Ariadne Lee's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Ariadne Lee's first Contract.

I live in the woods, outside of a moderately large city only traveling inwards to sell animal products collected from my hunts. My home itself is a cabin made by hand over the past 10 years with functional electricity generated from a water wheel. I live here because when I was younger my parents were murdered by an unknown entity and I was then abandoned and had to learn to survive. While somewhat primitive, it still has some modern comforts such as running water and toilets and provides a modicum of safe harbor between contracts. I would rather die than live anywhere else because my home is my safe place, my shelter, my solitude.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Ariadne Lee's first Contract.

I earn my money from selling animal pelts, meats, and sometimes trophy animals themselves ready to be taxidermied. I spend it on ammunition to hunt and essentials such as occasional groceries and toiletries. I have no inherent need for money so I do not tend to keep much if any on me. For the sake of eventually needing to use it I have multiple caches of money buried around my property in locations only I know and do not have written totaling a rough amount of about 65,750. If my goal of saving the word is perhaps met I may give it to somebody who needs it more.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Ariadne Lee's first Contract.

My ambition is to save the world from the people who control it. Such people hold places of power within corporations and governments. The powers at be may be involved, I myself haven’t moved into action to set this goal in place because my survival has been all I have ever known. The very structure of humanity is closer to collapse then it has ever been which is why I feel no remorse to anything that has to perish including myself to insure a better world for the next people to come. Until I either die or come to fulfill my goal there is nothing that will stop me from getting the job done. Hell hath no fury like those who must win.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Ariadne Lee's first Contract.

The most defining thing in my life has been the loss of my parents due to an unknown entity that I have no idea about. One minute they were there and the next minute they were gone, evaporated. There was no goodbye, no time for I love you. After a month or so having no way to pay bills all the utilities were shut off and I was forced onto the street. I then realized that it was easier to live in the woods then on the street and have been living in such manner for the past 10 years. 

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Ariadne Lee's first Contract.

I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone. I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone. I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone. I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone. I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone.I am alone