Nikelaos Black-Briar's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Nikelaos Black-Briar's first Contract.

Nikelaos lives in Buenos Aires since he has memory of it. His family always tells him about how they come from a place far far away up north, on the slavic countries, from a small fishermen town named Riften. They take much pride in it, both on their descendance and legacy in their native country, as it is told Nikelaos´ surname causes a little bit of ruckus where the family is from.

Nikelaos comes from a well-acomodated family, such position coming primarilly from a huge heritage of fortune coming from the family´s business on the slavic region, business dedicated to the destilery industry. He´s alays lived in his huge mansion, located on those rich antique neighborhoods on the center of barrio Belgrano, in the capital. He lives with his dad, a Black-Briar, his mom, a slavic supermodel and his butler Bryniolf, accompanied by his team of maids.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Nikelaos Black-Briar's first Contract.

Nikelaos get his money from his daddy´s bank account, whose fortune is uncapable of being rightly counted by the huge amount of it. His dad doesn´t hesitate on sending him money, since Nikelaos is his only son and, in his words, a "prodigy" of the family, whatever that means. He has Nikelaos in high regard, as he sees something mysterious within him. From a young age, the boy showed potential of speaking to unnatural forces, you may call them spirits, which is of great use to his family on some weird way. His surroundings are scary. Hi.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Nikelaos Black-Briar's first Contract.

Nikelaos ambition is to connect with every spirit present in the human realm, in which there are plenty hiding from the naked eye. He is aware of his medium powers, and his goal is to make us of them one way or another, by adding poweful phantoms and spirits to his arsenal of aethereal buddies. Each spirit he collects has to have one us or another, for example medicine or fire magic. Once he gets powerful enough, he might be able to dominate the afterlife beings and, with the powers such influence brings, the human world afterwards. He dreams to become the ultimate darklord, and bring fear to his family´s name once again. Such a healthy normal child to be around.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Nikelaos Black-Briar's first Contract.

His most defining moment of his life was the first time he saw a ghost. Musn´t have past a lot of time since his birth before it happenned, since his medium powers consist of a natural, god(?)-given power. 

Anyways, the first ghost he had seen was a grandmother, a very, very old phantom who looked at his baby self with much joy and love. "You are going to be special", she muttered. Ever since, he strives to learn more about the phantom realm, not only to understand his condition but to, perhaps, reencounter with such a good-natured and loving spirit.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Nikelaos Black-Briar's first Contract.

Nikelaos´dad, Nikel . Nikel is a stoic, calm, and pensive person. He has little shown interaction with his son Nikelaos, but he holds him in high esteem and has made him the heir to the family. Nikel later realized that Nikelaos didn't share his passion for brewing, and allowed his son to go on his journey to find his true powers, but only because he saw it as a crucial step in Nikelaos´ development as the heir to the family fortune. 

His butler, Bryniolf. An enigmatic and intimidating character, Bryniolf was courteous as a butler should be, but was strict regarding the family's security and secrecy protocol. Despite his cool exterior, he could be as hotblooded as a raging bull, but typically could keep his temper under control. He was loyal and protective of his masters. According to Nikelaos, Bryniolf hated to use tricks and cover-up even during a game. Bryniolf was also shown to be sympathetic to the feelings of Nikelaos´ early friends and members of his staff. Bryniolf cared for Nikelaos as if he was his own son.

His black cat, Poe. 

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Deadly Corporation

Nikelaos' childhood consisted in a very protected one. Seeing his family background and his condition as a medium, both clashed into a situation where he was very steemed by everyone surrounding him, not only his family per se but the staff working at his family´s mannor.

His parents aren´t anything out of the ordinary. His dad, a millionare, and his mom, a model, didn´t stick out of the well-known stereotype surrounding such type of relationship; one both superficial and materialistic to the teeth.

This upbringing didn´t bother Nikelaos whatsoever though. He enjoyed being the center of attention at his house and always being involved in some kind of activity and/or conversation. His parents put a lot of effort on surrounding him with the right resources so he could grow into a fine young man, worthy of his supernatural condition and status as a Black-Briar. Said resources used to consist on the right staff around him to help him grow, such as the right instruments to develop his abilities.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Deadly Corporation

No. Nikelaos is too young to have ever fallen in love. Maybe he had a much older crush here and there, since he has always been homeschooled therefore friendships where hard to come by. Those curshes didn't pass the superficial state of the obsession.

