Jei Connors's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 4, Suckin' Air

Jei Connors provides a unique perspective on his decision to reside in a modest New York apartment. In his narrative, he articulates that the urban environment offers both anonymity and freedom, elements he finds lacking in his previous home life. The apartment itself is characterized by its cramped quarters and worn furnishings, yet it serves as a sanctuary for Jei amidst the chaos of city life.

Moreover, Jei’s choice to live in New York rather than suburban or rural locales stems from an intrinsic desire for independence. He values the vibrancy of city life and the myriad opportunities it presents for exploration and self-discovery. This setting allows him to forge connections with others who share similar experiences of marginalization in comparison to the less chaotic but more stifling atmosphere of his previous home.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Suckin' Air

As a college student going through the highs and lows of higher education, obtaining income is often a multifaceted endeavour. I engage in part-time employment, balancing work hours with academic commitments, usually. Common avenues include positions in retail, food service, and on-campus jobs that offer flexible schedules tailored to student life.

The allocation of my earned income typically reflects my immediate needs and long-term goals. Essential expenses such as tuition fees, textbooks, and housing will always take the most priority these days. However, I also prioritize my personal development by investing in extracurricular activities or workshops that enhance my skills and employability post-graduation. Since I prefer not being unemployed

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Suckin' Air

I want a world where I can finally live in peace without being siphoned of everything by rich corporations and by those who actively choose to cheat the system and let those of lower financial brackets suffer for their ineptitude. I am willing to go beyond what is needed to show these people their place in this world, I want to tear it all down so it can start anew.

This however is in the process of my journey to master myself and be the absolute strongest and best that no one can compare to, I plan on leaving a mark on this world one way or another and as far as I'm concerned, I don't care how many bodies will need to be piled up for that dream of mine, because no one would care if they had to stomp me out to advance their own goals.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Suckin' Air

My parents.

Just every day with them, it hurt a lot, things were never fun anymore when I got to a certain age, they divorced, made it seem as though it was my fault and that I was the root cause of their disdain for each other, but I was just a kid y'know. I didn't any more than the average kid would. Then somehow this information reached the students in my school, they made fun of me for it for a long time, then distanced themselves from me because of the way I looked. I mean who would want to be around someone like me anyway, I'm just some scarred-up kid... They kept going and going and going... I never really forgot about how all of that felt. But I never did anything, I was just a weak scrawny kid after all.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 4, Suckin' Air

I suffer from just not being able to make any friends whatsoever so I don't have anyone of not to describe here, I'll explain:

This can be shown with my parents: the ones that were supposed to be my pillars, the ones I would have leaned on when times get tough, they absolutely despise me. Why do you think I live alone after all? I ran away a long time ago, I never wanted to deal with them ever again. So I left and never went back for them.

Tried making friends at high school... Didn't go well, ended up rearranging a guy's jaw with my fist and getting suspended for a long while... Ended up passing, I'm not an idiot or anything, I just hate people for how they used to treat me.

And finally, anytime I try to get a girlfriend or anything similar, I simply never find myself past the talking stage. I've grown enough to realise I'm not really obliged to have a girl's number just because I talked to her, so I never get mad at them for anything like that. So I just enjoy my solace for now until I can geta better job and just... Buy an island or something and just live out my remaining years there in peace and quiet.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Suckin' Air

In his early years, Jei's home was a battleground, where the sound of shattering glass and raised voices was a constant reminder of the turmoil that brewed within its walls. His parents, consumed by their demons, neglected his emotional and psychological well-being, leaving him to fend for himself in a world that was hostile and unforgiving. The walls of his home, meant to provide solace and security, instead became a prison that suffocated his spirit and crushed his sense of self-worth. The absence of love, care, and guidance in his formative years created a void that would haunt him for years to come. As Jei navigated the treacherous landscape of his school life, he was met with indifference and apathy from the very individuals who were supposed to guide him towards a brighter future. Teachers, overwhelmed by the sheer number of students and bureaucratic red tape, failed to notice the subtle cries for help from a lost and confused soul. The school system, designed to educate and nurture, instead became a mere spectator to Jei's downward spiral into delinquency. His academic struggles, coupled with the emotional turmoil he faced at home, created a perfect storm that threatened to consume him whole. The lack of support and encouragement from his educators only served to exacerbate his feelings of inadequacy, further alienating him from his peers and the world at large. As Jei's delinquency grew, so did his sense of detachment. He began to see himself as an outcast, a misfit who didn't belong in a world that seemed to be moving forward without him. His relationships with others became superficial, lacking the depth and intimacy that comes with forming meaningful connections. He wandered through life, a ghostly figure, invisible to the people around him. 

