Maxwell Fawkes's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 2, Hat Trick

Max was born in good old Brooklyn, being the main place where he grew up and knew, he didn't really have a desire to leave, being a more closed off kid growing up instead of the cool, calm and collected mechanic that we know today. Home was great, while his parents were a bit poor, not having a lot of money, Max still loved them, in the poorer districts of Brooklyn, kid were just trying to survive, some are even homeless, max thinking he's just one of the lucky ones with the house. He felt remorse for these kids so he helped them out when he can, giving them food, finding them a place to sleep, etc. That's where his protective side of the innocent comes to form.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Hat Trick

Max on the surface, makes a pretty good living being a mechanic, as he had a love of cars growing up, he was always interested in them and how they worked, talking with his uncle who used to be a racer on everything he could, finding the whole thing fascinating. But he also has trouble with money, with supporting his parents sometimes, to the homeless donations, and his own needs, so he took up street racing and a secondary job for cash, always finding the thrill in racing, becoming a bit of a junkie for it, maybe that's why he also accepted to do contracts.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Hat Trick

His ambition, To protect those innocent or close to him, is something that's always in the back of his mind, knowing how cruel the world can be, he decided to be a helping hand, even if his soul is dammed because of the deal he accepted. He will never let those innocent come to harm and will fight tooth and nail for protecting his family and friends. He is willing to even die if it means protecting his loved ones, knowing he did something good with his life, then waste it on simple machinery that is designed to go fast. Racing is his love, and he is willing to give it up for everyone, if it is needed, that's how far he would go.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Hat Trick

It was meeting his uncle for Max, originally, he had no direction in life, just wanting to help people due to his kind-hearted nature, no way to channel his true passions other then that, if he didn't meet his uncle, he would have become something like a burnt out cop or a drunkard detective, racing provided a healthy output to his other needs and choices then become chained to his hero complex like others could have been in his position. It let him become truly Maxwell Fawkes and not just another number on a list on some database where no one cares about you.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 3, Suckin' Air

Well, for Max, the three people in his life that really changed him was his Uncle, His Boss and Jei. His Uncle set him on the path of becoming a great street racer, without him, you know the rest, he is the closest to him by far, more then his parents, even if Max still loves and cares about them a lot. His Boss gave him a lot of chances and kept him going even during tough times, seeing Max as more then a simple employee, supporting his dreams of being a racer, even if he doesn't know Max already is a racer, tough he has his suspicious due to Max's car looking similar. Jei is someone Max met and still visits just because he's the closest therapist to him. Both being contractors, their schedules sometimes mess up things, but it was still fine, Max just needed some support to get over his main trauma.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Suckin' Air

Max's childhood, was nothing very fancy, being born in Brooklyn and raised there, in the slums, he knows how to deal with a lot of people in many ways especially. He did go to school, get an education and eventually, he and his parents finally moved from there, but a part of Max felt like he never really left. His parents were kind but strict, to the point he saw his uncle daily just to get room to breathe and actually be himself then the picture-perfect kid his parents wanted, it never got so bad that they abused him, but still, life was both kind and cold to the young racer. Choosing a career where most would probably disgust act didn't help with the relationship, it's why he also lives alone in his apartment, even with the tough housing bills he has to pay, it's just that so he can breathe normally and safely.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Suckin' Air

Max, never really looked for love, he did at some point want a girlfriend, like all other people, and he feels lonely without someone close by, but he at this point just doesn't care much for a relationship, thinking it's too far a ship sailed even though it's close to his prime time to getting one. Love doesn't come naturally for him, having walls up all your life being someone's perfect kid can do that for you, but maybe eventually, he can find someone he trusts and loves enough to call them his partner, but that is just speculation on my part.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Where's my Water?

