Cool John's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Cool John's first Contract.


Cool John lives in the bustling, animated metropolis of Looney City, where the Warner Bros. universe comes to life. Nestled in a vibrant neighborhood filled with whimsical characters, John's home is a quirky, multi-colored townhouse that stands out with its eccentric design. The exterior features bright, swirling patterns, while the interior is a playful mix of retro and modern styles. Cool John chose Looney City for its endless energy and creative vibes, fitting perfectly with his zany personality. His home boasts a cozy living room with a giant TV for watching classic cartoons, a kitchen stocked with snacks, and a rooftop deck for hosting wild parties under the animated stars


2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Cool John's first Contract.


Cool John, a whirlwind of chaos and charisma, makes money by turning ordinary days into extraordinary spectacles. He sets up pop-up prank shows, transforming streets into stages where reality bends and laughter reigns. With a grin wider than a Cheshire Cat’s, he conjures impromptu magic tricks, turning trash into treasure and earning tips from delighted onlookers. His pièce de résistance? A spontaneous dance-off where he moonwalks past traffic, collecting coins from amused drivers. Merchandising his antics, Cool John sells zany gadgets like banana phones and whoopee cushion hats, raking in cash while keeping everyone in stitches. In Cool John's world, hilarity equals prosperity!

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Cool John's first Contract.

How far would I go you say. I would do ANYTHING to be better than that stupid rabbit. I mean have you seen show it’s fantastic but I can’t be left behind I mean sure i do CRAZY stuff all the time like ho once honked the detective nose and put dynamite in his shorts. As what I'm striving for since my show got canceled I have been kinda down on my luck so I thought I need a night club called “THE SMOKING CANYON ” where anyone can come and not worry bring cancelled by some stupid big narcissist corporate company that doesn’t give a two shits about it franchise andip’s and would I kill for it yeah you bet I would if I means that others get to not be alone and i have to be bad guy then I guess I'm evil then

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Cool John's first Contract.

Defining moment you say well I have many you see robing 4 banks in one day ,that one time that i blew up that racist farmers house and but of course when I crashed the Batmobile. But you really want to know why i try to keep a smile well is because my wife did she always smiled even in the worst situations she did but not everyone gets a happy ending and she was my happy ending. You know a friend of mine had this saying thought it was crazy made more sense to me he said “All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy.” And understand what he means. I pray to whoever crosses paths with me that it won be on a bad day.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Cool John's first Contract.

The Joker

Relationship: Mischievous Companion Description: The Joker is Cool John's unpredictable and chaotic friend. Always one to stir up trouble, he brings a sense of danger and excitement into John's life. Despite his dark sense of humor and penchant for causing mayhem, he has a twisted sense of loyalty and often helps John navigate the more treacherous parts of their adventures.

Bugs Bunny

Relationship: Comic Relief Description: Bugs Bunny is Cool John's go-to for a good laugh and clever solutions to tricky problems. With his quick wit and endless charm, Bugs can defuse almost any tense situation with a joke or a clever trick. He's the one who keeps the group's spirits high and reminds John to not take life too seriously.


Relationship: Wise Mentor Description: Gandalf serves as the wise and guiding figure in Cool John's life. His deep knowledge of the world and his powerful presence provide John with the wisdom and strength needed to overcome the toughest challenges. Gandalf's calm demeanor and strategic mind are a grounding force for John, helping him stay focused on his goals and grow as a person.