Edward's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Edward's first Contract.

Zoo Zoo Zoo Sky Blue Fly Bird Zoo Edward Eagle Zoo Fly 

Fly Sky Blue Fly Bird Edward Fly 

Food Food Food Noisy Loud Hurt Zoo Bird 

Cant Fly No Sky No Fly For Edward Bird Zoo 

Food Zoo Want Blue Sky Blue Edward Fly

Cold Sky No Blue No Food No Fly 

Blue Sky Fly Food High Zoo Noisy

Edward Fly 

Edward Want Fly

Edward Want Sky Fly

Edward Want Sky Fly High

Edward Want Blue Sky

No Zoo No Zoo No Zoo 

No Cold No Dark No Hurt

Want Want Want Want 

Edward Want Edward Fly Free Blue Sky Fly High

Home Sky Blue High 

Edward Fly Home


2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Edward's first Contract.

Green Smelly Human Green Soft

Shiny Hard Cold Hard Small

Edward Fly Shiny Like Shiny Cold Want Small Shiny

Soft Home High Green No Smelly 

Green Soft No Green Smelly Soft Home Smelly

Low Green Human Smelly High Green Soft Home 

Cold Shiny Home Shiny Cold Green Soft

Human Green Smelly Food Shiny Cold Food Zoo Food

Edward Green Soft Small Shiny Food 

Human No Food 

Edward Green Smelly Shiny Cold Home

No Green Smelly No Food No Edward Food

Edward Want Food No Zoo 

No Zoo No Food No Want

Edward Want Green Smelly Small Shiny Good Food Yum

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Edward's first Contract.

Edward Want Food Fly Home Free No Zoo 

Zoo Cold Hurt No Food No Fly No Sky No Blue No Free

Want Food Fly Bird Home Sky Blue

Edward Bird Home Sky Blue Want Free

Home Sky Bird Sky Fly Free

Edward Hurt Ouch Want Free Home Sky Bird Home

Edward No Food Hurt Want Free Home Sky Bird Home

Edward Cold Hurt Want Free Home Sky Bird Home

Free Home Sky Fly Away Zoo No Home

Edward Hurt Ouch No Food No Home Want Free Home Sky

Edward Hurt Want Free Home Sky

Want Sky Want Free Want Home Edward Want Free Home Sky 

Edward Want No Zoo

Edward Want Free Free Free Home Free Sky Free Food Free Bird Free Fly

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Edward's first Contract.

Edward No See No Know

No Home No Sky Edward No Bird Fly Sky


Blue Sky No Fly For Edward Zoo Food Zoo Home No Home No Fly High 

Edward Bird Zoo Bird No Fly High Blue Sky

No Want Zoo Food Zoo Home Zoo Sky

Want Yum Bird Food Bird Home Sky Blue Free Fly

Want Want Want Food No Human Bird Zoo 

Want No In Zoo 

Want Free Want Want

Want Sky Fly Bird Home Edward Home 

No See No Know Home Sky Bird Home

Edward Want Free Home No Zoo Know Free Know Home Know Yum

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Edward's first Contract.

Food Human Zoo Food Want Edward Fly No High Sky Blue

Zoo Want Edward, No Want, No Want Zoo, No Home

No Want Zoo Food No Food Human 

Food Human Want Fly High No Edward Food

Food Human Hurt Ouch Edward No Fly No Food Cold Ouch

No Sky No Fly No Want


Small Human Want Yum Loud Noisy Smelly Small

Want Yum Loud Want Edward Fly High 

Edward Want Yum No Loud Noisy

Green Smelly Yum Small Shiny No Edward Food

No Yum Food Zoo Edward No Smelly Green 

Edward Small Shiny No Food


Edward Want Human Home Food Yum Free Home Fly 

Edward No Human Home, No Yum, No Free Home Fly

Want Want Want Human Home, Want Yum, Want Free Fly

Want See Want Know Human Home, Want Fly Free, Want Sky Blue, Want Bird Home

Want Want Want Home Home Free Free Free Free Sky Blue




6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, ~~Capybara~~

I never knew my parents, those who gave life to me. The warmth of a caregiver. The gentle guidance and encouragement from an elder. The security and comfort of a home. I never knew any of these precious things. 

My earliest memories are of pain and darkness. I was young. Hurt and confused. I don't remember where I hail from. I truly wish I had but the smallest inkling of where it could be but sadly I do not. I have seen the smaller humans, the "kids", being escorted and cared for by their parents. It warms my heart to see the love humans give so freely to their young. 

I have not attended an educational institute. The closest experience I can compare to is receiving instructions and training for displays within my former enclosure with the human who fed me. I hope to pursue education from the elder birds who dwell in the sky now that I am free. 

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, ~~Capybara~~

I have not had a mate, but I recently felt a strong connection with another. A bond perhaps. I felt his gaze scour my body, it was as if a breeze had caressed me. I tore my eyes away from the beautiful blue sky and there he was. A creature I had never seen before but none the less a being that I felt a connection to. I was drawn to him. As we gazed into each other's eyes I felt myself reaching out to him. Wanting to further our connection, this bond. Circumstances did not grant me the reprieve and peace to concentrate or communicate this to the creature. I was only able to learn his name as he learned mine. Thorwynn.