Bubba Score's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Bubba Score's first Contract.

Why I love it in Memphis Tennessee.  If Tennessee is good for anything, it's music!  If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere!  My family is here, too.  I live in an open studio house with plenty of space to avoid disturbing the neighbors.  For some reason people don't like it when I rock past midnight.  I've had the cops pay me multiple visits because of it.

So I moved out here to avoid any more fines man.  My accountant said this would be a cheaper option than having to continuously pay noise complaint fines.

Well, anyways, what was the original question?  I have this cool rock memorabilia, wanna see it?

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Bubba Score's first Contract.

By my rock shows of course!  Selling albums works too.  It seems just as many people love my music as much as they hate it.  Dam the haters is what I say.  Fuk'em.  I'm here to rock.  If you don't like it, don't listen.  It's as simple as that.

The accountant says I have lots of money going down the drain from several fines and property damage.  I just leave a lot of that stuff to him.  I just like to make music.

The rest is none of your business anyway.  I take care of my own.  Now ask your next question.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Bubba Score's first Contract.

A guy with a massive sunburn one day offered me this guitar in exchange for bring about the "Metal Apocalypse." What ever that is.  It sounded pretty metal, so I agreed to it.  This guitar never goes out of tune, so I don't have to worry about it.  It's been pretty handy.

I had to sign this contract before he gave it to me.  I just wanted that axe, so I just signed it.

No I didn't read it, I usually leave that stuff to the lawyers, but I was told it was now or never, and it was a pretty bad ass axe.  So I signed it.

It's been worth it so far near as I can tell.  This guitar has been really handy.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Bubba Score's first Contract.

Before I acquired this axe, I was a nobody.  Try as I might, I had a hard time getting any traction in the music industry.  Then there was a guy who played before me at a music festival.  He must have had a really bad sun burn or something and his skin was red as hell.

He also had some wicked black horns.  When he came off the stage, he told me he was retiring and offered me his axe as long as I signed a contract to carry out the metal apocalypse.

As soon as I signed that contract, I can't seem to find a place that won't accept me in a particular city.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Bubba Score's first Contract.

Well, there's my accountant, my agent, and the guys in my band.


Phillip is my accountant.  He manages all the money stuff for me.  Pretty cool guy.  Until I do something awesome.  Then he's gripping about it for the next several months and whines about property damages.

Edwards Jose is my agent.  He's nailing it lately with getting these sweet venues to perform in.  Love the guy.  The last one was in this warehouse down in the docks in Boston.  We managed to pack the place.  Practically blew the top off.

Then there's the fellow members of my band, FM/AM.  We're all pretty tight.  George is on the drums.  Alex is the base player, and co-vocalist.  Then there's Drake Tark, he's the one in charge of sound.  Without him, we'd all be stuck in dive bars in backwater towns.

Yep, them's my people.  We take care of each other.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, A Cabin In The Woods

Bubba was widely considered to be a class clown, and a delinquent.  Always causing trouble of some sort, whether it was spray paint the football field, smoking in the teacher break room, or pulling pranks on his fellow students.  His piers found Bubba's exploits equal parts funny and overboard.

The one thing he was always good at was music.  The student body always knew they were in for a treat during school talent shows.  Bubba frequently did covers of AC/DC songs, his favorite band.

While Bubba did attend school he didn't graduate.  Bubba was to preoccupied with unleashing his musical passion on the world.

Bubba's parents always wanted the best for their son, but consider him to be a disappointment.  Even after Bubba achieved success in his musical career, it was the violence of the riots afterwards that always turned them off.  They consider Bubba making it as far as he has nothing short of a miracle.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, A Cabin In The Woods

Of course I've been in love!  There was Sheril, Lizzy, Amy, Diana, Fran, Georgina, Daisy, Candy, Cindy, Jully, Jewels, Angel, Dandy, Kelly, Yuka, Hazel, Cherry, Barbara, Eve, Irene, Lizzy, Maybal, Oscar, Natalie and Natalia (sisters by the way), Vern, Paula, Sarah, Sam, Tina, Ulga, Victoria, Xenia, Zeta, another Candy, Tiffany, Debbie, Debra, Dandy, Sandra, Wendy (she wore the whole getup and everything), Princess, Cassandra, Taki, Ivy, Sophie, Janine, Tifa, Rey, Queen, Magen, Vixen, Vex, Athena, Yolanda, Berry, Betty, and Stephanie.

I think I missed a few though.

OH! And there was that reporter lady out in the hall with the blond hair too!

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Guest Book Getaway

Wha?!  Me? Fear something?  I don't fear anything! I have no fear of alien cryptids, or becoming unimportant.  That's why I'm trying to bring about the metal apocalypses!  If I do something that awesome, then I won't ever be forgotten!  People will know who I am for all eternity!  Oh I don't know what the metal apocalypses is.  I didn't ask.  It just sounded cool, and this guy gave me the UBER AXE if I agreed to help him carry it out.  It sounded like a good deal to me, so why not?  The UBER AXE is the best, coolest guitar ever!  I'll have to ask this guy were he got the guitar from the next time I see him.  I wonder if the guy who made the UBER AXE wants to be remembered.  You mind if I rock out a bit during this interview?  I'll even share a song I haven't published yet!  No, that would probably piss of the lawyers, and make all kinds of headaches for them.  They give me enough headaches as it is.  Especially with all the fines from property damage and the like they keep going on about.  I just tell them they need to focus on their work, and I'll focus on mine.

