Liz's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Liz's first Contract.

I live in the woods! Yellow stone is the name I think.

I travel sometimes to other forests, and other places. There are so many cool animals around there!

Sometimes people come in, and they are looking around at all the animals, and they mess everything up!

In some forests, they kill all animals, and destroy the trees !! I don't like that! I don't like that at all!

It's not like that at Yellow stone. I think that's why Dad mostly lived here.

I liveeee in a tent around there! Sometimes I tie myself to a tree. And sometimes I dig a hole like my Dad showed me to keep warm. I setup rain catchers, and set traps for squirrels, and bunnies. It's good and safe, and secure! At least as long as no one tries to chase me!

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Liz's first Contract.

uhhhh. Sometime people come into my forest, or others and get lost. Then I can take some of their money while they sleep. Or, people will drop coins, and I can pick them up.

Sometimes I can sneak into some of the buildings near my forest and steal money. Then I can have really good food, and get good equipment for things. That's mostly what I get with my money. some nice food, and sometimes really good equipment for camping and other things. I have a sleeping bag that is super super warm. I bought that with money I took from this old man and lady that fell down in the forest.


People looked for me after that. I didn't like that.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Liz's first Contract.

People are always destroying nature! They leave fires, they drop trash, and they make live really bad for animals!

I want them to stop it! Bad people! Stop it! Then everyone, both the people and the animals can live together and by happy, and not have the trash or the fires anymore!

I guess that's what I want? I Dunno. I'm still pretty little, so maybe I'll learn new things, and change my mind about the best way. But I don't like it when there is trash in my forest, and I don't like when people start fires.

There are other things I would do. I guess I could kill? Lots of animals kill all the time. I don't want to die, but all the animals in my forest don't want to die either.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Liz's first Contract.

My mom left me and my Dad when I was little. That's what made Dad decide that he wanted to live in the forest. Because of that I learned how to live in nature, and I love living in nature! I would just be a boring regular person if I didn't do that.

I know about reading and stuff, but all the other kids need to spend soooooo loonnnggggg going to school and stuff, instead of being outside playing! It's silly. I would have been so bored and trapped and stuff. I also know about how to make fire, and find food, and scavenge, and live without leaving trash everywhere.

Dad was really sad mom left me and Dad, and I'm sad about it too sometimes, but I would be so much more boring if she didn't! 

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Liz's first Contract.

Dad- He was smart and strong, and really good at keeping me safe from all the people out there that are out to get you. There are so many things that I didn't know were dangerous that he taught me were dangerous. He is tall, and had dark hair. I get my hair from my mom instead, which I'm sad about. I wanted to have hair like my Daddys! He had silky black hair that he would let me play with some times.

Then there is Miss Caroline. She was one of Dad's special friends. I visit her sometimes, and she tries to get me to stay and go to school and stuff. I don't like when she does that, and when she does it too much I leave early. I think she get's it now, and won't be pushing. She is nice, and soft and smells really nice.

Then I have my bird friend! His name is birdy. He is black, and a raven and very pretty! I don't know if he likes me but I really like him. I can spend days following him around when he hasn't migate .. migret .. Migrated for the winter. I wish we could talk, and he could be my friend. 

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Sleepover~!

ummmm. It was a good childhood, I guess? I mean. I'm still a child a little bit. Like. My mom left, and then my dad took me into the woods for mostly as long as I could remember. The woods were nice. We always had enough food, he was teaching me a lot of things, and at night we would look up at the stars, and he would read me books.

But then Dad died. All of the sudden. I tried to help, but I couldn't do anything.

I didn't know how to do anything about that. I still don't really. But. I have some more friends, so maybe I'll ask them. It seems important to know.

I don't know where my mom is, and I don't really want to know.


I never went to school. It doesn't seem like an interesting place, and dad didn't really like it. I don't really socialize with many people. My Dad had a few friends that I know, and I talk when them sometimes when I need to practice. I get along with animals though. I know how not to be scary, and how to hide, and when they are going to be friendly.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Sleepover~!

What kind of love?


Like. The kind of love that people have for their parents. I really liked my dad, and my Dad loved my mom.


I don't really get it. Maybe because I don't see enough people. Dad told me that one day, my body would start... changing. That I would start wanting to do things, and think about boys a lot. 

I don't see boys that frequently. Sometimes when I sneak into town. 

My body is smaller than it should be. I haven't been able to eat enough after my Dad died, and although I've gotten better at scavenging, it still isn't always successful.

Now that I'm magic, maybe I'll be able to do more things, and get more food.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link 🔞 Answered after Contract 2, "Extraordinary Machine"
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9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 2, "Extraordinary Machine"

My Dad left me some comics. And some photos of us that he took sometimes. Also a few books, but not that many. Mostly kid books, but he had a few adult books that I've read. I keep them buried in a hidden place. Only I know where they are, and I need to dig them up when I want one of them.

But people are bad at finding things in the forest, so I think it's safe.

