Lance Nix's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Lance Nix's first Contract.

Lance Nix lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He lives there for two reasons. One, because it is the only city he has ever lived in. Two, because he fell in love with the theatre scene in Toronto. Nothing ever sparked the same kind of joy that theatre did. While he knows New York also has a great theatre scene, but Nix is an undocumented human, so he thinks it is not worth the risk to go to America. Where Nix currently resides is a closet in the back of the theatre that produces the plays he writes. He lives there as he does not have the money to afford rent in Toronto. Nix did not ask the managers beforehand if he could live there, but the managers unofficially allow him to be there as they rather Nix have some shelter.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Lance Nix's first Contract.

Lance Nix makes the little money he has through writing indie plays. It is not a profitable industry by any means, making Nix under the poverty line. He insists on getting paid in cash as he has a major distrust of banks and because you can’t even open a bank account if you are undocumented. Mostly, he only uses the money he gets to buy food. Very rarely, Nix will buy clothes when he cannot stitch his current clothes back together. The only other thing he buys is psychedelics such as LSD and magic mushrooms, as Nix thinks it makes life in the closest a lot more interesting.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Lance Nix's first Contract.

Lance Nix hates the concept of countries in general wishing to destroy the concept. He started by destroying any trace of his own documentation, making Nix a man without a country. Nix’s hatred for countries comes from the belief that all countries have done is needlessly divide humanity through arbitrary lines on a map. Nix believes that without countries and governments standing in the way, that humanity can finally be at peace. Unfortunately, to achieve that peace, there will have to be violence done on those who would stand in the way. Nix has rationalized that in his mind as being necessary. If he kills anyone to accomplish this goal, he tells himself that they needed to die for the greater good and continues on. Nix is quite ready to die for this belief as well. He sees himself as merely a tool for his beliefs, and does not believe anyone should mourn a tool.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Lance Nix's first Contract.

Lance Nix has always been a politically active person, wanting to learn more about politics. However, the more he learned of the political system, the more disillusioned he got with it. All Nix sees now is a bundle of lies that claims to work for the people but never does. This new prospective eventually caused him to break into multiple government buildings to delete his own existence in the eyes of the government. That was the day he became the man without a country, loyal only to his personal ideals and nothing else. This gained Nix the nickname of Mr. Nobody, which many people know him as not knowing his real name at all.