Flara Florener's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Flara Florener's first Contract.

Flara's Bakery

Florener's Bakery is located just outside of the Pūre city in Latvia. With a few family members and friends running the bakery for her, selling all kinds of pastries and drinks using pre-written recipies Flara makes before her every adventure and travel. These products have basic health benefits that are none-specific and can be enjoyed by all kinds of patients without prior examination. 

Latvia is a country with high level of forest precentage and low population, which allows her to live rather quiet and undisturbed. The culture, tradition and religion is closely related to nature and is ideal for Flara's studies and experiments with plants. People here are also more open to using herbal medicine and believe the benefits it has.

While most cities would've been nice for a bakery to florish, the Floreners family decided to open it near Pūre because of the city's association with foods and drinks. Many popular brands come from this city, and the quality of their ingedients are top priority. She also didn't feel comfortable living too close to the big cities.


Although her home is her bakery and her room, filled with notes and recipies, is on the second floor of said bakery, she spends quite a lot of time somewhere else, looking for region-specific plants or on her way to treat patients who are unable to visit her bakery.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Flara Florener's first Contract.

Bakey & Treating patients

The regular products sold in her bakery can support taxes, groceries, traveling and other bills. This money not only ensures her basic needs are met, but also takes care of her family.

She can earn extra cash for more expensive things or contracts by seeing patients and treating them using her knowledge in herbalism. Many people seek help either by visiting the bakery or writing to her for a house-visit. These people either have problems that modern medicine can't solve, distrust in the goverment and modern technology, beliefs or religion connecting to nature or just long-term loyal clients who knows her stuff's worth.

With both these incomes she can afford a rather comfortable life for her and her family, as well as her studies on plants.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Flara Florener's first Contract.


Ever since she was young, Flara watched and learned from her mother the properties of different plants and how to use them to benefit people. It's a family tradition for the Floreners to know their ways with nature. Although being a herbalist and having a love for plants wasn't rare in the Florener family, Flara was exceptional with her ability to memorize things quickly and dedication to this subject. Soon, while other kids played in the park, she was observing the dandelions and could identify the types of 'grass' in that patch of grass. 

She hopes that one day she'll be able to save more people and fill the hole made by the guilt she put on herself (death of Martha, her lover). It's a endless goal, she knows, but it keeps her going and she's willing to sacrifice herself - something she now deems lesser - for it.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Flara Florener's first Contract.


When she was a late teen, she was well known for her skill in the field. Flara lived her teenage years showered in compliments and achivements. Even though her family raised her to not be too prideful, she was still confident in her abilities. Many lives were improved or even saved by her.

Things went well for her, until, her girlfriend at that time, Martha, refused to listen to her and had an addiction with smoking. She talked to her about it, and Martha pretended to listen, but in reality, she just smoked whenever Flara wasn't around. Martha had her own issues she was struggling with, but never felt comfortable seeking help from Flara, since she felt distant whenever Flara would be invested in herbalism. Time flies fast and before Flara knows it, things were too late. Martha was diagnosed with cancer and Flara couldn't do anything to make her recover. 

Martha spent her last days being honest with Flara and finally opening up to her.

After the death of her lover, Flara was furious and dissapointed at herself for not noticing what her girlfriend was going through, as well as her lack of ability to save her. Her confidence was destroyed and she isolated herself for a while before slowly getting back on her feet with the help from her family and friends. She invested more time and energy on making the family bakery bigger and better known, then set on her journeys to improve her knowledge and skills even further.

She is now in constant guilt and feeling responsible for Martha's death. She is no longer as confident. Now, she's humble and quiet, yet wanting to help others more than ever.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Flara Florener's first Contract.

Selee Florener

Mother and mentor of Flara Florener. She has always been there through Flara's rise and falls, and she was the one to introduce herbalism to her. Although she isn't nearly as good as Flara in this field anymore, she is still capable to teach Flara many things. How to be kind, how to feel comforted, how to stay determined, how to love yourself. Flara knows that no matter how tiring the journey is, her mother would always wait for her home with her favorite hand-made tea.

Martha Bluewood

Past girlfriend of Flara Florener. Her passing away was a major event in Flara's life and heavily shaped her personality and behaviour, as well as goals and plans for the future. She was less gentle than Flara, her strenght and her sense of justice made her heart hard like wood, but her love for Flara made her approachable and comforting like agarwood's smell. She was a briliant women. Although physically strong, her intelegence matched Flara's and the two could talk about anything science related. They were both smart.

Fiona Florener

Youngest sister of Flara Florener. She was just a toodler when Martha died, and her clingy attitude towards Flara was a big reason why Flara didn't end her life. She just couldn't leave Fiona, she wouldn't dare to break her little heart. Everytime Flara returns from a journy, she brings Fiona a little souvenir. The two sisters get along well and talk about their feelings often.