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Suckin' Air

Jei Connors, a self-proclaimed delinquent, has had a tumultuous love life, to say the least. His experiences have led him to a point where he has sworn off relationships altogether. Connors' past relationships have been marred by heartbreak, deception, and a general sense of disappointment. As a result, he has developed a wariness towards romantic entanglements, opting instead to focus on himself and his personal growth. One of the primary reasons for Connors' reluctance to engage in relationships is the string of failed partnerships he has had in the past. Each one has left him feeling emotionally drained and vulnerable. He has been on the receiving end of broken promises, lies, and manipulation, leaving him with a deep-seated distrust of others. The memories of these painful experiences continue to haunt him, making it difficult for him to open up to new people. Connors has come to realize that the emotional toll of these relationships is not worth the risk of getting hurt again. Furthermore, Connors' delinquent lifestyle has not exactly lent itself to fostering healthy relationships. His involvement in illicit activities and his general disregard for authority have often led to conflicts with his partners. His partners, understandably, have grown tired of his reckless behaviour and the constant drama it brings. Connors, in turn, has grown tired of being judged and criticized for his lifestyle choices. This mismatch in values and lifestyles has ultimately led to the downfall of most of his relationships.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Suckin' Air

Claustrophobia, a fear of enclosed or small spaces, is a common phobia that affects millions of people worldwide. For Jei Connors, a delinquent, this phobia is more than just an irrational fear - it is a debilitating reminder of his tumultuous past. According to Jei, his claustrophobia stems from his abusive home, where he was constantly trapped and suffocated by the emotional and physical torment inflicted upon him. Growing up in an abusive household can have severe and long-lasting effects on a person's mental health. For Jei, the feeling of being trapped and helpless in his own home created a deep-seated fear of enclosed spaces. The constant yelling, physical altercations, and emotional manipulation by his caregivers created an environment of perpetual fear and anxiety. This toxic atmosphere led Jei to associate small spaces with feelings of panic, anxiety, and a desperate need to escape. As a result, Jei developed claustrophobia as a coping mechanism to deal with the overwhelming sense of dread and vulnerability that pervaded his home life. Moreover, the emotional scars of Jei's abusive childhood have had a profound impact on his daily life. His claustrophobia has become a constant companion, dictating his movements and actions. Simple tasks, such as taking public transportation or going to the movies, become daunting challenges that fill him with dread. The fear of being trapped and unable to escape is a constant reminder of the trauma he endured in his childhood.

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Suckin' Air

An alexandrite necklace crafted from the remains of his recently deceased comrade. This exquisite piece of jewellery is not merely a trinket to Jei; it embodies the essence of their bond, a testament to the unbreakable ties of camaraderie forged in the crucible of adversity. At first glance, the notion of a necklace made from human remains may seem macabre, even repulsive. Yet, for Jei, this unique piece holds a profound significance that transcends its morbid origins. The alexandrite necklace serves as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by his fallen comrade, in an existence marked by brutality and uncertainty, this necklace is a beacon of hope, a tangible connection to the past that Jei clings to with fierce determination. Furthermore, the alexandrite itself is a gemstone steeped in history and mystique. Known for its rare, colour-shifting properties, the stone is said to possess an otherworldly essence, as if it holds the secrets of the universe within its depths. For Jei, the alexandrite necklace is an extension of his comrade's spirit. The gemstone's ability to shift between hues of blue and green serves as a poignant reminder of the complexities of human nature – the capacity for both beauty and brutality that lies within every individual. In a world where survival is a daily struggle, the creation of such a masterpiece is a defiant act of beauty, a rejection of the bleakness that surrounds them. The intricate details and precision that have gone into crafting the necklace are a reflection of the bonds that unite Jei and his fellow delinquents, a celebration of their resilience in the face of adversity. Ultimately, the alexandrite necklace is a prized possession, a tangible link to Jei's past that serves as a constant reminder of the sacrifices made by those who have come before him. It is a symbol of the unbreakable bonds of brotherhood, a testament to the enduring power of loyalty and friendship in the face of overwhelming odds. For Jei, this necklace is more than a mere trinket – it is a sacred relic, a treasured keepsake that will forever be etched in his memory as a beacon of hope in a world gone mad.

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Suckin' Air

As a delinquent, Jei Connors has faced his fair share of challenges in life. From run-ins with the law to strained relationships with family and friends, Jei has had to navigate a complex web of difficulties. However, despite the many obstacles he has overcome, Jei's current biggest problem in life is not his troubled past, but rather his average finances. For Jei, living paycheck to paycheck has become a constant source of stress and anxiety, threatening to undermine his efforts to turn his life around. On the surface, average finances may seem like a minor concern. However, for someone who has experienced the instability and uncertainty of a life on the fringes, financial insecurity can be a constant and debilitating worry. The pressure to make ends meet, coupled with the fear of not being able to provide for oneself, can be overwhelming, and can quickly spiral into feelings of hopelessness and despair. For Jei, the weight of his average finances is a constant reminder that, no matter how hard he tries, he is still just one step away from falling back into the patterns of his past. Furthermore, average finances can also limit Jei's opportunities and choices, making it difficult for him to plan for the future or make positive changes in his life. When every penny is accounted for, and there is little room for savings or investment, it can be hard to see a way out of the cycle of poverty. This lack of financial freedom can be particularly frustrating for Jei, who has worked hard to turn his life around but is still struggling to make ends meet. The feeling of being trapped, with no clear way to improve his financial situation, can be a significant obstacle to his personal growth and development. In addition, the pressure of average finances can also affect Jei's relationships and overall well-being. Moreover, the constant stress and anxiety of living paycheck to paycheck can also take a toll on Jei's physical and mental health, making it harder for him to focus on his goals and aspirations. 

