Ean Hunt's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Tales To Be Told

I live in the bustling American city of New York, New York. I was born and raised here and it's a great hub of technological advancement and use. I work and live out of my small studio apartment where I play games professionally and I will buy, repair and resell computers and other devices. I find myself drawn to places with lots of people. Primarily due to how easily one vanishes here. Just walk down the street and nobody glances at you. It also is nice that you can't look for even a second without seeing technology at work, traffic, transportation, entertainment, communication and in certain areas you can see the walls of towering buildings covered in screens. It is a step in the direction of the world I wish to achieve.

-Ean Hunt 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Tales To Be Told

I get a large chunk of my income from PC and electronics repair. I buy or pickup broken electronics, repair them and then resell them. I get some supplemental income from video recording and live streaming, but nowhere near enough to be financially stable just doing that. Typically my money will be spent on new gaming gear, better tools with which to repair electronics and more recently, I have been spending my money on more defensive clothing. As well as heftier equipment, that is more costly than what I have been wearing and dealing with in the past.


-Ean Hunt

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 2, To Russia With Love

I strive for a Technological Garden of Eden. A place where all can live in peace and innocence, where they can effortlessly reap all that there is to offer. A utopia. A place where illnesses and injury are long forgotten, where everyone can live freely without oppression or prejudice. This cannot be done without the endless possibilities of technology and its advancement. I would travel worlds, sacrifice others, topple governments, and maybe even die if I knew that through that, it will be achieved. But,I cannot die yet... I have not achieved anything yet. I hope that those I have sacrificed and those I will sacrifice will forgive me... I hope that by fulfilling my ambitions of this utopia they may not hold grudges towards me.

-Ean Hunt


4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 2, To Russia With Love

The most defining event in my life requires a bit of background. 
So, in highschool, like other kids I got into video games. But I was far more skilled, I was skilled enough that a semi-large pro e-sports company hired me on.
As a part of my contract with them, my parents had specifically stipulated that the company would pay my college tuition. And they did. I got into Hunter College, Majored in Computer Science and Minored in Business. (Eventually.)
On the gaming side of things, I performed well enough, but I wasn’t liked or even really noticed much by many fans. 
Well here we come to the life defining event, the event that altered how I viewed the world and even my living circumstances.
My family and I  got hit in a major car accident, somebody drunk driving. Killed dozens of people. I was one of five to survive, it did *wonders* on my mental health, I required intense physical and mental therapy and I ended up getting dropped by the company.
With my severance, and what little I got from my parents' will, alongside selling our old furniture, I put a downpayment on an old apartment room and worked on making money.
-Ean Hunt