Jackie ("J") Thorne's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Jackie ("J") Thorne's first Contract.

Jackie lives in Detroit, Michigan, constantly looking for work. He moved there to start a new life without his past, like everyone else that's here and isn't trying to leave.


Jackie lives in a motel that was shut down a while back. He sneaks in through a back window and sleeps in a room he took over, not decorating it much but keeping it clean enough to sleep in. The motel is dirty and without any running water or electricity. He never stays there for too long at a time, preferring to go out looking for work or anything else to do, but it's a consistent enough place to call home.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Jackie ("J") Thorne's first Contract.

Jackie, going by J during work, looks for people in need of someone to do something they wont. J is a mercenary known around Detroit for being efficient enough for the price. People on the street hire J for anything less than legal. Burglaries, mugging, assassinations, and occasionally he's a getaway driver. Many have passed doing what he does, but J's not dead yet so he might as well do another gig or two.


J spends his money on debts he got into when he first started his line of work, and on more gear to get his work done faster, and hopefully keep him alive while he's at it.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Jackie ("J") Thorne's first Contract.

Jackie wants to destroy capitalism. He doesn't know what to replace it with, but he knows that anything that happened to him wouldn't have been caused by the greed capitalism brings. J would easily throw his life away to overthrow capitalism, cause he'd rather die than live in a world he tried to fix and couldn't. 


J knows that it won't be as simple as just ending capitalism, but he knows that he'd rather live with anything else. He is fine with overthrowing governments and letting the people try to survive themself, he just doesn't want to let people who don't deserve it enact their will on people who deserve more.


J doesn't care for replacing it, but he knows it hurt him when he didn't deserve it and he doesn't want it to happen again.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Jackie ("J") Thorne's first Contract.

When Jackie was young, his parents ran out of money due to bad financial management and sold him to debt collectors. He was trained to do dirty work and did anything they wanted, somehow surviving while he did. After a couple years, he escaped them, and fled to Detroit where he started out as a mercenary. He got into some debt of his own when starting out. He's managed to keep them away, paying them off with the money he gets from mercenary work, but they make it really hard to buy a house or move up in the world in general.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Jackie ("J") Thorne's first Contract.

Jackie Thorne very briefly had his mother and father involved in his life, before they sold him off. After that, he tended to not make connections with people, only talking to whoever could get him what he needed when he need it. Currently, his weapons dealer contact is a man named Maxim, and is the only person J talks to on a regular basis. They don't discuss much past what J will need and occasionally some small talk on how his last job went and if anyone died, but they don't feel the need to open up to each other. Jackie talks to whoever he meets at bars and anyone who recognizes him on the street, but they only know him as J, the mercenary from Detroit, no one knows him as Jackie Thorne. He knows not having anyone close isn't great for his mental health, but he wouldn't trust anyone from Detroit more than he would his own parents.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1,

My childhood was rough. My parents weren't anyone notable aside from the fact that they frequently gained debt and never could pay it off. When I was younger, don't know how young, my parents let them take me in exchange for their debt. I doubt they could keep their funds high enough for that long, probably eventually died when they couldn't pay up. They took me to a compound full of their mercs, and trained me to fight like them. I did their dirty work in exchange for my life. They didn't treat me that bad, as long as I did what they wanted, but I wasn't a big fan of working for people that could kill me at any moment. Eventually I escaped the Compound one night, hitchhiking to other states, living on the road for a few months, before I eventually ended up in Detroit. Many of the other mercs from the Compound came from Detroit, so I thought it wouldn't be a bad place to start.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Mushroom Hunt

I have never been in love before because I was never in a situation where I could be in love with someone. I was constantly prioritizing my survival every step of my life, and I never made close connections or formed strong relationships with other people in the first place, much less anyone I would ever feel like falling in love with. There was never anyone in my life that I wanted be with. These days, I don't think I will be on the lookout for anyone to start a family with, especially anyone living on the dirty, crime infested streets of Detroit that I call home.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Broken Arrow Goedendag

My biggest fear is losing everything. All the work I did amounted to nothing, and I didn't succeed in any capacity. I don't want to return back to a compound, doing dirty work to get treated correctly. I don't want to die a useless death either. I want to make some progress towards changing the world to how I want it before I can go. As long as I do something to help the world, I'll be happy. Hopefully I'll be able to make it big before I go. I also fear betrayal. I don't want to give someone any amount of control over my well being, as they'll probably misuse it to gain something out of me. I'm not gonna let myself get taken advantage of when I could easily handle all of my issues by myself.

Death is also a constant fear. I'm risking my life to make my way up in the world. I'd rather die than live how I do now, but I still don't want to die. Eventually, I'll make it big enough that I don't need to do any of the dirty work to life safely. When I get strong enough, everything's gonna change for the better.

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Broken Arrow Goedendag

The closest thing that comes to a prized possession is my trench coat I recently bought before my first contract. It was the first piece of clothing I bought in a while, and it was going to last me a long time, along with being useful in my missions. I had it taken from me when I got arrested, but now that I've started the contracts, I should be able to start affording more expensive necessities soon. Maybe I'll work my way up to owning a whole house, instead of my dingy motel room that can barely be called shelter.

The only other thing I care about owning is said motel room. It's the safest spot I know, it's very rarely stumbled upon or messed with. It gives me a safe place to rest when I can't be working, and it's not a bad place to store my gear between contracts.

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Crepitus

Currently, I'm in jail. The contract's have been helping with that. I've been getting stronger, I have more control of the jail around me. I just need to start planning, and I'll be free. I know Simon is in here, and I already met Vivian. Fat Larry has also been helpful, and I'm definitely gonna keep my word to him. I tried it out on a contract, and I am able to mess with data. I'll be able to remove our records from their system, and hopefully get us out clean. After I get back, I'm gonna need to start working. My debt has been outstanding for a good minute. I should have enough time to scrounge up money, especially with my new abilities. If I'm lucky enough and there are enough jobs, I'll be able to pay off my debt completely. After that I might start worrying about getting outta Detroit.

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Crepitus

Wake up too many hours early. Wait for Fat Larry to get up. Do my daily hygiene, brush my teeth, shave, stuff like that. They make us shower, eat, work. Most of my time other than that is lounging in my cell. They don't make us do much, as long as we're still watched. On some nights every once in a while I get a call to action from my harbinger. I've talked to Fat Larry. He's cool. Calls himself Fat Larry on purpose, which I find a little odd. I guess he's pretty close to a friend. Not sure if i'd call him that really, but there is a sense of comradery between us. I ask to use his stash, a couple odd items sometimes, and I bring him weird items. I also owe him a get out of jail free card. Other than that, we don't do much without reason. It's relaxed aside from being monitored so much. At least I'm not like those freaks in maxsec.