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Suckin' Air

My day begins early, around 5 am. I wake up in my cramped, dimly lit apartment, the smell of stale cigarettes and last night's pizza lingering in the air. I roll out of bed, tossing on the first clothes I can find – usually a faded t-shirt and ripped jeans. I stumble into the kitchen, where I scrounge up some leftover coffee and a stale cigarette. This is my morning routine – no fancy breakfast, no morning jog, just a quick fix to get me going. As I take a long drag on my cigarette, I plan out my day. Today, I've got a few "business" meetings lined up – code for illegal activities that put cash in my pocket. After fueling up, I hit the streets. I've got a network of contacts and connections that keep me busy from dawn till dusk. Whether it's running errands for local gang members or peddling stolen goods on the black market, I'm always on the move. My days are filled with the thrill of the unknown, the rush of adrenaline that comes with living on the edge. I've learned to navigate the city's underworld like a pro, always staying one step ahead of the law. Of course, this lifestyle comes with its risks. I've had my fair share of close calls – dodging cops, avoiding rival gangs, and dealing with the consequences of my actions. But that's all part of the game. I've learned to rely on my wits and my cunning to get out of sticky situations. And when all else fails, I've got my fists – a last resort, but a reliable one. Despite the dangers, I wouldn't trade my life for anything. There's a freedom in living outside the law, in doing things my way. I'm not bound by the same rules and expectations as my college classmates. I don't have to worry about grades or internships or finding a "respectable" job. My life is mine, and I live it on my own terms. As I sit in class, listening to my professor drone on about the importance of social norms and conformity, I can't help but smile. I'm the antithesis of everything they're teaching – a rebellious, unapologetic delinquent, living life in the fast lane. And you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way. In conclusion, my average day is a far cry from the structured routine of my college peers. I live life on the edge, always pushing the limits and testing the boundaries. It's not always easy, and it's not always safe. But it's mine, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

12. If you were going somewhere special that you wanted to look your best for, what would you do to prepare? What would you wear? How long would it take you to get ready?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Suckin' Air

First things first, I'd start by getting a good night's sleep. No way I'm gonna risk showing up with dark circles and a pale face. I'd make sure to hit the hay early, get at least eight hours of shut-eye, and wake up feeling fresh and revitalized. Next, I'd hit the gym for a quick workout to get the blood pumping and the muscles flexing. I mean, who doesn't want to look ripped and toned, right? After that, I'd head back home and jump in the shower. I'd wash my hair, scrub my skin clean, and shave my face to get rid of any unwanted stubble. Once I'm all cleaned up, it's time to pick out the perfect outfit. For a special occasion, I'd go for something sleek and stylish. Maybe a black leather jacket, a crisp white shirt, and some fitted jeans to show off my legs. I'd top it all off with a pair of sleek, black boots that would make me look like a total boss. And, of course, I'd accessorize with a silver chain and a pair of aviators to give myself that extra edge. Now, getting ready would take me a solid hour and a half, maybe two hours if I'm really taking my time. I'd want to make sure every hair is in place, every crease is ironed out, and every detail is perfect. I mean, if I'm gonna make an impression, I want it to be a good one. And trust me, with my impeccable style and bad-boy charm, I'd be turning heads left and right. Of course, there's more to getting ready than just the physical stuff. I'd also make sure to mentally prepare myself for the occasion. I'd visualize myself owning the room, being the centre of attention, and having the time of my life. I'd psych myself up with some motivational tunes, and maybe throw in some last-minute meditation to get my focus on point. By the time I'm out the door, I'd be feeling like a million bucks, ready to take on the world and make some unforgettable memories.

13. What will you do for your next birthday?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Suckin' Air

On his next birthday, the loner delinquent, Jei Connors, will likely spend the day in solitude, rebelling against the idea of celebrating a trivial occasion. He may wake up late, ignoring the rare phone calls or messages from acquaintances, and spend the morning lounging in bed, surrounded by the remnants of last night's reckless escapades. Jei might treat himself to a cheap, greasy breakfast at a rundown diner, savoring the bitter taste of his coffee as he broods over his troubled past. The rest of the day will be spent wandering the desolate streets, perhaps getting into a scrap or two, as he struggles to find purpose in his aimless existence. As the sun sets, Jei will likely retreat to his dingy apartment, where he'll drown his sorrows in cheap liquor, his birthday just another meaningless milestone in his tumultuous life.