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Guest Book Getaway

My most prized possession would obviously have to be my UBER AXE.  This thing was given to me so I could bring about the metal apocalypses.  The UBER AXE plays the best rifts, and it's got all kinds of cool things it can do outside of just playing music.  Plus it never goes out of tune.  Then there's it's beautiful electric blue color polished to an absolute shine.  Just holding this thing makes me feel complete.  I don't go anywhere without it these days.  I wonder if I should write a song about this guitar...

So what else do I have that's valuable?  Well, there's my house, it's a bit trashed from all the parties I throw all the time, and my corvette.  It's trashed from all the...Oh!  I should keep it kid friendly?  Come on man!  They're going to find out about all that stuff eventually.  What a downer.

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Gold Nest, Silver Nest

My biggest problem?  Aside from too many fans?  Well, I don't know what this metal apocalypse actually is.  Anything metal actually does sound pretty cool in my book, but I just have no idea what it is.

Also, I seem to keep attracting these dark forces for some reason.  First it was the devil, who gave me a cool guitar.  Then it was this alien that tried to eat me.  Shortly after that it was this evil ghost that didn't like me stopping it's killing streek.

Are you sensing a pattern here?  I'm sensing a pattern.  I wonder if it's part of this metal apocalypse thing big red from down below actually wants.  Guess I'll find out soon enough.  I'll just keep rocking out till I burn out.

I'll keep you posted if I get anymore dark curses or any special artifacts.  I'm sure everything will work out just fine.

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Gold Nest, Silver Nest

I don't normally wake up till about 11am.  Then I'll eat something for breakfast.  Frozen pizza is a good one.  I'll then shower, get dressed, do some warm up toons.  Work on my latest song, expand my physical and mental horizons, meet with the band, rehearse our latest set.  If we have a gig that night, we'll play our songs, party, drink, maybe a bit of something special, smash some girls. Go to bed waaaaay late in the night, then we'll rinse and repeat.  We've been doing that week in and week out for the past several years.

It's just how we roll.  A lot of the time we're out on the road, so we take what we can get.  And some venues think we're too good for them.  Sometimes we remind them they're not.  Those nights are a blast.  Things usually catch fire at those.  Sometimes a car gets flipped too.  It's a blast!

12. If you were going somewhere special that you wanted to look your best for, what would you do to prepare? What would you wear? How long would it take you to get ready?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Gold Nest, Silver Nest

I wouldn't do anything special for anyone unless it was my Mom's funeral.  I'd just wear what I wear on a regular basis.  My shows are always a big deal, and my fans love my look.  So why did what ain't broke?

I've never really been one to care about what others think of me and my music.  Some people love me.  A lot of others hate me.  Fuk'em.  That's just how the world is.  If you're not making enemies, then you're doing something wrong.  So I'll make all the enemies I need to.  As long as it means I get to were I need to be, all the better.

Don't get me wrong.  I do appreciate my fans, and I love to see them come to watch me perform.  I push myself to give them the best show out there, and that's what they come see me for.  You want an autograph?

13. What will you do for your next birthday?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Gold Nest, Silver Nest

Same thing I do every year.  I'll throw the craziest party you've ever seen.  I invite the craziest bands over to play and have a rock battle.  The neighbors always complain, and the cops always show up, but we're just having too much fun being ridiculously awesome that we don't hear them.  There's more drugs, sex, and alcohol then what you can shake a stick at.  It's just how we roll.

What's with that look?  You interested?  I'd be willing to give you an invite to my next party.  It would be nice to have a reporter there be able to record some of the crazy shit we get up too, if only so I can remember it the next day.

14. What is your greatest regret?

Link Answered after Contract 5, Comfortable

My greatest regret?  You mean like how I stole the lollipop from Lucy in the 3rd grade?  She's still pissed at me for that for some reason.  

Then maybe I should have stayed with my first band, "The Lepers." The actual got kinda big a while back before they fizzled out and died in that plane crash shortly after I signed the paperwork with big red and got my guitar.

Not sure why that is.  Maybe they said something big red didn't like?  Maybe they would have held me back?  Then there's the chance it could have been a mistake.  I hope it was a mistake, I really didn't read the contract before I signed it.  I was far too excited to actually make it to the big times to go over it in detail.

This guitar is freaking rad as hell though.  What would you trade for a chance at fame?

15. What is the nature of your Gifts? Are they inherent potential? Do harbingers just grant your wishes?

Link Answered after Contract 5, Comfortable

So big red comes up from hell every once and a while, and makes sure my guitar issues in tune.  For some reason every time he does though, the guitar has some crazy new ability.

At first it would just shoot lighting bolts, then it started summoning succubi for me whenever I asked my fans if they were ready to rock.  Then I once misplaced the darn thing after a drinking binge and it came back to me.  Then it's also exploding all the time now...

Big red says he's got more adjustments to make to it before it's fully done, but there's lots more it can do in the hands of a master.  At least that's what big red says.  I wonder what it'll start doing next?

Will it turn people into demons?  Drain the souls of the living?  What kind of deal did I make for this metal as hell guitar?