Dr. Cheslav Dostoevsky's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Dr. Cheslav Dostoevsky's first Contract.

Cheslav moved from mother Russia when he was in his early 40's after patenting many of his genius medical "experiments" which made he exorbitantly wealthy. The Russian government was not thrilled with all the results, he was able to achieve, though technically fulfilling their contract. with a "small" bribe he was more then happy to relocate his personal research to the state of Maryland, known to be home of large medical research facilities. 


His wife, a lovely lady, whom he met well performed a "successful" surgical operation on her, has always wanted to open a doughnut shop in Maryland. she loves seafood and has always felt everyone should finish an evening with a sweet pastry, or delicious slice of pie.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Dr. Cheslav Dostoevsky's first Contract.

Cheslav was a medical prodigy and genius in his field. over his Ludacris medical research career, he wrote 156 medical papers, and patented 77 medicines and medical technologies. most of his income is from the continued use of 3 major patents, by the Russian military, hospitals, and government facilities.


these patents include:

  • Medication for deeper sleeping, resulting in an individual needing less hour of sleep in the night to function at full capacity.
  • Bionic muscle transplants, though less powerful then organic muscle, it is useful for replacing damaged tissue, regaining mobility, and for individual of extreme age.
  • and the Dostoevsky surgical performance.

After some of his more recent and questionable human experimentation. The Russian government was eager to have Cheslav move on with his career to the world abroad, with a bribe rivaling the net worth of a few countries.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Dr. Cheslav Dostoevsky's first Contract.

Cheslav as a Doctor, who took the Hippocratic oath. Thus he views the cycle of life and death to be perfect, no being should take more from this world than they give. those who remove life from this world, need to balance the cycle, either by saving lives, or dying to even the scale.


His final experiment in Russia did not go as planned, a brain implant previously having promising results at promoting sped up brain activity. Unfortunately once approved for a mass test, something Cheslav has not been able to figure out since, went wrong. Eight hundred, thirty seven lives... Lost. Cheslav over his career was already in the positive of directly saving 256 individual people.


This left him unbalancing the Cycle, the Earth, the world, and all of humanity, by 581 souls. 


He cant be net negative in a week, he needs to climb out of this hole he sealed himself into. Life is what matters, if he can save, he must. only when recently having saved lives can he kill a balanced soul.


He must see himself survive above all else, there will always be more to save in the world. he must bring his soul into the balance, he must restore the disorder created by his existence.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 1,

His final experiment in Russia did not go as planned, a brain implant previously having promising results at promoting sped up brain activity. Unfortunately once approved for a mass test, something Cheslav has not been able to figure out since, went wrong. Eight hundred, thirty seven lives... Lost. Cheslav over his career was already in the positive of directly saving 256 individual people.


This left him unbalancing the Cycle, the Earth, the world, and all of humanity, by 581 souls. 


Cheslav knew he could not save these many lives by hand, he needs a new invention, a new serum, something. after years of more research and testing, never being approved for human testing. The Russian government bribed him to end their contract and leave Russia, never to return. 

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 1,

Mrs. Felicia Dostoevsky, his wife of 26 years. whom he met during surgery. She was attacked and shot by the Russian mob well on a trip to research Russian pastry's. Now living with him and owning a very successful bakery built on top of his secret underground research facility, "Doughlicius".

Dr. Corbin Cross, a researcher and lab assistant, often spending days researching in Cheslav's lab. Originally partners in Russia, Corbin assisted Cheslav well inventing what turned out to be his biggest failure. Corbin strongly agrees with Cheslav's morals on life and death, and decided to follow Cheslav when he was asked to leave Russia. Even though he does not view the failed experiment in Russia as his fault, he feels his assistance in Cheslav taking so many lives, means he must assist in Cheslav's efforts to rebalance the scale.

Mr. Arnold Novikov, Cheslav's butler, only 15 years Cheslav's junior Arnold has been Cheslav's right hand man in all worldly tasks and errands. They have always worked well together, even though Arnold does not Directly agree with Cheslav's morals. He views what Cheslav does as over doing it. accidents happen and those given the opportunity to make such mistakes that result in many death cannot be the only ones held responsible for the deaths. "It is unreasonable for a person to have to Rebuild the world to patch your errors when accidents happen everywhere to everyone everyday". Even with this he supports in everything Cheslav does, because "after all, he is trying to do TOO much good".

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, F#%* this, and F#%* You, Tom!

Cheslav was a prodigy, Excelling in biology, Chemistry, Science. He went for higher education at age 11. graduating with his doctorate at 17. In his childhood his parents were very hard on Cheslav to do well in his education and learning. his father was a Doctor and very successful, his mother a pharmacist. 


at the age of 10 his home was broken into, his parents shot, their butler already dead at the door. The murderer a woman who bought a gun to get revenge on Cheslav's father after her husband died on his operating table. Cheslav tried to save his father but couldn't control the bleeding. His father dead very slowly... attempting to hold him in his arms. 


His mother had to bring him up from their, alone, but after that she was never the same, always distant, and left work. she lives in Russia still, and doesn't even know Cheslav left Russia.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, F#%* this, and F#%* You, Tom!

Felicia, my beloved Felicia. I met her in a way I don't meet many. Waking up in the middle of me operating on her. She came to and looked up at me, "what hap...- I... I shouldn't have trusted that bakery..." She groaned in pain and I could see it hurting her to the soul, till we made eye contact, and I could see the pain wash away from her face. "You... You'll keep me alive, right?" And with a soft smile, I could see the trust in her eyes, too much trust... But I had to fullfil that innocent trust.


