Raathlan Nahl's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Raathlan Nahl's first Contract.

A rundown suburbs near the docks, after some eldritch incident that happened there it got abandoned, leaving a couple of warehouses that no one would batch a eye to the likes of hobos and vagrants.

A new low for Detroit, always turning into a worse and worse shithole to live in, but thats also a perfect place for people with no pasts, looking to make their future. Raathlan lives there after escaping his past fate, and honed his skill while living in the warehouses that stretched near the docks, he keeps a low profile, trying to not enter the eyes of certain individuals linked to his past.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Raathlan Nahl's first Contract.

Mostly coding online or selling random junk/inventions to the vagrants that live nearby, someone that can repair broken appliances are always useful when you are at the bottom. 

He spends in either new parts, tool and "contacts". The parts and tools to hone his craft and further reach his goal. Like building inventions, random gadgets and even prosthethics.

His contacts, are mostly insiders in medical or chemical companies to buy illicit goods from them without having to try his luck in the black market. His prime interest is on Luciferium, a very obscure drugs involving nanomachines thats is VERY addicting, forcing him to consume it weekly before he suffers consequences.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Raathlan Nahl's first Contract.

As a failed product, he got a couple of problem, the biggest is alot of  damage to his nervous system and a "fried" brain. 

His ambition is to strive for either a cure for his condition, or to learn enough to build himself a new body for himself, would he kill for it?

Would he kill for it? Yes, hes been close to death since he was deposited in the meat merchant hands as "disposable good", where "products" were treated like a slab of meat in a butcher hook.

He in for the long haul, even if it means sacrificing his current body in the process.

So to put it short, hes aiming for either a cure or a new body. He is willing to kill and sacrifice himself for it, death is just another everyday event for him.


4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Raathlan Nahl's first Contract.

Being sold out to pay a debt, being experimented and coming as a failure, then being sold again to a meat merchant, where hes treated as a disposable product.

Meat merchants sells disposable, often with something wrong with them for the highest bidder to do their biddings like disposable mercenaries.

Its a very used method by some corporations for cheap PMC's.

Raathlan was on his way of being sold, but after his transport was attacked by a rival corporation, he fled to start a new life. He went on the run for a couple year until he found a shithole that no one cared, who knew Detroid was one.