Scyleia Rivera's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Scyleia Rivera's first Contract.

Scyleia didn't realize it, but her family moving has often left her closer and closer to Seattle. For what reason, she doesn't know. It just makes her feel more comfortable being this close to the ocean.

She lives there mainly due to the fact that it was the closest place to the sea and it's a nice place to live otherwise. Most of her decisions have an underlying motive to them, especially her choice of work. She works at a medical facility for senior citizens because deep down, something calls to be in a position where she could easily feed if she needed to. 

Her home is a pretty typical small house that is incredibly well-organized, and very easy to tell if something has been misplaced. She often doesn't even go into certain rooms, that is how little she uses it. It was a gift from her family, although she doesn't sleep there often.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Scyleia Rivera's first Contract.

Scyleia receives most of her money through her job at the Senior Care Clinic at Harborview. She works as an aid to the elderly who provides them medicine and care during the day. She mostly is only assigned to 1-2 people at a time personally, as she is still only in her first year there and has a reputation as being incredibly introverted, so she is given a higher amount of leeway with her duties. 

She mainly spends her money on clothes, accessories, games and other geeky shit, and strangely enough, defense items. This includes, but is not limited to: Firearms, pepper spray, tasers, carbon fiber clothing, and more. This is because she has been approached by people more than once trying to "get to know her". 

She doesn't quite like that part about being half-siren...

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Scyleia Rivera's first Contract.

To create a safe space where the supernatural, whether they be half-siren, made of goo, or of a vampiric nature can thrive. That is Scyleia's Ambition. She strives for a world where peace can be had despite the differences between cultures and opinions and even very physiological natures between people. She knows this is a silly Ambition, and she could only ever dream of this before.

But now that she knows of the Contract, this opens up a whole new alley of exploration. Sure, she's shy and good-natured, and her goal is ultimately some idealist's wet dream, but she knows it's possible, if only because she wants to believe it.

She would kill if she has to, all to work towards peace at the end of the day. She wouldn't like it, but she can't really argue with "the big picture". 

Death is something she has been considering for a long while now, and since she doesn't quite enjoy her life to the fullest right now, she understands that she would never consider ending it. But if she were to be given the opportunity to gamble it to change the world? Well, that's better than spending all her time caring for old people and sitting at home by herself watching Jujutsu Kaisen.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Scyleia Rivera's first Contract.

Before signing The Contract, Scyleia's view of the world changed when she first drained the life from someone.

She didn't kill them, so stop thinking she did! It was a harmless graze, but she did end up lowering his lifespan, if only by a couple days. It made her feel strong.

It made her feel excitement. But she was also disgusted. It was a simple bump in the hall that lasted only a few seconds, but she can't help but feel like she had just committed some unspeakable sin. The guy wouldn't even notice, and it's not like he wouldn't die before it mattered, but just the horror of being able to take away the time someone is allowed to continue existing...

It scares her.

And to know things worse than her exist out there.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Scyleia Rivera's first Contract.

Scyleia has lots of friends, many of which she would even consider close friends. But with many of them, she feels this disconnect. As if they are being forced there somehow, even though they came to her. She tends to find herself gravitating towards those who don't seem as affected by this strange charisma about her.


Roman Rivera - Scyleia's dad. He has always been a strong role model for Scyleia. What with him being able to keep down a literal siren for a wife, it's safe to call him a man with a strong character. He is always there when Scyleia needs her, even though she often never asks, and can always find time in his day for her. He had a drug problem in the past, but finally overcame it and put behind his past to work as a farmer in Idaho. He actually owns a small farm where they mostly grow crops to feed the animals, with the animals being the main product. This is the person Scyleia is closest to.

Wanda Rivera - Scyleia's mom. She often presents herself as a confident and intelligent business woman as she has climbed to a more than impressive position in banking at US Bank Mortgage in Idaho. In reality, she is an incredibly mischievous woman who has a̶l̶m̶o̶s̶t̶  definitely used her skills as a siren to manipulate the people around her and secure herself a place in society.

Pierce White - A friend of Scyleia's and a co-worker as well. He is just a year younger than her at 23, and often finds himself overseeing her work because he's been there longer and is working towards more of a managerial position. He seems to gravitate towards Scyleia, but doesn't seem to have that same "vibe" about him that many others do. He seems much more genuine, that is. Scyleia has gotten far more comfortable with Pierce than many other people, and has even gone over to his house to play tabletop games with his friends, who have now become her friends.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, F#%* this, and F#%* You, Tom!

Scyleia's childhood was fine for the most part. What with her parents being such strong personalities with the combined goal of protecting and guiding her, there was little risk of any physical harm under their watchful eye.

Her father's name is Roman Rivera, and he acts as Scyleia's role model, what with his confident, yet humble approach to people and problems. He is (supposedly) a normal human man, although that is hard to believe when you hear about who he managed to snag (and hold down) as his wife. (This guy DEFINITELY has Iron Will or something)

Wanda Rivera is Scyleia's mother, and while she doesn't exactly take after her in anything but supernatural potential, Scyleia would say she is a big role model in her life, too. It's just that her father's approach of less dramatic flair and more silent honesty and genuine humbleness seems to resonate with her mroe.

Scyleia DID attend school. Multiple ones, actually. It's not that her school years went bad (they did for her) but that they went...too well. Her parents don't take kindly to kids following their daughter home, and the school doesn't take kindly to parents beating the snot out of children.

So suffice to say, everyone involved called it even and the Rivera family moved elsewhere.

Scyleia fit in quite well in her new school, only to say that she didn't have trouble making new friends. They usually come to her, after all. It didn't take long before she secured herself (if involuntarily) a spot as one of the "popular girls" even if that only means she was subjected to more involuntary social interaction.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, F#%* this, and F#%* You, Tom!

Scyleia doesn't think she's ever really been in love with anyone. It's hard to find more than a shallow connection to someone when everyone seems to put you on a pedestal. The closest she has found herself to falling in love is with some random she found at a club (because when your parents stop providing you with everything you need for a supernatural lineage, you gotta step outta your comfort zone to acquire it).

This isn't to say she "fell in love" but that she had more than a passing interest in someone for reasons she'd rather not consider just being "because he was playing hard to get". She thinks there's a pattern with this, considering her mother stayed with a man who had an indomitable will to resist her.

It was only until after becoming comfortable enough to frequent a club that she realized...

She can just drink animal blood! Dammit!