Pete O'deth's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Pete O'deth's first Contract.

Pete O'deth lives in oakland, not far from the city of san francisco. It's almost the perfect place for him, not too far from his job and for everything else. He can take his car or use public transports, for the times when his car is in reparations. He goes to a small bakery a few streets from his apartment, where he buys chocolate and almond croissants, his favorites. The city is a bit far from his mother's house, in nevada, but he still drives once a week to keep her company and to fix the things that are damaged in her house. then he gets backs to the big city, with a bit of regret, but hey, he needs to eat, doesn't he?

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Pete O'deth's first Contract.

I work for a debt collecting company, my job is essentially just showing up to people that owe money houses, and try to get this money. If they don't, then I need to call the police... ît gets me money, even though it's not particularly pleasant at times. But that's what get me eating and having the life that I have, and makes me able to pay for the gas to see my mom every week. And also my rent and the others things that makes a man's life pleasant, like rum and books. I don't know how I'd survive without my Jule Verne novels.