Guzug's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Guzug's first Contract.

Guzug was born in a small town, but right now he's living in San Francisco, since it was the closest big city of his previous house. He could have gone somewhere else, but he's so obsessed by learning more and more that he's keeping money for equipment. 

His appartment has a decent size, since the border of the city is still a bit cheap, but it feels tiny due to all the notes around. He keeps notes about a lot of things : astronomy, entomology... But since he's working as a surgeon, most of his notes are about bodies, animals or humans He also has a whole room apart with a bunch of equipment, allowing him to practice all the time. They are almost everywhere, the only places spared are the bathroom and the kitchen, that are both weirdly clean... And do not have any sort of blood, none ! He cleans this thing like no one else 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Guzug's first Contract.

His work as a surgeon keeps him alive. He's qualified to work on other branch of the science, since he has not limited himself to one specificly, but medicine is the one domain in which he can win enough money to get equipment for his own personnal use. This kind of things are expensive, ya know ?

Of course, it brought him to have some... Unpleasant experiences, he can practice over fresh people easier, helping a lot about keeping things in memory, for the best and the worst.

He works in an hospital, obviously, but his will to study, even just a bit, has brought him to be the one managing the whole process of analazing the organs of someone who died, to know if they are usable and for who. It's always good to see more about the human body, and it also allows him to see some special cases, that are always helpful in his study. He's giving a hand to the policemen when they have to analyse a body that is concerned in a followed case. It's a bit harder to get in, but since he's really helping and is coming by himself, he was able to do so. 

Oh, and he also spends his money over basic stuff, like water, electricity, food, clothes... But he doesn't take time nor spend money to have fun. 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Guzug's first Contract.

He wants to know. 

His hunger for knowlegde is insatiable, and he already has made a bunch of things to feed it... He already has seen people dying under his hands, and even though it's an horrible sensation, enough to make him sick of it, but that's not enough for him to stop his research. His ultimate objective is to know everything there is to know in the natural world, to the Biggest into the smallest, he wants to have the Greatest knowledge mankind has ever known, and also wants to go over it.

His desire pushed him to experiments over wild animals, like rats, birds or insects, and even on his own body when he was sure he couldn't die 'cause of that. 

If it's not someone he's supposed to save or someone he knows, he's ready to kill. For him, killing and failling to save are not so different. But killing only for it ? Surely not, he's not that mad, but if he must to and can keep the body for him, he won't say no.

As said earlier, he may use his own body to experiment, but putting himself on purpose close to death is not something he does. But if he has no choice to access something that will give him the ability to learn more, he'd be ready to risk his life

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Guzug's first Contract.

It was an operation, changing a bit his vision of all the knowledge he's getting.

He was still new at the time, only a few real operations in which he was the surgeon in charge. It was an emergency and he was the only one available at the moment.

During it, the assistants put the wrong quantity of anesthesia, making the patient conscious during a huge part of it, but not able to move.

When they were approaching the end of the operation, the patient was able to move a little, and touched the only one he could see : Guzug. He fell down by surprise, and one of his tool sliced his eye. Even injured, he tried to keep his composure and stood back up to continue what he was doing (while having his injured eye covered with a tissue, putting his own life in danger, to avoid any drop of dirty blood on the patient of course), but his lack of vision lead to the death of this patient.

He failed, and felt horribly guilty for this mistake. Nothing similar happened afterwards, even now, but he still has the face of the patient, and all the patients he couldn't save, in mind when he tries to sleep.

Since this day, he tries to remind himself that his smartness is something that is supposed to help, and doesn't have the only purpose to grow more and more. But... Even while thinking that, he's still... A human, he can't resist his urge to satisfy his craving, a really little amount of times

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Guzug's first Contract.

Guzug is not... Really sociable. He doesn't have difficulty to discuss with somebody, but he doesn't feel the need to do so either. His passion for sciences takes his whole life, so much that he's not so lovable to anyone. However, if you're an expert in one of the things he's studying, he might get closer to you. 

We can first mention his collegue in the hospital : Rémige. Rémige, a nurse specialized in organ donation, is the closest person to be a friend of Guzug. Since he's working in the sector of organ donation and that Guzug is the one inspecting the organs, they both discuss a lot. They are only co workers, so nothing much between them, but they still talk a bit more than just organs and blood. 

After that, there aren't much people... We can talk about scientists he met and talked, allowing him to get knowledge from vialable sources, but they're just talking about sciences, not like Rémige, with who he's confortable enough to be a bit more human. Same problem with his other collegues in the hospital.

Well... We can mention his parents, but they died around his 20s. Before that, they were the only persons he opened himself to, since they were the only persons that could understand his passion for all the sciences, often compared to madness by others, and hear his feelings about each subject he was discovering and digging in. 

And with the supernatural that got popular, people are more interested into some weird beings that still have not scientific explanations than a deeper look into things that they find... Normal, which is the exact opposite of Guzug, who tried to study the supernatural but gave up quickly, thinking it wasn't stable enough to deserve his attention