Vayu's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Vayu's first Contract.

I live in Malta but frequently swim across the break in the Mediterranean Sea to Pachino in Italy.
I do this because my people are hunted and persecuted by the men and women of the Shadow Navy.
My home used to be beautiful but is now a run down hovel of stone and rebar. 
I'm hoping to make this place beautiful once again and I wont stop until my dream is achieved.

More details about my home? I can't say that my childhood home is still around. It was leveled, along with my family. Right now its me, my two older brothers and my grandfather. 
We lived in a desolate area on the island of Linosa amidst the natives there. We housed in a bamboo hut in the middle of the forest until my brother, King, decided to sail out and make something of himself when he turned 16. He is 2 years older than me.
After some stuff, we ended up relocating to Malta in a more suburban area with lots of neighbors.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Vayu's first Contract.

Typically, I can run about doing odd jobs for some contacts I made while travelling between Malta and Pachino. Those jobs usually had me running errands, grabbing some food, doing some chores for the elderly. Eventually, those jobs came to a halt and I needed to find something more sustainable. I found myself entangled in a group of people that were using the common people as slaves, for lack of a better word. They worked them to the bone for wages that were nearly nothing so I would frequently steal from these people and deliver the money back to the populace who needed it. I always took more than needed so I could pocket some myself. I gotta eat too!

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Vayu's first Contract.

After I got in deep with these organizations exploiting their work force, I started to understand something. 
There is a group, much larger than these exploitative companies that are pulling the strings of the people and are controlling the events of my country. From the current prime minister to even local elections, we are being blinded to the truth by this Shadow Government. Not only have I seen my own people abducted from the streets, I've seen them become enslaved, murdered, and tortured. 
It is my duty to liberate my country and spread freedom to all those who may need it. I will become the king so I can put an end to all this misery and I will expose these people for who they really are.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Vayu's first Contract.

After the arrival of a high ranking official on our island town in Linosa, Nebor was walking along the street while this official was being driven around in his car, kinda like a parade they do in the states. Nebor had a lot on his mind that day. He was working his way down the street and didn't stop to bow to this person. The official took great offense to this and pulled a rifle from his car and shot Nebor, leaving him lifeless on the pavement before he had his lackeys throw his body out to sea for all of us to watch. 

I always knew something was definitely weird with the officials but this moment was my ignition point.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Vayu's first Contract.

The three people I am most close to now:

Grandpa, King and Nebor. 

While Nebor was killed some years ago, there isn't anyone who can replace him. 
King, Nebor, and I are brothers. While we may not be related by blood, we solidified our bond by exchanging drink in a brothership ceremony. Grandpa brought us here but he was part of the government so he had work all the time. Despite that, he brought me to King one day and I pestered him until he let me hang out with him and Nebor. Most days were active but sometimes we would sit around watching looney tunes all day. 

King has always been there for me. We used to get into fights with people in the town and we'd cause a lot of trouble for everyone that was working in the government, but we'd always get out and make it back home safely. King is somewhere out in the world trying to do what I want to do. We're both fighting to bring peace to the world. 

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Leyte Wargames

I didn't really get a formal education. I was mostly taught by my grandpa when he was around. I picked up the rest while bummin' around our town in Linosa.
I was originally from some place in Italy is what Grandpa told me. 

I don't know my parents. I've been with Grandpa most of my life. He threw me in the woods to train and that's where I met my brothers King and Nebor. We would train to get stronger in fights, beat up the ruffians in town and hunt animals in the woods! Sometimes grandpa would be away for weeks at a time so he left us with a caretaker who gave us food and a roof. 

King and Nebor didn't get along with me too well starting out but after we got into a ton of trouble when we were kids, we all basically became brothers. Nebor was killed when I was 10. King left the island when I was 14 and he was 17. 

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, SCP Recovery of SCP-8717

I have not yet but I'm not against it in the future. Life is too hectic now with the shadow government officials chasing me. I wouldn't want to drag someone else into a mess that I started when I was younger. Once this whole ordeal can be safely put down, I'd be more than happy to start a family of little me's. Then I can have them go on adventures like I did with Granpa when I was a kid. I can help them get strong and stuff too. I'm not too sure I'd want them doing these contracts though but thats up to them.