Sabrina Wilcox's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Sabrina Wilcox's first Contract.

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. I do not have any where else to be. I live with my brother. My parents moved out of town a few years ago, so Angelo has been delegated to taking care of me. Saskatoon is a nice enough city, large enough to have typical high population density amenities, but not so large that its city centres are too overcrowded. I have lived here my whole life, and while I have travelled some, I have felt no need to move. I will admit that part of that is due to having most of my rent paid for, but the prairies are still nice. My room (that I rent for a token sum from Angelo) is small, seeming even more so by how cluttered by decoration it is. I have asked on multiple occasions for more storage space within the house, and multiple times been rebuked which is. Fair. I suppose.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Sabrina Wilcox's first Contract.

I scrape by with low expenses and perform basic programming gig work. I am not properly trained, but I have picked up enough from online tutorials and being adjacent to the space to perform adequately. Expenditures are limited mostly to food and a portion of Angelo's rent, and the occasional luxury. I have been trying to save money for post-secondary schooling, likely in game design, but I do not yet have enough to afford a full course load. That being said, I have done a mild amount of networking in the past, and could likely score a job in something related if need be.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Sabrina Wilcox's first Contract.

My ambition is to allow humans to master their own bodies. To me, this means being able to accommodate for any physical disability and compensate for any disadvantage they may impart. Bionics is a field of particular interest, as it can replace and even improve upon lost limbs. That is not to say I am a transhumanist, but rather I think that the depth of human potential has yet to be unlocked - but it should be. Humans are (ostensibly) the dominant species of this planet, not for any radical evolutionary traits, but for one simple thing - endurance. Both mental and physical, humans were and are successful due to persistence and pacing. I would hope to take this a step further, and allow for the powerful human brain to be partnered with a more apt body - the same body, but improved, refined. No clunky cybernetic augments or hybrid splicing - human genetics, cranked to 11 via sharpened neural pathways. Every limb its own brain, like octopuses. Instant and unconscious reactions to navigate danger. For humanity, I would give all, and ask nothing in return.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Sabrina Wilcox's first Contract.

Define "defining". I would say that it would be any time I have attempted physical activities. I appear incapable, no matter how much I try. This has educated much of my personality, as I have had to rely on my other attributes to get what I want. As fragile and clumsy as I may be, dedication and determination can overcome any personal failing. Taking the time to properly analyze a problem can give you a multitude of ways to approach it than relying on physical stature or agility. A sharp mind is equal to a sharp blade, I would say.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Sabrina Wilcox's first Contract.

Giovanni Rupiah is my neighbor and someone I actively avoid. He's friendly and insistent on small talk whenever we interact, which is frequently, because... We are neighbors. Unfortunately. He does not seem able to take a hint.

Oleander Mestine is my Angelo's romantic partner and frequent sleepover buddy. We have developed a reasonably strong relationship, especially in relation to the one I have with my brother. They are a nice enough person, and one that I do not mind sharing a home with.

Angelo Wilcox. My brother. My superior in every way, I am told. I have yet to determine if he agrees. My parents "asked" him to ensure I didn't get into too much trouble after they moved out of town and left him the house. He has not asked me to leave, or even implied that he wants me to, though we remain standoffish. I have tried to inquire why, but there always seems to be some emergency for him to take care of at work. I don't... Really know where we stand. We're close, probably.