Kevin Cody's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Milk Run

Kevin moved to New York City from Ireland when he was 19 to pursue a career in law. When he got there he hit the ground running, with his charisma and positive attitude he never struggled to find an odd job or way to pay the rent. But when it came to his real goal it was nothing but complications, there was always something;

"We're not hiring junior lawyer right now"

"You don't have enough experience"

"We only hire people from Harvard"

After many years of this routine he met her. She was everything to him, they met well he was making a pizza delivery. He almost dropped the pizza when he saw her, it took him three months to get her to go out with him. But after that it was clear sailing, they were perfect for each other. They lived together for 5 years until... 


She couldn't get out in time, the apartment they had called home was a pile of rubble with in a few hours. 36 people dead she was one of them. they still haven't rebuilt the building. Kevin lives in a damp cardboard box right next to that rubble so he never forgets no matter how hard he tries. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Milk Run

Kevin visits various construction sites and other small businesses, he's often seen walking about the city looking for odd jobs and with his reputation he can usually find work and make a decent income. Moving things, delivering things, sorting things, walking dogs, collecting plastic bottles and cans. He never turns down the chance to help someone.


Auntie Palmer, often has something for him to do at her Bakery.


Daniel, lets Kevin help move wheelbarrows for $100.


And when the bar closes Berry gets him to clean dishes to pay off his tab


What he spends his money on is simple beer, whiskey, vodka, tequila, gin, sake, brandy, rum, in short alcohol. Cheap alcohol, expensive alcohol Kevin doesn't care. Whatever helps him cloud his mind and thoughts.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 2, F#%* this, and F#%* You, Tom!

After the night of the fire, Kevin hated the idea of anyone else dying. Each and every person reminds him of some aspect of her, her laugh, her smile, even the worst of the worst remind him of how angary she could get and that at the end of the day she was still human. He remembers that they're all human, we're all human. We make mistakes, we have bad days, and we can be wrong. Sometimes he forgets, sometimes he so desperately wants to forget, but they won't let him, she wouldn't let him. So he could never kill anyone or let them die without trying his hardest to help them.


And as for how far Kevin would go... He'd go to Hell and back to save her, but until that becomes an option. he'll continue risking life and limb for every person he meets. Kevin doesn't know what happens when you die but if his death can save another he'd do it. When he dies, he hopes he'll see her again and he hopes she'll be proud of him.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 2, F#%* this, and F#%* You, Tom!

The most defining moment for Kevin. It could have been so many moments, when he moved to America, when he got a job offer from a small law firm, 
when he first met his wife. But that was the old Kevin, those are more like dreams then memories now. Dreams of someone else, someone he thought he knew, someone from a long, long time ago. 


Now the only thing Kevin can really remember, the only thing that sticks in his head. The thing he sees when he closes his eyes, the only thing that drinking can't help him forget, and the real reason he does drink at all.


Is the night that his home, and his wife were reduced to a pile of smoldering rubble.


It was Friday, early autumn, the leaves were just starting to change colour. Kevin was working for a landscaping company at the time. They were doing a bit of overtime that day, which was bad as Kevin had a job interview with a law firm later that day. On his way to the interview he ran into a woman who had locked her keys in her car. It took him a while but he helped her get them out. After that he helped a man unload an piano from a truck. By the time he got to the interview he was 12 minutes late, luckily they still let me take the interview. It ended with Kevin's favorite line "Thank you for your time, we'll get back to you in a couple of days". He could count the number of firms that had "got back to him" on one hand, it was zero. He's not proud of what he did after the interview or maybe it's just hindsight, but he went to a bar and had "one" too many drinks. After half an hour of tending to his sorrows, a man tapped him on the shoulder. Kevin turn and saw a well dressed man who proceeded to introduce himself as Connor Hughes and explain to Kevin how much he'd heard about Kevin and that he was wanting Kevin to join his new law firm. Kevin was bewildered and didn't fully understand what was going on until he had already shaken the man's hand and taken his business card. Once he realized what had just happened, he ran home.


Maybe it was the drinks or his excitement but he didn't hear the sirens, he didn't see the smoke. the first thing he saw was the wall of fire where his home used to be. The smoke burned his lungs. The fire was so loud he couldn't hear the firefighters telling him to get back. It took three men to get him to the other side of the barrier. After that he just stood there watching, waiting, lettings the image burn itself into his mind. he saw everything he owned, everything he loved go up in smoke. He's never forgotten that day

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 2, F#%* this, and F#%* You, Tom!

Auntie Palmer

Auntie Palmer is a sweet old woman who runs a bakery and insists on everyone calling her auntie. She didn't know Kevin prior to the night of the fire, she caught him drooling outside her storefront window. So she gave him a sweet roll and sent him on his way. Now he pops by a couple times a week to help with large deliveries and sweep the shop. She doesn't really know what to make of him, but she doesn't mind the company and he only reeks of alcohol some of the time.


Daniel Levy

Daniel is a foreman at a large Construction Company. Kevin's worked on and off with him as a sort of contractor, he likes the cut of Kevin's jib and has stuck his neck out for him a few times before. After the fire, Daniel tried to help were he could. But with all the drinking he can't really give Kevin a staple job. So it's usually just odd jobs around the work site when he's sober enough. Daniel doesn't really know what happened, but he's sympathetic nonetheless.


Berry MacManus

Berry come to New York City the same time as Kevin did. Kevin knew him from Ireland, they went to the same school. But they were never really friends, they were in different years and didn't have much in common. After the fire, Berry took Kevin in for a couple months. He's the only person Kevin will talk to about that night. Now Berry let's Kevin stay as long as he want's at his bar even let's Kevin close some nights. He's the most staple thing in Kevin's life.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Exterminator Needed

Kevin's parents were good-natured they own a farm out in Ireland, they loved Kevin and wanted the very best for him. So they did all they could to help him get to the US. They sent Kevin money until he could find his footing. They were so happy when they heard anything back, on how good things were going. But then Kevin stop sending letters, stop all forms of communication. Berry would talk to them occasionally just to let them know Kevin was still alive really but not much more.


Kevin used to tell his parents everything, he had big dreams and he needed the world to know! He was one of the best students in his class and well liked by his peers and teachers. He hung out with a close group of friend most days after school going on adventures some so long they didn't get back till the next day, usually driven back by one of Kevin's neighbors. All an all Kevin was a good kid, he liked sports, music, and goofing off. Nothing really got him down, he was the guy in the group that could get everyone ready for another grand adventure!

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Exterminator Needed

Kevin had a few relationships throughout his school years, but nothing ever very serious. When he got to New York he was to busy working that he didn't have time for anything else. Which is why it was such a surprise when she appeared like a goddess rising from the sea. He met her in passing but still it lingered for months. She danced like an inferno, it filled the space the attention from the onlookers was its fuel! Here he was delivering the pizza to a party of students that should have been studying.


When he got home, his dreams were lit ablaze with her.