Iosef Yaropolk's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Iosef Yaropolk's first Contract.

Iosef lives in Samara, Russia. he lives in samara because of the amount of people, or potential victims who lives there too. the city is almost too large for his tastes but the amount of people who lives in proximity to him keeps him there. the police force in the city are vigilant, but not enough to catch him. Iosefs home is a decently sized two bed two bath townhome on the more outskirts side of the town. it has one floor, an attic and a basement. The basement is where Iosef does all the "dirty work." Iosef was born here, and that's what he says when people ask, but that's not the real reason he stays.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Iosef Yaropolk's first Contract.

Iosef is a realtor for magerus realty company. he makes a sizable salary selling homes and apartments in the city. Iosef likes to save his money for the more "gritty" parts of his life, coverups and bribes are not cheap. He likes to save his money and spend it wisely, using enough to stay in a confrontable state but not too lavish so to avoid attention. he likes to donate some of his money to local charity groups and homless people in order to keep up his facade as a normal above average person who likes to help others out.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Iosef Yaropolk's first Contract.

Isoef relishes in killing people, its his main form of enjoyment. he desires power in order to kill more efficiently and covertly. Isoef would lay down his life for power. He craves violence and death, and he would do anything to increase his odds. Violence is all he's known for so long, and is all he will know and will keep knowing. Iosef would die for power, he plan is die or become the greatest and most prolific serial killer known to man. he craves the infamy and notoriety that comes with it. for all his life hes been overshadowed and overlooked by his peers, writing him off as just some other guy. Iosef wants to show them all that hes not just "some guy" but instead hes THE serial killer. 

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Iosef Yaropolk's first Contract.

The most defining part of Iosefs event was the first time he killed sombody. the first time he felt the rush of energy as he pulled the trigger, and felt the recoil of the gun. The first time he saw sombody die was like the first time seeing your child walk. The first time he put a dead body in his trunk, and drove it out into the contry to burn it was like a rush of energy to him. Iosef loves blood and his urge to kill is unstoppable and irresistible to him. he enjoys the acts of violence he commits.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Iosef Yaropolk's first Contract.

Isoef was only close to his Mother, father, and brother. Isoef knows many people in life, but the person he was closest to was his younger brother. They did everything together in life. they ate, they slept, and they played together, that was until 20 years ago. 20 years ago when isoef and his brother were 5 iosef accidently stabbed his brother in the chest with a pocket knife, and it felt good. Isoef holds his brother in high  regards and lets nobody talk bad about him. Iosef's brother was the person and will always be the person hes closest to.  Iosefs mother and father were not bad, but not the best either, they were your run of the mill russian parents. Iosefs parents dont know what he does for fun and think of him as their golden child, their most important thing in their life and could never think to imagine of the horrible atrocity he commits.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Broken Arrow Goedendag

Iosefs childhood was not unlike other Russian kids, his mother and father were cruel but not abusive, he was rather popular during school, his emotionless and manipulative behavior put him at the top of the high school food chain. The issues only started once he accidently killed his brother as a child, its what kickstarted his obsessions. He used his charismatic ability's to lure other kids away with him and kill them off in cruel and sadistic ways. His mother and father were completely blind to his new obsessions  and his killings, thinking his little boy would never do such things. everyone in school loved him, as a charismatic person he was very easily able to get new victims and keep himself out of detections path, its a very handy way to keep himself from the public eye. Iosef outside of his obsession with killing and sadistic behaviors was a normal, if not more popular then usual. 

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Broken Arrow Goedendag

Iosef never truly loved people. He dated plenty of women and was in plenty of romantic relationships but he never loved anyone. his sadistic and cruel ways stopped him from truly finding a relationship. Iosef was never an outcast, and could date plenty of women, many of who thought he was "the one." but all those women fell the same, to Iosefs blade. As a "serial killer" iosef would lure women in with his charismatic ways before brutally killing them, leaving no room for love or real relationships with him. Iosef never thinks he will fully be able to fall in love with a women, his desires to kill are just too strong.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Detroit Deals

Isoef's biggest fear is becoming obsolete. he kills not only for the enjoyment, but for the notoriety and fame that comes with it.  he has always somewhat been in the spotlight, being a slightly popular kid in school he has always had people around him. outside of becoming obsolete isoef fears death. that's why he wants to be a necromance to best death. he fears death because he brings death, he knows what happen to those who die and it causes him to fear it. Iosef's fear of death spurred his desire to become a necromancer, because you cannot be afraid of what you control. Iosef relishes in the fear of becoming obsolete knowing that one day he will go down in history for his acts, his brutal and disgusting acts. His acts will cement himself in history and keep him forever from becoming obsolete. Iosef isn't scared of much, he is not scared of pain, he is not scared of murder or violence, he just wants to stay relevant forever, and he feels the only way he can complete this is by killing, killing so much that he will never be forgot again. Iosef really is a fucked up man