Chason's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Chason's first Contract.

Somewhere in Beverly Grove, because of the proximity to his favorite restaurant. He went there everyday of his childhood and spent his afternoon listening to the radio and eating many delicacies. To the point when he left his parents home, he decided to install himself and his defunt dog in a cozy apartment a few miles away, which also grants him a great view on the city, especially at sunset. He's become at some point very aware of his surrounding, knowing every place by heart by now. His home isn't a palace but his earnings and the low rent made him accommodate his nest to his needs. Colorful paints of pastel colors across the facade and interior and very little space to run, that's what the treadmill is for. The door leads to the living room, fuzed with the hall , long enough to connect the bathroom, toilets and his two rooms.