Kamaël Kuny's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Kamaël Kuny's first Contract.

As a sculptor, I have a artistic soul. Paris is the ideal place to take inspiration from. 

It's the city of romanticism and good food, but also a place with so much raw potential for art. 

The Louvre museum, the Seine river, the Sacré Coeur basilica... 

Everything is an invitation to dive into a world of unbound artistic potential.

My home is an apartment near the sixteenth district. I live at the second floor of a Haussmannien building. 

Most of the place is filled with workbook into which I store drawing of potential ideas.

I also have a workshop near the Seine river that I use when I want to create a piece.

It's the perfect life and it's really far from Seattle.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Kamaël Kuny's first Contract.

Most of my money is obtained when I sell a sculpture. 

I also sometimes sculpt for specific clients but not so often as I like my artistic freedom. 

I received money when my pieces are exposed in a museum (which happy quite often recently if I'm being honest) but I give it all to caritative association in order to have a good public image. 


I use my money for my art supplies, my rent, my food and my girlfriend Cindy. 

It's all necessary. I need good stones for my creations, a roof above my head, a good diet and a pretense of normality.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Kamaël Kuny's first Contract.

Do you know the myth of Pygmalion? It's a classic of Ovid's Metamorphoses.

He was a legendary grec sculptor that couldn't accept the nature of woman. 

So he determined himself to remain celibate and vowed to do nothing else but sculpting ; really a visionary.

But Aphrodite, goddess of love, frown in disgust in front of this man rejecting love and she curse him to sculpt the perfect woman.

He then fall in love with his creation and become mad at the thought of never being able to be with her.

Hearing him pleading to her, Aphrodite is happy with herself and give life to the statue.

That's a rare "happy ever after" in grec mythologie.

I'm like Pygmalion in a way... I'm obsessed to sculpt something so beautiful that it becomes real.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Kamaël Kuny's first Contract.

My youth is littered with unlucky experience.

Or should I say an unlucky acquaintance?

The person who birthed me didn't really like me. Well I can't really say that... It's more accurate to say that I was nothing to her eyes. 

I was used as a punching bag every time she needed to vent some stress and abused verbally whenever she was in a fool mood. Which was always.

It was a tough childhood. But I'm happy about it in a way cause I survived it and it's me that is tough now.

Well... Other don't know it. The mask of the sweet and elegant sculptor is nowhere near to fall.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Kamaël Kuny's first Contract.

I had a roommate during my first couple of years in Paris: George. He is a red headed idiot with a smile always plastered on his face but he know a lot of people. A part of why I'm so knowned in the industry today is thanks to him. I go drink with him from time to time to ask him if he could recommend me to a few politicians.

Another people I spend time with is my girlfriend, Cindy. She often monologue when we are together which is a good thing as I wouldn't like to speak more than a few words about the latest gossip in her fashion boutique.

The person I spend the most time with is Veronica. She is the artist with which I share my workshop (price were high for the younger me and since then I grew to like the place). She often ask me questions about how she should approach her latest art piece when I know she don't need it. Everyone seems to find her beautiful and my girlfriend is often uncomfortable when she is near me.


6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Savage

My father was a painter. I think it's from him that I inherited my artistic sense. He was never at home but he was bringing candies for me from time to time. 

When I was 6 he just never went back home one day. It didn't seem to disturb mother more than that. 

I found out a few years later that he fled with a young mom who happened to have her daughter in my school. They still live happily married in Tennessee from what I heard. 

My mother was a high school teacher, so of course I was attending her school.

My education needed to be perfect and nothing short of a A would satisfy her.

On rare instances when my grades were falling, I was beaten black and blue. Not on any visible part, because people would have asked questions, but it still hurt like hell. 

I learned a lot about life in this school, and I still follow the lessons that were taught to me there. 

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Savage

I dated a lot of different types of girls, in Seattle and Paris. Mostly to look normal, and sometimes because the working of their mind was just fascinating. 

I try a lot to make my relationship work, but they often don't go past the "you're hot, let's have some fun" part. 

Sometimes the void is just crushing me and the heat of lust is the only way to forget it for a bit. Only for a bit though. 

My current girlfriend Cindy is somewhat of a simpleton so I don't fear that she will go away too fast but well... that is only a matter of time. 

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Savage

I fear the void of my own existence and the lack of meaning and beauty from all the other humans on this planet.

Their lies, their smiles, their masks of happiness they force themself to wear, that they force ME to wear...

They are filth that should not exist; their sole existence gives me nightmares. 

Being strangled so slowly by the system that it feels like the death of your soul was of natural cause...

I refuse to follow this path.

But once again what else to do? I'm above all of those thrall but they have the advantage of number.

Raising his voice is a privilege of the strong. And I'm strong, stronger than any of them. But even a lion can die if enough rats are taking a bit out of him.

So my life was spent being the perfect man. Doing no ripples in a tank full of sharks. 