She went out just as quick as she came to. The strength she must have to even be able to keep at straight face in that moment, I had my scalpel severing some of the most sensitive parts of her, the pain must have been unbearable.


She was from then on my baby, my world, I had to keep her alive at all costs.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Mushroom Hunt

Fear? I suspect death, though I try not to think on that to much. I have brought such a large imbalance to society, if I were to end before I can fix this, before order is restored... I would fail.


My Wife! I... if she was... I have to take mind numb drugs just to operate on her, thankfully only once after I met her. She was in her car driving, making a delivery, a big one. 4 Pies, 3 large cakes, 40 cupcakes, and so many pastry's. The semi driver died before he made it to the hospital. I could have saved him, but he, he caused this. She had 3 broken ribs, punctured lungs, went into cardiac arrest. if she was gone, I don't know how I would go on, she is how I go on, restoring balance, if I can fix myself for her, I would be at peace.


I fear losing my wife...

I fear missing her warm touch...

I fear not seeing her sweet eye again...

I fear watching the life fleet from her loving gaze...

I fear her stuttered breath, as her diaphragm retracts for the last time...

I fear watching her lowered into a grave...

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Mushroom Hunt

I am not a Religious man, however my father practiced medicine, as he said "I am the healing hands of god". Though we practiced for different reasons, and in different morals. he gave me his necklace as he died. a memento, he prized, wearing every day, kissing before every operation, every appointment, every simple visit he had with a patient. He put a lot of trust in the man upstairs, assuming his genius and skilled hands to be the power of 'God" working through him. 


I do not believe in this 'man' I believe in no religion, but the devotion my father had to him, and the practice he performed in the trust that this man would let him succeed... So I trust in my father, that the teaching he gave me are enough, enough to let me save lives... those I can.


So I perform his ritual as he put trust in god before each operation, I put trust in my father before each operation.


This cross necklace, gold coated though worn away in patches, it is a simple keepsake, though beautiful in its meaning to me. 

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 6, Crustacean Calamity

It is hard to see where I go with my research next. The Agency had promoted me to a "Novice" Contractor, though I feel still new to this, and with such the tasks i assume to be getting harder, though my last 2 have not been of much danger, I can feel the complexity and gravity of the contracts taking a step up.


Though all of my Patents, and even more things I research but never patented would be able to explode in functionality with the resources the agency is able to supply. I find it hard to move myself forward in a way that will help me protect those I work with on the ever growing danger of these contracts. 


I May have to go back to some of my original Patents, more basic, Lethal things... But a few ideas before that which I certainly can try may be exploring cybernetics prosthetics, for additional benefit above that of 4 limbs.

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 6, Crustacean Calamity

These days I wake after 1000hrs, as I wind come out of the lab around 0500hrs. I used to need coffee to start my brains slowed sleep function, but with my new brain alternating medication I find that I lack the sleep fog of my previous years. Once dressed in some casual clothes I make my way to find Felicia, my darling wife. always ready with my breakfast, even after waking at the crack of dawn to make her pastries, often getting ready for the day as I move into bed for sleep. She takes her lunch to eat with my breakfast, often Eggs and toast, like in my youth. But always followed by something sweet, a iced cinnamon bun, a almond croissant, even a cream cheese filled Tart. The wonders of that woman leave me dazed, and the Delicacies of her baking leave me wanting more. If i ever was to somehow lose those sweet treats i think i would need no more of life, Balanced or not.


But after that i dress myself for research, one of my 13 Black suits, and my pristine lab coat, to go down into the lab for another day of science.

12. If you were going somewhere special that you wanted to look your best for, what would you do to prepare? What would you wear? How long would it take you to get ready?

Link Answered after Contract 6, Crustacean Calamity

I am a simple man, wardrobe for work containing my 13 Solid Black suits, when Felicia request an extravagant getaway with me I don't even get to choose what I get to wear, each time I arrive with her in black and once we settle in the hotel she produces a patterned tux, or "dashing vested dress pant combo". I cant even bat an eye as I would do anything for this woman of my life. 


Along with that I know when I return in my new attire she will be transformed from her divine quant attire, to that of a goddess, a golden dress, with silver ridging and platinum shoes, a black pleated skirt with a white shirt, puffed sleeves and blue belt. it does not matter what she has planned for us to do, be it the most well reviewed restaurant in the World, the grandest most beautiful beach stroll of all the coasts, or to sail a cruise ship just the two of us. The place does not matter, as I would spend my whole life with her, even if we spend it behind a grocery store, beside the dumpster of a smelly fish shop.

13. What will you do for your next birthday?

Link Answered after Contract 6, Crustacean Calamity

I plan to sneak back into Russia, to see my father. Not a celebration as most people I see do for their birthday, but it is important to me. He died in my hands, the hands of a doctor, the hand of a genius prodigal doctor destined to construct medical mastery that heal missing limbs, cancer and chronic pain, a man destined to re-align bones and arteries with his bare hands. And he died in my hands, I stared and did nothing, not for a lack of love to him, but because of it. How could I do anything to save this man, a good man, a smarter man than me, one who actual saved more lives than he took as a doctor, one who god damn saved lives!...


He was a better man than I, I can only hope one day I may shine like a fraction of his greatness. But I must do it my way, I'm in to deep now, I must continue. For if he had the opportunity he would have done what I was doing... I think... But he would do it better.