate with girls which led me to be alone without any relationship till this day but maybe the situation will change in the future because i would not refuse one if i get the chance