Nathiama's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Nathiama's first Contract.

I recently began to live in Casablanca.

It is nothing like what I imagined, especially in the part of town where I stay.

It's a small, cramped apartment, but it has a certain charm, I suppose.

I covered the walls with all sorts of strange symbols and writings.

I also put candles everywhere, and they flicker all day and night, casting eerie shadows that dance across the room. The shelves are crammed with dusty old books, bottles of strange liquids, and bizarre trinkets.

I follow my dream.

But sometimes I make a mix of several medicinals and burn them. The scent of incense and other herbs reminds me of the old temple.