The contract gave me hope however.

It's an opportunity that I will take with both of my hands.

One day, one day for sure, the lion would not fear the rats again. He would slaughter them and create a world only filled with his own species. 

One day, I would never think about those fears ever again. 


9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Savage

My most prized possessions are my sculptures.

Most of them are not with me anymore, but I still consider them as a part of myself and by extension my possession. 

You see, the process of creation is long, arduous and feeds on the emotions of the artist taking a part of me with him.

It's a bit like giving birth spiritually. 

Every sculpture I made, I remember it as a child that I brought to the world. 

The connection never really fades, even when they are far from me. 

It's a process that was painful before but that I learned to appreciate with time. 

As every parent needs to let his child depart from their home at some point, my sculpture needs to travel, to see the world; and by expressing my ideals via shape and matter they can bring emotion to the one brave enough to try to understand their truth. 

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Savage

My biggest problem is and has always been to try to be normal. 

I constantly need to watch people to try to understand their behavior and mimic it.

Almost every day, I'm in front of a mirror trying new expressions.

I try to change from one face to another without people noticing the artificialness behind that thick mask of mine. 

Of course, I'm good at this. I wouldn't have survived in this world where man is a wolf to man without having the necessary skill to hide the strangeness inside of me.

However, it's an everyday problem that takes its toll on the mind. 

I'm rarely completely alone and it's difficult to find the time to recover from this constant overexertion. 

But I have the contract now. 

Soon, I would be free from all those pretense.

Soon, I will be able to express the real me.

Soon, I will expose myself under the spotlights of this world.

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 3, The Milk Run

I get up around 8 am, make my bed perfectly by taking care not to let one fold remain on the blanket then do some push-ups.

It allows me to make my heart go faster and sweat a bit which is quite nice for clearing my head of the morning fog. 

Once those exercises are over I take a cold shower followed by some hot compress on my face for a few minutes to help my blood flow better and open my skin pore. 

I put shaving cream on my chin, put my razor to use and shave my beard. I use some hair gel to stylize my haircut but I take care not to look too flashy.

I do a bit of skincare by exfoliating my face, moisturizing my skin and putting a bit of solar cream on it.

I usually don't eat in the morning but if I do, I eat a good steak that I flavor with different kinds of spices and herbs or some onion that I caramelized. 

I choose my clothes for the day then work on my design at the atelier or do some other thing that could inspire me. 

12. If you were going somewhere special that you wanted to look your best for, what would you do to prepare? What would you wear? How long would it take you to get ready?

Link Answered after Contract 5, Crois deora

I'm always at my best, but for a special place I suppose I'll go the extra mile. 

Nothing beat the classics. I would use my black tuxedo that have been tailor-made for me.

A white shirt is a obligation for this kind of instance. It help with the contrast of the jacket.

A tie would be used of course but I have so many, it really depend of my mood and the occasion. Or perhaps should I use a bow tie? Only if it's with old friend.

For my feet, moccasin are all the rage. Brown if it's for outside and black for an inside party. 

To prepare I would need to bath, take care of my face, wear perfume and take a mint candy to ease my mind. 

There is no say on how long it would take. I'm not someone who count the time it take me to do something.

It would be long though.

13. What will you do for your next birthday?

Link Answered after Contract 5, Crois deora

I'm not a big fan of birthday party. It's always stifling, boggling with attention and almost narcissist. 

Still, I suppose people would throw me a surprise party like every time.

I will probably have to blow on candle, eat my cake, act surprised... 

Surviving one more year is important but the ritual of birthday party is just a big yuck.

How can you like this kind of thing?

I'm talking to enough people on a normal day already, can't you let me alone?

Next time, I swear I will all take them to the most dangerous roller-coaster in the country, that will calm them down. 

14. What is your greatest regret?

Link Answered after Contract 5, Crois deora

I regret not having murdered my mother sooner.

I was hurt way to many times. 

It made me stronger. 

It made me learn to adapt.

It made me learn to survive.

It made me learn to see the true beauty of the world.

Still. I wish I would have done it sooner.

I don't have any trauma that wouldn't heal.

I don't have any scar that wouldn't heal.

I don't have someone that I appreciate that was taken away from me.

Still. I wish I would hade done it sooner.

I wish I would hade done it sooner.

I wish I would hade done it sooner.

I wish I would hade done it sooner.

I wish I would hade done it sooner.

I wish I would hade done it sooner.

I wish I would hade done it sooner.

I wish I would hade done it sooner.

I wish I would hade done it sooner.


15. What is the nature of your Gifts? Are they inherent potential? Do harbingers just grant your wishes?

Link Answered after Contract 5, Crois deora

My gift are related to my body.

Have you ever seen "Avatar, the last air bender"?

I'm a flesh bender. 

I move flesh, bone and blood. 

