Korvus Vesper's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Korvus Vesper's first Contract.

Korvus lives on the outskirts of the city limits, in an abandoned laboratory known back in the day as Prism Pharmaceuticals. Once a well respected establishment for the front of medical research, word got out of monstrous, and in-humane testing done for their medicine. The funding for it was cut off to avoid more PR issues, and the place was closed off. Korvus was a head experimentalist on their dark testing, and believed to be making a cure, to end all cures. A way to become anything. But once the funding was cut, and all the staff was fired, retired, or quit, he was left alone. Without most of his tools, he works mostly in vain to advance his morph science. A harbingers arrival's however, may give him the second chance he desires.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Korvus Vesper's first Contract.

Most of the cash he earns are some of the old fundings from back in the day, however those are very dwindled. So, he often sells some of the leftover, and potentially expired, medication and drugs to those who are interested. On rare occasions, he makes small deals with those who are willing, working on cadavers or victims for information, or his own experimentation. Most of the time, the victims survive and are released, but their minds forever tormented by his works. The other times... a death painful as it is quick. With the cash he has, he keeps part of his lab barley running on power, the lights flickering here and there, and the rest on more supplies.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Korvus Vesper's first Contract.

His ambition is to unlock the full potential of his morph science, the power to become anything, whoever, whatever. In essence, a true shapeshifter. He has done his experiments in the past, on innocents, on co-workers, and even himself, costing him time on his life. He has killed innocents for advancements in his science, he has horrified some of his co-workers with his determination, and his own body sometimes fails on him, his mind playing tricks of voices taunting him, that he'll never achieve it. He will prove them wrong, and if it costs him his own life to finally have it come to fruition, as worried as he would be to not be able to harvest his fruits of his labor, he will take it.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Korvus Vesper's first Contract.

The day the funding was cut, and the public knew the truth of what he truly worked on. Becoming a social outcast, and being isolated tolls on the mind, co-workers started packing bags, cleaning desks, and closing folders for good. The urge to prove everyone wrong and achieve his magnum-opus on science, it drives him everyday. To just, keep, going. This time it will be the breakthrough. It haunts him in his sleep, and from the voices of those he worked on. Without this purpose, he believes that his life is lost. Not to the point of death, but to just work for the hell of it, no true reason to do what he does.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Korvus Vesper's first Contract.

A co-worker by the name of Kian, the closest to him before the shutdown, and the last friendly face he remembers. His lover, Josephina, that only knew a bit of what he did, and left him after his sanity start to dwindle from the de-funding. And Meliodas, an employer that he is hired by to do kidnappings regularly, for reasons Korvus cares not about. Kian was his partner in crime, and shared the same belief as Korvus did, however in a much more logical sense, wishing to make something that could be use to heal those with exotic illnesses. Josephina always wished to change their form, hearing the stories of the supernatural that roam the city’s sometimes, but left him after what he does to achieve a dream like that. Kian offered themself to Korvus for his testing, trusting his live, which was cut short by Korvus’s hands. A grizzly fate that haunts and torments him, but one he partially believe advanced his research further.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Detroit Deals

His childhood was average, and this parents where a kind couple of folks. His mom worked in the biology field, and his dad was a chemist. The mixture of both of their subjects propelled his studies and experiments as an adult. He was a top tier student, albeit his social life was not perfect. The price you pay for his skills is something he embraced. Not entirely lonely however. Shortly after high school, he meet his lover Josephina. The pair was very happy together, and was one of the biggest reasoning for motivation for him in the future. With the rise of supernatural appearing on social medica, She dreamed of being able to change how she was, and becoming someone supernatural. With his skills in his parents fields, his ambition was set, and so he started to work on Prism pharmaceuticals, and the experiments that where ran within. A bright reasoning, with grim actions.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Detroit Deals

His lover, Josephina. He met her after high school, and the two where a match made in heaven. Inside a lab, the two meet during their lunch, and started to talk about their work. This was during the time the rumors of the supernatural was circling the world, and her dream was to make her own supernatural strengths. She knew it was a pipe dream, but it was something that kept her happy. Love makes you do so many things, and he believed with his skills, he could make her dreams a reality. The two shared a apartment together, and the start of Prism Pharmaceuticals was made. To the world, a innovative place. But its true purpose? To furfil her wish, which would eventually turn into a twisted desire.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Crepitus

It’s simple for him. A fear of death brush’s with him from time to time, but a bigger fear is failing his goal. He knows he’s done terrible things, and the sacrifice that Kian made for him. The fear of death, means all that work will be in vain, and that Kian’s sacrifice will have been for nothing.

Another fear he has, is one of betrayal, like what his lover did. All the work he’s put into morphology was for her, but when she found out what he had done to advance it, she left him with a hollow, broken heart. He started doing it all for her, but now it’s been twisted to prove them wrong. He still wishes one day she will forgive him, but only when he’s finished his science.

The blank expression he sometimes has is dwarfed in comparison when put into a moment where death’s shadow looms over him. No matter how composed he may have been, it can instantly be shattered. A knife at his neck, a gun to his head, he may try to hold a poker face, but his fear will be made clear. He won’t let those sacrifices be in vain.

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Crepitus

His most prized possession are three things, technically four. A voice recorder he uses to make logs with, a pair of photo’s of two important people to him, and his iconic black metallic mask.
His voice recorder is a simple one, running off tapes to record his thoughts, events, and to document experiments. Usually, it will come loaded with an empty tape while he’s out and about. He never really like writing things down unless need be, it’s easier and faster to speak things as they go. Writing also just hurts his hand.

The pair of photo’s he carries with him are each a moment of him with Kian or Josephina, the two closest people during his time when the pharmacy was open. It serves as reminders to some of the happiest moments in his life, and the promises he’s made for both of them. He also considers them to be what anchors down his humanity.

Finally, his mask. Something he wore often during his experiments, and now the catalyst to enable him to use his morph powers. It was always clean, always polished. It’s one of a kind, and serves as almost his calling card. If you see his mask, he was near, and if it was in, an experiment was planned.