Ferros's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 1, To Russia With Love

I live in the coughing fit that is New York, in an overpriced apartment, cleaning and cooking for my wonderful boyfriend of 5 years.

The only reason I'm living in this CO2 nightmare is because I grew up with my folks here in Queens and due to the attachment, I decided it was a good idea to find a place here and pay rent. Little did younger 17 year old me know of the hell hole this place would become. If I could, I'd move to somewhere not so cold, like Oklahoma or Texas, hell maybe even CALI!

My little slice of paradise is consists of a 889 square foot corner home looking out at the street. I try to keep tidy, but it can be a mess sometimes. I have my lovely boyfriend to thank for some of the mess, although it's mostly our cat, Griffith, who likes running around and knocking things over! Most of my days are spent trying to make good money to pay rent, making my boyfriend happy, and making sure that Griffith doesn't get himself killed by biting the wiring out of our toaster. My boyfriend works day to day as a mural painter, making more than enough to cover his fair share in rent! Although some days can be rough for business.

Overall, living in New York is awful, however I wouldn't consider myself wanting to move any time soon!

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 2, To Russia With Love

Eh, money is whatever I can get my little grubby mitts on, but I mostly work online helping website owners find vulnerabilities in their sites.

As for what I spend it on? Mostly my boyfriend and Griffith.

For my boyfriend, Jason, I buy the best ingredients I can to craft delicious meals for him in case the day doesn't go well for him. I also buy games and movie that we can play together while we cuddle.

For Griffith, I buy whatever I can to cat-proof my apartment; rubber corners, thicker cables, and multiple scratching posts because he likes to use his claws. I buy small toys for him to play with while I cook or sit on the couch, like string mice or bouncy balls that jingle and move quickly. His favorite toy is a 2$ laser pointer I bought at a dollar store because I was bored. So much for the actual toys.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Mushroom Hunt

My ambition is to further humanity's progress! To shape it like pottery! To advance the human race to how I see fit!

I strive for a future where I am in control, where there is little strife, and no one need complain about injury from war!

I choose to go great lengths for this, to force humanity to make leap and bounds, whether they want to or not! A bit of blood on my hands is a small price to pay for a greater future. More bodies now, means less bodies later! So what if people call me a monster? I'm an efficient one at least! Can you really blame me for simply trying to paint a bigger picture for mankind?

Death is merely a few bumps in the road paved for progress! Although dying would be unpleasant, there isn't any reason to fear the cusp of death!