Lewis's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Lewis's first Contract.

Lewis lives in Valencia, Spain. Why? Simple. He was born there. He's been to many other cities and yet none have felt as good or welcoming as his city. He has a deep love for it and wouldn't enjoy living anywhere else. The beach, the nature, the city's centre. Everything folds together to make Lewis' favorite place in the world. His family and friends live there, and he wants what's best for it. He will not tolerate anyone trying to sink the city's wellness. He'd do anything for it.

Other cities simply do not make him feel the way Valencia does. Valencia is his home, and it will always be.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Lewis's first Contract.

Well, you see... Unfortunately, Lewis is currently unemployed. Times are tough and it is incredibly hard to find a good paying job. The economy is absolutely in shambles so he simply tries to scrap by with what he can get. An odd job here, a frien'd help there. Everything he can get, he gets, but what he can get, well, it's not much.

He's a trained biologist, he's got experience, it's not like he could not work at anything, but if nothing comes up properly, as much as you try, there is nothing you can do. One of the many reasons he wants to redistribute the wealth of the world. The system makes no sense, and it needs fixing.