They were the last gifts my dad gave me, and they were what he used to teach me to read. Then I learned to read better by reading his books. Lord of the rings, and the hobbit. Some books on wilderness survival.

These things kept me alive. The books taught me what my dad had forgotten, the photo's reminded me of my dad, and the comics distracted me when I was sad. It kept me alive. 

Those books were my friends when I didn't have any friends, and are the only things I have to remember my Dad.

Other than his body. But after I buried that I haven't dug it back up.

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

I ....

Before my last contract, my biggest problem was worrying about someone destroying my forest. Or coming to take me away and make me go to school or something. Then I could become an animal, so that stopped being a worry.

Now Monkey science is the biggest problem in my live. Emperor Grungo, and an island full of gorillas told me about it, and told me about Zoos...  It all sounds awful. I need to learn about it. And then I need to stop it. 

And any other things that human do that is bad to animals. 

I have been safe in my forest for so long. But. I have powers now. And I'm magic. I have a responsibility to the natural world to protecting. And protect it from people doing bad things to animals.


I don't like how Emperor Grungo got attacked. I want the world to be a better one for him, and animals like him. I want the world to be a better place for all animals.

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Well.... It depends if I was sleeping as a hawk, or as a person, or as something else.

If I was a hawk, then I wake up, then go flying! I could look around for other animals. Sometimes I'd catch fish, or worms. Or I'd find some roots and berries. 

If I'm a mouse or a bunny, then I get from my burrow, and explore. Cleaning myself up, washing up in a river or stream. 

I travel enough around that I have a lot of different places I can camp.

If I am a person, Then I have to spend a bunch of time cleaning up and packing up my camp. Then after that I go hiking or finding an animal to befriend. 

If I don't have enough food, and I couldn't find food in the forest, I'd go and try and steal from some of the towns or shops nearby. Get clothes and things.

Sometimes I might sneak into somewhere, like a gym or a bathroom so I can wash my hair, and face. I don't do that too frequently, since it's risky, and the river is easier.

12. If you were going somewhere special that you wanted to look your best for, what would you do to prepare? What would you wear? How long would it take you to get ready?

Link Answered after Contract 4, What to do on a Saturday Night.

Like. Where special? When me and Dad used to go back to visit other people we would have to wash up. Dad made me wear a dress sometimes for that, but I don't really like dresses. They get tangled in plants and things. 

When we visited people, we had to make sure my face and arms were clean, and had to wash and brush my hair so that it fell straight down my back. That took foreverrrrr. I hated it.

Now I don't need to go to visit anywhere I don't want to me. Sometimes I wash my hair, but I let it be bushy and curly. If it get's in the way I can use the hair things .... Hair braids to make my hair be nice and not move around.

But. Most of the places I want to go are to be in nature, or to be with friends. Animals don't really care about how you look as long as you have a good smell, and behave right. Being able to talk to them makes it easy also.

13. What will you do for your next birthday?

Link Answered after Contract 4, What to do on a Saturday Night.

I don't really do much for my birthdays. At most I'll do something small, like have some extra treats, or do an extra fun activity. When my Dad was alive, he would get me a sweet treat.  But then I was alone, and didn't have money or know where to go.

On my 10th birthday I tried to steal some cakes or treats from a local bakery. They are so sweet! But I almost got caught, so I didn't go back on later years


Now.... I guess I could get more sweets. Stealing is much easier now. But probably I'll spend some time with Tilly and Jennifer instead.

14. What is your greatest regret?

Link Answered after Contract 5, The Hourglass

Hi Journal!

I think I made a mistake in the last contract. I got caught on camera. Don't like that. SOL bothered me though. He betrayed us, didn't talk and negotiate, and then nearly died and expect us to save his life. 

Dumb. But I shouldn't have hesitated.  Not my biggest regret. But the most recent.


I think. My biggest regret is that I didn't learn more earlier. There is so much I know now that I could have learned earlier, and used !

Like the library! So many things on the internet, and maps and things! I could have started learning so much earlier! Maybe learned how to make things faster.

Maybe I could have learned how to save Dad. Then maybe he wouldn't have died. 

I learned that I'm too short recently.

The way I speak is different from how other's my age speak.

I.... I didn't have a good childhood after Dad died. I learned a lot, but I think maybe I'm broken. And that being alone made that worse. Now I need to fix myself.

15. What is the nature of your Gifts? Are they inherent potential? Do harbingers just grant your wishes?

Link Answered after Contract 5, The Hourglass

I spent a long time away from people. I scavenged, and stole, and learned to move around the forest. Learned to hide in it.

There is a connection there, and a deep one. Animals are my friend, and nature feel like safety to me.

I am a druid. I get power from the world. I can speak to animals, speak to the wind and draw on its power. Nature at the same time draws on and merges with me.


Over time different parts of nature become available to me to influence and control. In return I work to protect and advance it.


This started with my ability to become animals. Then my ability to talk to them. Then an ability to move with the wind. Then drawing on the resilience of trees. 

I don't know what I'll get next. But eventually the entirety of nature will be under my control. I will lead it, and protect it. Preserve it and retake it.