Reggie's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Reggie's first Contract.

He was born in Outer Sunset in a french of origine family that moved there during the golden era of the USA, moving to California thanks to another family they were close to and who gave them shelter.

He now lives in the high income part of San-Francisco (Inner Sunset as of now), and he is working as a police mortuary assistant since The Accident :

Since very young, he wanted to become a cop or a doctor, doing both academic studies and ending up as a cop.

Unfortunately, while he was on the job, tracking a criminal which was found at various places at the same time, he managed to catch him, however he soon learned the hard way that said criminal was a supernatural being, being able to clone himself. He managed to take out the clones but as he was going to catch the original, he shoot him point blank with a shotgun, Reggie managed to redirect the barrel to not get shot in the chest but it still destroyed his left leg, falling to the ground and letting the criminal escape.

Being then crippled, he couldn't take on the same missions as he once did, getting transferred to the morgue because of his medical background.

And even now, while he is trying to discover himself more and becomes more happy in his general life, the accident still haunts his dreams and some of his decisions.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Reggie's first Contract.

Working as a mortuary assistant lends him quite a lot of monay, making it very easy to find a comfortable home that he now owns, and obviously, a prosthetic leg.

Additionally, after a year of working there, he's got quite the funds for anything, really.

So everything that isn't spent on the clear essentials goes into clothes, furniture, and other cosmetics. Lending him a big dressing as well as a very decorated apartment, however, at the end of the month, 50% of the remaining funds got to charities while the other 50% stays in a savings account incase of need for monay later