Norm Guy's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Norm Guy's first Contract.

Norm lives in Normal Indiana, USA. He lives apartment in a modest one-bedroom unit in a nondescript, beige brick building. Beige carpets and white walls define the space, furnished with generic, practical furniture from a big-box store. The living room has a comfy sofa facing a basic TV stand with a decent but not very large flat-screen TV. The small kitchen features standard white appliances and laminate countertops. A simple wooden table with two chairs sits nearby. The bedroom has a plain bed with neutral bedding and a functional dresser. Bland yet cozy, this apartment epitomizes unremarkable, everyday living in a quiet, suburban neighborhood.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Norm Guy's first Contract.

Norm works as a data entry clerk at a mid-sized insurance company in downtown Indianapolis. His job involves meticulously entering policyholder information into the company's database, ensuring all records are accurate and up-to-date. The work is repetitive and detail-oriented, but Norm finds comfort in the routine. His cubicle is decorated with a motivational calendar.

With his steady but modest income, Norm lives frugally. He spends his earnings on rent, utilities, and groceries, with a small portion set aside for occasional treats like a night out at a casual restaurant or a new book. Norm also budgets for his hobbies. Additionally, he saves a little each month for a modest vacation, dreaming of a simple getaway to a nearby lake or a quiet cabin in the woods.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Norm Guy's first Contract.

Norm is deeply passionate about restoring middle-class income in America, believing it’s essential for societal stability and fairness. However, his inherently moral and non-violent nature prevents him from resorting to killing or extreme measures. Instead, he channels his efforts into peaceful activism: joining grassroots organizations, advocating for policy changes, and participating in community meetings. Norm is willing to face significant personal risks, including financial hardship and potential physical danger at protests, to achieve his goal. He’s driven by a sense of duty to his community and future generations, ready to endure threats and intimidation, but he draws the line at harming others. His bravery lies in his relentless pursuit of justice through non-violent means, but ultimately he is a coward who would neither kill nor die to achieve his goals at this time.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Norm Guy's first Contract.

Norm discovered a seemingly nondescript self-help book, Unlocking Your Inner Potential, at a local thrift store while browsing for nonfiction material. Intrigued, he bought it for a few dollars and began reading. Soon, he experienced vivid dreams of ancient rituals and felt a surge of power within him. As he continued reading, objects began to move on their own, and he could hear faint whispers of people’s thoughts. During a stressful work meeting, his latent psionic power fully manifested, causing papers to fly and computers to flicker. Embracing his newfound abilities, Norm faced the challenge of mastering his powers while balancing his ordinary life and using his skills for social change.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Norm Guy's first Contract.

Norm's life is exceedingly normal, and as such the people in his life are small in scope:

Lisa, is a friendly and outgoing colleague in the marketing department. They share lunch breaks, discussing books and life. Always supportive, Lisa provides a sense of normalcy and encouragement. Unbeknownst to her, her friendship helps Norm navigate the challenges of his newfound psychic abilities.

Norm's boss; Mr. Thompson, is a stern, no-nonsense manager who values efficiency and results above all else. Known for his strict deadlines and high expectations, he often intimidates the staff. Despite his tough exterior, Mr. Thompson occasionally shows a rare glimpse of appreciation for hard work and dedication.

Finally, Mrs. Jenkins, is a warm and kind-hearted woman who often bakes cookies for the building. She enjoys sharing stories of her youth and offers wise, gentle advice. Her friendly demeanor and caring nature provide Norm with a comforting sense of community and support amidst his ordinary life.