I twist and melt meat, break and reconnect blood vessels, melt bones under my will.


It's really useful to heal wound and can even be used to attack a bit by projecting part of my flesh at high speed. I call that flesh bullet. 


Every times I complete a contract, it's like my mind is boiling and new knowledge is poured inside of it. It help me draw lines between separate point of my mind and use those to improve myself.

I still need to create those power when my mind is flooded with those information so preparing for it is a huge help. I'm currently studying blood magic to improve my understanding. I also need to soon make research about the human body.



16. How do you feel about spirituality? Are you religious? What do you believe?

Link Answered after Contract 6, Sleepover~!

My mother was a devoted Catholic, going to the church every Sunday and once or twice more per week. 

She was adamant that I should know everything there was to know about her Lord and his son Jesus enforcing the idea that I should pray for my life in his holy kingdom.

I learned a lot about religion in pastoral classes. People teaching there were... more devoted to something than most others. 

I respect them a lot for this reason. 

I never found a particular attraction to religion. It seem to me that it's more of a pyramid scheme than anything else. 

But the philosophy behind it is really interesting. 

It helped me to understand people better and was the beginning of long research I would do on several religion across the world. 

Religion is an important part of society and as such I fake it to blend more easily.  

17. How do the events of the Contracts conflict with your worldview? How do you react when everything you thought was true is put in doubt?

Link Answered after Contract 6, Sleepover~!

The contract helped me to realize how everything was more interesting in this world.

You just need to dig a bit.

Until this fateful moment where i signed the contract of the Harbinger, I was slowly dying.

My soul was but ember trying to desperately stay alive.  

I didn't believe in the supernatural before. But now that I do everything seem more colorful, more vibrant. 

My dream has a possibility to become reality and that is all I was asking. A possibility.

If I fail, I would only be my fault. 

I just need to take the reins of my life with two hand and put myself in a path were victory is assured.

It seem insane when I say it like that. As if it was something simple to do. 

Those contract are deadly, each one of them is reminding me of this fact.

But I won't fail. Because I have no other choice.

18. Give a brief description of the other Contractors you see often. What do you like or dislike about them?

Link Answered after Contract 7, The Night The Storm hit

Most of the contractor I have seen several times are really calm and intelligent. 

There is exceptions of course. Some of them are really rash. But I don't think I'll see them too long. They are destined to die one way or another.

It please me to have reliable people I can use as meat shield if needed.

Most of the interesting one possess aspect of their power dedicated to analysing things and finding cues via occult mean. Others have utility power that let them do things like augmenting ordinary objects or healing people.

It is fun to see our disparity. 

Most of my powers are used to improve myself and myself only.

After all my goal is to improve my body until people could call me an evolution of the human genra.

My only upgrade that could be called for utility is the creation of my additional stomach that I can use to store things like my little bloby <3.


19. Describe the perfect room.

Link Answered after Contract 7, The Night The Storm hit

The perfect room would be entirely made of different kind of marbles.

They would collide one another to form a patchwork of colours and textures.

Their would be no windows and the entire room would be filled with candles of several colours and length. When burning they would produce a melange of scents from different kind of essentials oils.

The door would be made of mahogany of the highest quality with stylish gold engraving all around.

Inside the room there would be raw material that I could used to make sculptures. 

Wood, clay, wax, stone... Etc.

All of what you could think there will be plenty.

In those conditions, I could wholeheartedly devote myself to my art and fulfill my passion.

20. Everyone excels at something. What is your philosophy about the thing you are best at?

Link Answered after Contract 8, Snow-White

I was always good at anything art related. 

But I choose sculptures to express myself for a good reason.

As long as I remember I always loved the feeling of finishing a good piece and being able to see the intent you wanted to transmit to others ooze from your creation. 

It's something you can't get as much from a painting, a collage or a poem.

You feel like a parent that just brought to the world one of the most personal part of yourself.

My only philosophy was always to think  ofevery of my creations like if it was my own flesh and bones.

Without this, I can't say I would bring to the world the very best of what I have to offer.

Without this, art is hollow and doesn't mean anything. It's just physical matter arranged in an especially strange way.

Nothing more than a roc or a piece of wood on the road. 

21. What do your Limits say about you? What would it take to make you break them?

Link Answered after Contract 8, Snow-White

I'm afraid of death.

I don't want to admit it but it's engraved in the deepest part of my mind. 

I have seen death close.

I have sometimes caused it.

The result is: I don't want to die.

At least not like that. 

From old age perhaps and even then I don't know.

I told you earlier that I killed people, and the feeling of power I get when it happens doesn't fade with time.

I need to stand to the summit of this world.

I need to be more powerful than everyone and everything. 

Only then would I be able to relax a bit and enjoy the day.

I don't want to live in fear. I want people to fear me. To fear the very idea of me.

I want them to fear me so much that nobody would though even a second that I could be harmed in any way.