Max's worst fears are probably not that serious to begin with, being a kid, he has always found stuff like dark alleyways and closets to be unsettling, maybe it's the fear of the unknown, maybe he was scared of something jumping out at him, or maybe it's just the uneasy feeling of being somewhere that should be normal, but looks off. He grew out of that stuff though a while ago, being a big horror fan dulling his sense of fear, but he has some moments of dread, such as mutilation still being a very sensitive topic for him, finding it disgusting and plain wrong in general, the act of changing a body to unnatural proportions is something that really puts a pit in his stomach. Stuff like the Mandela Catalogue or the Smile Tapes drive this point home that Max is not a big fan of the concept but likes it due to the rush of fear and adrenaline it brings, if It's something like a piece of media, in real life? You can probably see him vomiting his guts out after witnessing such a gruesome act. Especially if its someone he knew, horror is a weapon he knows and can deal with, most of the time that is.

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Where's my Water?

Do we really need to ask? Max's prized possession is his car, after finding it, after fixing it up, using it in his many races over the years and now in contract work, Max's car is his main friend and baby, something he cares about deeply. Other than that, it's his bonds that he cares about, while not caring much in terms of being known in history, he would rather be known in something like his family line, not just being a name in the books of some record, while he knows he may die horribly, either in a contract or one of his many dangerous races, being known by someone and remembered is very important to him. Other than those two, it's his guns, being a guy at the range and hunting, guns give him a sense of comfort, showing off their power and range when he protects himself really gives him confidence as well.

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Where's my Water?

Well, lying to everyone about what he is actually doing, not just with racing as he knows people like his boss and uncle that support him and in his boss's case, help him with racing as they both get the cut of a lot of money while he succeeds in them, the main problems come from his need to lie to do Contracts. This sense of disconnect between him and everyone else is weighing down on him as he knows he can't tell a soul about them, unless he is talking to another contractor like the many he met during this whole ordeal, he doesn't know what will happen once he runs out of excuses and the contracts keep piling up on top of each other as they go on and on. The only real reprieve he has is the month gap between them so he can recover and get back to normal, but someone is boud to eventually find out what he is doing, and it won't be a good day when they do.

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Where's my Water?

Max gets up every day at 6 am, gets some food and coffee and just checks the schedule, having one organized his day and gets him into the working mind set, after taking a shower and enjoying breakfast, he drives off to work and just goes about his day, if it's the week before a race, he usually sets some time with driving around the city, getting used to the new track and location where it will be taking place, streets or mountain ranges, he visits and sees if there are shortcuts or things about the area worth noting and using to his advantage, with his boss sometimes coaching him and spectating while he does the race during the nighttime, being left off early to arrive at the location on time and getting some food on the way. Max is living day by day and is not stopping the flow of life, you could say he tends to 'Live the Dandy Way'.

12. If you were going somewhere special that you wanted to look your best for, what would you do to prepare? What would you wear? How long would it take you to get ready?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Where's my Water?

Max will usually wear whatever he can find that fits best in the situation, such as a fancy suit if he is going out to somewhere like a ball or a gala, if it's something more street focused, he will wear his normal outfit, if it's like a sleepover, he will wear a hoodie, black shirt and some gym sweatpants, going with MAXimum comfort over than fashion statement. He will take as long as needed to look his best, combing his hair, shining his shoes, etc. If it's at a fancy area, of course, everything else is just situational. Max embodies the situational mindset, depending on the situation or place, he will act accordingly, zero need for care yields you a lazy looking Maxwell, usually he will try to look his best though, and he just gets too tired to care at some point, reflected on his hair being pretty messy then the rest of his outfit.

13. What will you do for your next birthday?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Where's my Water?

Max doesn't celebrate it much, despite everyone else wanting to throw a party for him, for him a birthday is just another milestone reached, sure he may act lazier during that day as he deals with the existential dread of slowly becoming older and sooner to perish due to old age creepy up his body and making him an old raisin that will probably nag all the time at other people. He likes being young, he doesn't like getting older, but deals with it like everybody else, with trying to ignore the dread like a normal person of course! Though, he doesn't mind a party and being around the people he loves most of the time.