He felt really close to some of the spirits he met during his short life though. Most of the time he was relating to them, either speaking with the wiser ones or playing with the younger less-fortunate ones that happened to suffer death at a young age. Those relationships, as expected, had its limitations, being the space between plains hard to cross.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Silbidos en la Jungla

One could say Nikelaos doesn´t fear nothing at all. After a life spent around ghosts, spirits and such, mundane physical fears are beyond the realm of him giving a fuck. He has, though, a strong need and esteem about his own powers. He believes he was born special one way or the other, and his spirit related powers are but a confirmation of such belief. If he had lost them, he´d be off by a lot. Such event, however, wouldn´t be as destructive as some may think. The thing about Nikelaos´life is that he has option. He was born into a well-known powerful and rich family, with connections everywhere. The fact that he chooses not to abuse them is only because he has said powers, and he is able to make a name for himslef in the longrun; not as a Black-briar, but as himself, as Nikelaos the spirit master.

Nikelaos could be, nevertheless, troubled by some events, which has nothing to do with fear itself but most towards anger. For example, when things escape his control, or if something was to happen to someone he holds dearly close to him, such as his butler Bryniolf or his cat Poe.

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Silbidos en la Jungla

Nikelaos doesn´t really prize most of his possession since by his family background it is so easy for him to replace things. He has never suffered the loss of a possession, not necessarily meaning it hasn´t happened, but rather it´s solution was really easy to come by thanks to his daddy´s money. His family makes sure he gets everything he needs, being a lone child an the rightful heir of the family fortune and titles, plus the whole spirit medium dillema. 

Nikelaos carries his notebook in his bag, which he uses to either draw or write, activities that serve as his own personal, self-sufficient therapy. If he happens to live through a tough nightmare, he might discharge all of the anguish derived from it onto his trusty notebook. There, those who dare to open and see the productions inside of it might encounter with a sense of disorientation and discomfort from the sheer things there might be embeded to the papers beholded by it.

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Silbidos en la Jungla

As of right now, what most disturbs him out of all is the lack of aggresion of the spirits he encountered on his jurney, spirits which aid him in his daily life and most of his missions. In combat, Nikelaos might have to resort to unorthodox methods to make himself useful and not be brutally harmed. For example, he might find a loophole around the uses of the spirits he carries with himself to make them useful for combat. Other resoruces he has to make use of against dangerous situations might be his speech, his stealth, his uncommon knowledge for someone his age or his epic sticks that he carries around to play with. He once oneshotted a mud monster by throwing a rock at it, which was pretty cool to see from his perspective. He didn´t expect to do so with his limited strength, directly related to his childlish body frame.

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Silbidos en la Jungla

Nikelaos usually wakes up after having nightmares around ghosts and spirits, as he is accustomed to. Besides it being rutinary at this point, the discomforting sensations lingering from its effects still haunt Nikelaos in his daily life and might limit him at the time of performing any actions.

After waking up, thinking about his dreams and writing/drawing some stuff onto his notebook, he likes to stand up near the window of his 2nd floor room and stretch out, all of it at the same time he looks outside of his window to the innumerable quantity of spirits roaming the streets, which had accumulated through time revolving around the whole human existance. 

He then has his always ready butler Bryniolf come into his room, as he has a sense of when Nikelaos wakes up after so many years of being employed by the family and taking care of the child. Bryniolf then leaves his breakfast on the bed without saying a word, as Nikelaos is disturbed by noise so early into his day, and closes the door on his way out. Nikelaos then procceeds to eat his breakfast and go on about his day.

12. If you were going somewhere special that you wanted to look your best for, what would you do to prepare? What would you wear? How long would it take you to get ready?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Left Right Game

Nikelaos wouldn´t really try anything special for said occasion. Porbably Bryniolf would be the one choosing his attire, as well as lecturing the young man about first impressions and manners. Porbably his mother would intervene in such a tedious proccess, since she cares so much about appearance, and particullary his own son´s, his creation, and his image towards others. She enjoys to subliminally compete with other ladies from her social circle -most of them, to avoid saying all of them, housewives to rich men- on who raised up the finest gentleman, and she most of the time seems to "win" in her terms. If not for Nikelaos extravagant personality -and the times he spaces out and/or starts talking with a pressence outside of the material realm-, she would always enjoy her victory, as he is very polite and well behaved on said gatherings, with the sole motive of both creativity and manipulating others into his own will. 

13. What will you do for your next birthday?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Left Right Game

Nikelaos would probably be involved in two instances of celebration.

The first one, during the day, would be with his family, staff, and child friends present. A formal reunion, a motive for the rich families of the social circle to gather to talk business and make arrangements.

The second one, being his favourite, would be all "by himself" and at night; what that means basically is that Nikelaos would gather his favourite spirits in his room or in a desolate place of his mansion´s backyard to do all sorts of shenanigans, maybe play a few pranks on his family and staff or so. 

Bryniolf would probably be present -and very emotional- in both instances.