Ishim Pretre's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Ishim Pretre's first Contract.

I'm living in the city of Marseille. 

I never thought about going anywhere else. It's the only place i ever knew. It's also the city in which the divine grace of god will fall one day and I need to see this happen and the messiah appear.

I live in a cheap flat at the 8th floor of a building. The paint is cracking and the humidity is covering the wall of mold but I don't see anything bad with this.

The view on the port is bad because a building is hiding it a lot but I can still see the sunset and it's good enough. 

I just hope I could live closer to the cult. 


2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Ishim Pretre's first Contract.

Working for the cult is the obvious thing to do. Most of my time is used at showing new poor soul in need of solace how our cult is the only one who can offer them salvation.

I am often scoffed at by other people when I try to show them the way to paradise, but I'm still the one bringing in the most believer. This way, I'm the one with the biggest bonus of all of us. 

I still work part time in a shoe store. 

Most of my money is used in supporting the cult. I also rent my flat and buy food.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Ishim Pretre's first Contract.

My biggest ambition is to see the promised messiah. 

Apocalypse is drawing near and he is the one that will lead us to salvation. 

While waiting for him, our task is to grow the cult, spread the word of his arrival and make this world a better place. 

I'm often flagellin myself with a holy flail. It help me concentrate and expel my sins. 

If someone ever tried to do something to go against the cult or prevent the messiah from coming into this world to achieve his divine mission...

I don't know what I would do. I don't like killing but if it's to prevent a sin as big as this...

I still need to pray more. I'm not faithful enough.  

What I know is that I would certainly give my life for it. 

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Ishim Pretre's first Contract.

Once high school was over life became significantly more difficult.

I didn't do anything fulfilling and was feeling an enormous void inside my chest growing everyday. 

Sam is the one that found me. 

He talked to me like a father talk to his son, giving me advice and making me face the choices that were in front of me. 

I only learned it way latter, but he had a prophetic dream reveling the truth about our word and the fact that we needed to pray for the awakening of the messiah. 

He is the founder of our little cult and I'm everyday honored to be one of the blessed he personally recruited. 

I'm a new man now, I know what to do with my life.

My family and a lot of my friend cut ties with me since but it was all worth it.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Ishim Pretre's first Contract.

Sam is the person I'm the closest to. He is the leader of our cult. The one who received the prophetic dream about the near awakening of our messiah.

He has some trouble to control his emotions sometimes and often lash out to the other believer or try to forcefully have relationship with them. 

But that's ok. He is the one that was chosen by the greater will. He can sin from time to time. 


Claude is the right arm of Sam. Apparently they are best friend since forever. He is also often sinning a lot and I don't like him for that. He often talk to me like he is my uncle or something. As if. You are not one of the chosen, you don't have the right to be so sinful! But since Sam like him, I don't say anything.


Michelle is the boss of the girl section. She has pointy glasses and often have a hair bun. She talk to me a lot. It seams she kinda like me since I bring in many girl when we go proselytize.