Franklin Serkin (Franky)'s Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Franklin Serkin (Franky)'s first Contract.

Franky used to live in a small city called Jorda. When he was about 10 however, he decided to leave his bad home situation to move around with a traveling circus whom who looked up to. He stayed with them for most of his life, moving from city to city, state to state. They never stayed in a place for more than a month. He wanted to make people happy, like how the clowns of this circus made him happy. He lives in a clown circus car. He shares it with one of his mentor, who is close to retiring. Living there had opened his eyes to what they world could be, and made his life so much better. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Franklin Serkin (Franky)'s first Contract.

He gets paid about 50 bucks per show, and does about 5 or 6 every time they stop in a city. So he makes roughly $250 a month. That isnt an issue, as he lives with circus, and they are able to feed and give him a place to shower. He lives comfortably enough, and whenever he does decide to spend his money, its usually on one of his clown buddies, or buying something for a poor kid he might see on the street. He cant help but feeling like he needs to stand up for these abused and sad kids, because of the situation he left at home. 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Franklin Serkin (Franky)'s first Contract.

Since he was a little boy, the only thing to excite him was when the circus would be in town. He wants to spread that happiness all over the world. He wants for there to be no reason a young child should be crying or sad because of their home life. He is going to become that beacon of happiness and joy for everyone. He doesnt want to hurt anyone, but if he sees someone whos harming a child, he wont refrain from harming them to protect them. He takes anything having to do with children very seriously (not a pedo thing). He never ever wants someone to go through his home life with abusive neglectful parents. And that is that. 

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Franklin Serkin (Franky)'s first Contract.

When I joined the circus. I used to be so depressed and always in fear of my parents both leaving me. I had no friends or family outside of distant parents. But one day, I saw lights and colors like never before. I was walking down the street when I saw signs for a circus. I hadnt heard of one of those so I thought Id check it out. When I went for the first time it changed my life. The joy that it filled me with was overwhelming. Seeing how clowns and trapeze artists would fly through the air and make everyone laugh made me envious of that. So after a couple years of watching them all, I decided to skip town with them and never looked back. They are more of a family to me than anyone before. 

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Franklin Serkin (Franky)'s first Contract.

The first person is ring master Johnathan. He was the person who let me join the circus. He was a nice but stern man, who is really able to work a crowd. Hes able to tame animals at a wave of his hand, even if there all well acquainted and love him. He is a man in his 60s, but is still rocking the top hat and pinstripe suit look after the 20+ years ive known him. Next up is who I consider my older sister, Alice. She had been in the circus for a few years before me, and was one of my mentors. She has a kind soul, and would try and cover for me if I ever got into trouble, She had long curly clown hair, dangling down to her waist. She was best know for her act of sawing herself, and then the saw in half. Finally is Thomas. He was the one who got me interested in the circus, and who convinced Johnathan to let me join. He is the head of the clowns and is someone I consider my father. He taught me everything I know about performance and stage presence, and how to get someone out of a tough situation like he did for me. I wouldnt be anywhere without him. Hes a shorter man, but still has the biggest clown afro Ive seen. His shoes are huge too, hard to believe he can walk in them.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Exterminator Needed

It was ROUGH. I only knew my parents as ma'am and sir, whenever they ever would talk to me. My father was an abusive drunk, and my mother was a neglectful stay at home mom who really more of a stay at home and smoke mom. I went to school whenever I could, but it was pretty far from my house, and my parents never drove me anywhere or paid for bus fare. When I did go to school I loved to learn. I excelled in whatever I could learn. The other kids alienated me as the weird kid who showed up sporadically. I never was around enough to make friends. Growing up, and as everyone else became closer and closer, he was even more pushed away from everyone around him. Eventually I reached a breaking point, where I quit school, and ran away from home with the circus, where ive been for most of his life at this point. 

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Exterminator Needed

I had a small crush on a girl in middle school, sally may. She was one of the popular girls, but not always one of the mean ones. One day after a lot of thought I approached her to ask her out to get pizza or something. She looked at me in my dingy clothes, skinny wirey kid, and she said no. Everyone around laughed and since then I've tried to shut myself off from the romantic side of relationships, out of fear for what might happen if I try again. Since then I've seen people around the carnival when we travel, but no one I've tried to make any actual connections with