Kennedy Murdoch's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Kennedy Murdoch's first Contract.

[ welp,i live in the good old Cincinnati city,ya know? City of cinners yada yada,all that old movie and comics stuff you used to see back in the day in some random gas station or something. 

Heh those things aren't far from truth,at least a few years back I think,but today is just your old boring ass backwater city where everyone and their mother got nothing better to do than just spread gossip,although it has problems it's a calm place....for the most part I think,I like to warn any tourists by saying "don't go looking for trouble,or trouble will be looking for you."

Most think I'm just joking or trying to scare em off,I wish I were sometimes. 

I lived here since I was a kiddo,and I can confirm that as the world grew bigger so did its dangers.]


[ my home is quite unusual,I live in what used to be a great apartment but after some years nobody comes here anymore,could be because of the luxury condominium next door I suppose.

Yet why would I live in a basement of an old building? Simple I run investigations and jobs safely...and because despite everything is cozy.]


 [Where I would live anywhere from here? Hm..probably somewhere near a beach,but I always rethink it,too much noise.]

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Kennedy Murdoch's first Contract.

[ I'm the guy who goes after strange cases,involving strange folks doing strange things for the most of it,time to time I do go aid the local police boys if they ever need someone to track down a fugitive or sometimes worse.

the police department pays well,but most of my income comes from little side jobs,investigating a wird lizard looking guy who likes to creep out young ladies,or just finding out that an loyal husband,father of 2 is cheating on his wife on some bizzare goth "parties". ]


[ i spend my money on good food or good gear,and most importantly information from good sources.]

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Kennedy Murdoch's first Contract.


[ honestly,the only thing I strive for in my life is just justice.

Justice for everything and everyone,dosen't matter if you're some 1000 years old vamp sitting your dusty ass in a pile of Victorian gold,or some feral beast who gets everything that it wants by murder and brutality,you ain't above justice.

It's easy for me to say all that,hell! I'm just ex-thug who were lucky enough to live till my twenties,but even so,I will do everything I can to at least give closure for those who lost loved ones for the hungry beasts.

I don't fear for my life,I fear for those around me.

I rather keep my hands clean,but if i have stain myself with the blood a human eater fuck face?

Then be it.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Kennedy Murdoch's first Contract.


[It went down when I was 19,just another night with my crew eating fast food,having some drinks just enjoying our free time like we always did.

Hah! ,just thinking about it brings me memories,it's been a long ass time but even so,I remember each face,each dumb hobby or quirk those brats had,we were a dysfunctional family at best now that think about it.

In that night me and others decided to go hang out in our local bar,that's were we meet an odd looking dude,he had strange clothes adorned with even stranger symbols, something was off  about him,but I ignored my gut feelings as soon as his lackey pulled a brief case filled to the brim with golden bars.

He knew our reputation,he knew we were skilled in sneaking in without causing trouble,thus he gave us a job, get as much valuable junk we could carry and return to him.


"A easy job,easy payment how could a bunch of dumbasses like us say no?" Yeah...I wish we had.

It was some type of trap,we weren't the only ones looking to score big that night,nor were the security guys ready to what went down when the lights died out.

I didn't even had a chance to see it,before feeling it's claws tearing deep into my skull,I dunno if it was luck or divine intervention but I managed to escape...but i can still remember each scream that echoed from the darkness. 

I...still blame myself for them."


I was rescued by two officers,they did everything in their reach to help me back then,after that I became the man that I am today. ]

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 1, For the Dogs

"First is chief Morgan's deputy,and one of the few higher ups i can rely on in this backwater city,not all boys of PD are pigs but sadly there is some exceptions,well Morgan's hands me over the paperwork,important stuff or unnatural stuff. 

Truly a good man.


"Second is ebony,she runs a bar that i happened visit time to time,she inherited the bar from her pops,Mr Bryce he thought me and my old friends how to fight back then...when t ahings were simpler ye know? 

She is a batshit insane sister to me,and got an hell of a representation of kicking the soul of any who harasses her staff...and me heh.

Every time I drop by I pay more than im supposed,because it's like a second home to me.


And last is Mrs marigold ower of a restaurant I eat every damm night,sweet old lady who was once being bothered by a drunk ass ahole for some stupid wrong order he got on a busy Sunday. 

Like I get it,it's frustrating by you can't shout bloody murder at poor old lady who is not even working at your order.

So I stepped him aside,he swung at me,and if i remember well...he still on the hospital. 


Since then I got free double burgers on the house every damm time...I try to refuse but she is too persistent. "