Marcus King's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Marcus King's first Contract.

I live in the south side of Detroit born and raised. My grandparents brought me here after my parents died of age I was sent to an orphanage and across from it was a wrestling gym. One day my friends dared me to go to the gym for a few bucks. I agreed and went there. the door took some effort to open and when I walked in no one was there it was barren, empty, and hollow I walked around the dusty place, and in the distance, I could hear a loud bang and noise across the gym. I walked towards the noise to see a man in a jaguar mask practicing on the dummy. I turned and an old man grabbed my arm. The man in the jaguar mask saw me struggling and signaled the old man to let of my go hand.  ever since then he has been my teacher 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Marcus King's first Contract.

I get money from wherever I can find it. I usually get cash from wrestling matches or street fights. or whatever can pay the bills. I put most of my money towards the orphanage I grew up in if it's for water bills electricity food whatever I can scrape up.  The best way for me to make money has been from contracts even though sometimes I don't like what I have to do but there are always lines that I won't cross. I also make money playing lead at blues joints it always helps from time to time to keep my mind off things and pays ok.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 1,

Marcus King, known in the streets of South Detroit as "The King," is a formidable fighter with an iron will and a heart of gold. Raised in a rough neighborhood, Marcus learned to channel his anger and frustration into the discipline of martial arts. His ambition is to rise above the violence and poverty that surround him. By day, he works tirelessly at a local community center, mentoring at-risk youth. By night, he rises to battles in underground fighting rings, earning respect and money to support his dreams. With every fight, Marcus gets closer to his goal of opening a better orphanage and martial arts school, providing a haven and a path to a better future for the children of Detroit.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 1,

Before Marcus King signed The Contract that would forever alter his destiny, he was a professional wrestler and philanthropist known for his compassionate heart and iron-clad resolve. The most defining event of his life occurred during a charity wrestling match intended to raise funds for an orphanage he supported.

During this event, an unexpected tragedy struck. A fire broke out in the venue, causing panic and chaos. Marcus, without a second thought for his own safety, rushed into the flames to save as many people as he could. He managed to rescue several children and staff members, but in the process, he sustained severe burns and injuries that left him with lasting scars.

How it Changed Him: This harrowing experience changed Marcus in profound ways. Physically, he bore the scars as a reminder of his bravery and the lives he saved. Emotionally, the event deepened his resolve to protect the vulnerable and fight for justice. It instilled in him a sense of purpose beyond the wrestling ring, driving him to use his strength and fame to advocate for those in need.

However, the trauma also introduced a darker edge to his persona. Marcus became more intense and focused, channeling his pain and determination into his wrestling career with a ferocity that earned him the moniker "The King of Kings." The fire ignited a duality within him – a fierce protector with an unyielding will, yet haunted by the flames of his past.

When The Contract was presented to him, promising the power to protect and empower those he cared about, Marcus saw it as both a gift and a burden. He accepted, knowing that with greater power came greater responsibility, and he vowed to use his newfound strength to ensure that no one would suffer as he had. This defining event set Marcus King on a path of relentless pursuit of justice, both in and out of the ring, shaping him into the formidable and compassionate warrior he is today

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 1,

Rico was a towering figure with a heart as vast as his frame, always pushing Marcus to be his best while keeping him grounded with his wisdom and loyalty.

Jasmine was another significant figure in Marcus's life. A local youth counselor, she had a knack for turning troubled lives around. Jasmine's fierce independence and compassion inspired Marcus to channel his strength into community service.

Finally, there was Mac, the owner of the neighborhood gym where Marcus trained. Mac was a former heavyweight champion with a gruff exterior but a soft spot for the kids he mentored. From day one, he saw potential in Marcus and became a father figure, guiding him through the highs and lows of his fighting career.