Frank Russo's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 5, It's Cleanup Day!

I've lived in Trenton my entire life, never bothered to move out. Apartments a few miles off from where I grew up and within walking distance from work so it's surprisingly nice. I've thought about moving across the river to Pennsylvania a couple of times, never committed to anything though. It's hard to beat the convenience of an hour train ride to NYC. Makes picking up jobs fairly easy, missing persons cases are disturbingly common nowadays.
I've seen some pretty sights on my travels. Seoul was nice, don't speak a lick of Korean though. Canada's not my type of place, nor is England. Don't think I'll ever be let back into London after my last job there, not happily at least. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 9, Another man's trash

I'm a private investigator. I've got my own office here in town, maybe a 10-20 walk from home. Ads in the paper and online are how I find most of my work, pays well enough that I've got funds to spare. Only worry is the lack of stability, there's been a few rough months where I haven't made as much as I'd like. Been meaning to hire a secretary for a bit, just someone to handle calls and whatnot. They'd have to be down to mess with the supernatural though, can't risk having any of my particular specialties getting leaked. 


Could be good for business I suppose. "Supernatural Investigator for Hire" adds on an extra layer of trust I'd imagine, gives some confidence that you ain't hiring some schmuck. Would put a massive target on my back at the same time though. If I get to a point where I'm more confident in my abilities, I might consider advertising myself that way, who knows.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 9, Another man's trash

There was this nasty string of murders here back in the late 2000s, real gruesome. Saw some national attention, headlines of an invisible man slipping in and out of homes, carving up young girls. Go fucking figure, guy never got caught. This friend of mine, Jimmy, knew him from middle school, yeah? His sister, Maria, was one of the girls that the bastard ended up getting. Drove him crazy trying to find him, got all paranoid thinking that he'd be next. 


He never got Jimmy, of course. Jimmy didn't catch him either though. Spent 5 years trying to hunt him down, calling up families, trying to beg the cops to look more into the case. Not a thing. Invisible man was humble, it was like the fucker never existed in the first place. One day, Jimmy got tired I guess. He gave up on his hunt. He uh... He leapt off the Lower Trenton Bridge. Washed up a few days later.

I went to the guy's funeral. We didn't attend high school together, but we kept in contact, hung out a few times with mutual friends. It was a tragedy for fucks sake. He was a good guy, didn't deserve any of it. His poor mom, she sobbed that entire ceremony. She couldn't even give the eulogy, couldn't manage to get it out between cries.


What I want most is for sick fucks like the ones who take people, good people like Maria and Jimmy, from us to pay. I don't want any more cold cases, any more investigations that come up with a whole lotta nothing. Maybe cops don't have the drive to do it all the time. Hell, maybe they're stretched too thin to take on every case. I'll do it though. I'll find these assholes and make them feel every horrible fucking thing they deserve. It's the least I can do. If that kills me or winds up with me in a cell, so be it. What type of man would I be to pussy out now?