Grace W. Sharp's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Suckin' Air

Grace lives in San Diego, California. It's the city she was born and raised in, the one she attended schooling in, and the one she worked as a police detective for. Despite the pain and tribulations she's faced while living there, she's chosen to stay and operate as a private investigator due to the gravity of the conspiracies she's caught wind of. San Diego itself is known for being a coastal city, home to a few beaches, zoos, parks, etc. As for Grace's home, she lives in a humble apartment in the downtown area on her own-- somewhat spartan and lonely, but at the very least, organized and easy to maintain. The most fancy thing she owns, as well as the only other thing she lives with, is a small fish tank home to a singular gold fish she's kept since childhood.

2. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 3, (0-3) Hello Vietnam!

Though she may act cold and come off as distant or disconnected, the truth is that Grace is always on edge-- anxious of the countless conspiracies lurking in the world, and razor aware of the consequences that follow her or anyone else's decisions. If she thinks there's a chance that someone's actions may put things at risk, she'll refuse to let them continue, no matter what. It's not necessarily the risk of danger or death that drives her to this point of paranoia-- if she were completely afraid of dying, she wouldn't be so steadfast of pursuing justice even against the highest powers of the world. Rather, it is the repercussions of an early death-- failing to achieve her ambition of exposing these conspiracies and allowing others to suffer in response, that worries her so much. To that end, she's also extremely averse to the idea of being compromised, either captured and unable to escape or being betrayed by one of her allies. Perhaps more than even all of these, due to its primal and overpowering nature, Grace is afraid of losing her sense of self and giving into her animalistic urges now that she lives as a zoanthrope-- clinging onto her moral compass as the one thing that keeps her true to herself and to the world.

3. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 3, (0-3) Hello Vietnam!

Grace doesn't have any possessions that have particularly high monetary or tactical value-- lacking any artifacts due to her abilities all being related to her skills and physiology. Instead, her most prized possessions come in the form of sentimental importance to her. The ones she holds closest to her are the things that remind her of her parents-- worn animal plushies, childhood photographs, etc. The one she's specifically most attached to is an old, striped fish plushie that she's had since the very beginning that she (secretly) refers to as 'Captain Fish.' Another that she's close to is a family picture depicting her parents, herself, and her little brother when they were 6 and 4 years old respectively. Outside of those belongings, she also is closely attached to a locket given to her by her childhood best friend, Ray-- which depicts them together when they were little. Both have matching lockets that they carry on their person.

4. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Suckin' Air

Grace currently runs a private investigator business under the name of "Sharp Eye Investigations." Her experience having been an extraordinarily competent police detective has transferred relatively well, though her day-to-day work has been more civilian focused by nature. She particularly excels in the fieldwork and information gathering elements of the job, allowing her to sustain herself and make some spare income despite her relatively young age. Most of what she earns is spent towards maintaining the business and stocking herself with important gear, as well as paying off a particularly high water bill each month. Whenever she has a surplus, she likes to indulge herself and splurge on eating mass amounts of food and meat at diners, steakhouses, etc.

5. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Suckin' Air

Grace seeks to unveil the conspiracies which have covered up her origins and keep the rest of the world in the dark. As she's realized that more and more of her surroundings, past, and life are controlled by these conspiracies, her grit and relentless pursuit for justice has only grown stronger and more impassioned. No matter how many exist, and what powers are responsible for them, she'll strive to uncover the truth behind all of them all and put an end to them. Naturally, this means she's willing to put herself at risk of death or even sacrifice herself if it means getting the truth out. This said, she's determined to stick to her moral compass and follow her ideas of justice along the way, meaning that she's unwilling to kill those who she believes are bystanders or who don't deserve it.

6. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Suckin' Air

Despite being only seven years old, Grace still vividly remembers when her parents disappeared. Her parents woke her up in the middle of the night, one of them in an intense argument with someone on the phone. She and her younger brother were told they needed to leave immediately, and before she was able to process what was happening, they had packed up and began driving on the road. Still arguing over the phone, Grace's parents dropped her off at a family friend's place, stating that they'd come for her later. They drove off, and a few days later, they were reported dead alongside her brother as a murder incident. Since that day, Grace has relentlessly aimed to pursue justice and uncover the truth, knowing deep down that something was wrong.

7. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 4, Suckin' Air

The Sharp Family: Grace's parents were Grayson Sharp, a well regarded marine biologist, and Mary Sharp, a former investigative journalist who became a stay-at-home mother after Grace was born. Her younger brother was named Fin, born three years after Grace. Though they all disappeared from Grace's life at an early age, Grace still remembers them fondly and upholds the ideas and virtues they imprinted onto her.

Ron Funches: Grace's former chief at the police department she worked with, referred to as 'Chief Hammerhead' among her coworkers. Typically confrontational and opposed to Grace, due to her obstinate pursuit to maintain justice-- even at the expense of exposing other officers at her side.

Ray Mora: Grace's closest friend. The Mora's were family friends of the Sharp family, who they turned to when dropping off Grace. Since their disappearance, Grace has lived alongside Ray and grown up alongside her-- both eventually pursuing detective work. In comparison to Grace, Ray is significantly warmer, friendlier, and more amicable. Though they've grown somewhat distant over the past years due to Grace's focus on her work, Grace still regards her highly.

8. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Suckin' Air

Before Grace was orphaned, she had a relatively happy upbringing. Her parents were Grayson and Mary Sharp, a marine biologist and former investigative journalist respectively. She additionally had a younger brother named Fin. Her parents made sure to treat her with kindness and nurture her well, instilling the values of integrity and truth to her. After they passed, however, Grace was placed under the guardianship of the Mora family, who were already close friends with her parents. Despite their best efforts, Grace's trauma led to her being an outsider for the most part-- reluctant or refusing to engage with her peers at school and instead focusing purely on her studies. She excelled as a result, though this resulted in her making few friendships as she grew up. The only exception was Ray, the only child of the Mora household, who has remained as Grace's closest friend since even before her parents disappeared. 

9. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Suckin' Air

Due to her isolation with people, stemming from an innate distrust and general anti-social nature, Grace hasn't been in the position to even have an existing friendship or connection with most people. For the most part, being in a relationship isn't something that interests her, and is something she views as a potential hindrance or liability. However, with her childhood friend, Ray, she feels... somewhat differently. It's hard for her to pin, and it's something she's reluctant to actually explore or look into due to her career. Yet, if asked, she'd likely refer to her as being the closest. (OOC demi/biromantic but has a job soooo)