"Big" Jim Newman's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before "Big" Jim Newman's first Contract.

London, only city in England according to you lot, ain't it? Property's expensive as hell here, even for the shoebox I'm stuck in, but so far I've been able to cover it by myself with the gigs I pick up when they crop up near: and the occasional bouncer job here and there. Mom and Freddy would definitely be able to bail me out if I somehow managed to get myself into any trouble, hell - mom probably wouldn't want me holding more than one job in the first place, but I'd prefer a thing like that than having to use the both of them as crutches to prop up my lifestyle.

Not that I'd say I live by any kinda extravagant means.