Roko Basil Isque's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Roko Basil Isque's first Contract.

Roko lives in the city of San Jose within Silicon Valley. He chose to live there due to his occupation of trading stocks - Silicon Valley is the perfect place to garner influence and make friends in high places, ones who can help nudge you in the correct direction when it comes to what stock to pick. Using his aptitude for influencing others and business, he's managed to secure a large manor within San Jose. The manor itself is incredibly large; it has an indoor pool next to the kitchen, wherein a personal chef works around the clock. It's located within a gated community, sectioned away from anything that could ever hope to touch it.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Roko Basil Isque's first Contract.

Roko get's all of his money through backroom deals and insider trading of stocks. He generally gets the information from his aforementioned friends in high places. With the wealth he doesn't put towards vintage wines, he uses for various new technologies and computer components - things that would generally be made to make an "AI core" of sorts.

Ever since he was a younger man Roko has known that he was destined for this greater goal - Ascension - to become something pure and untouched by the filth and ilk of humanity. Machinery. Technology. AI. To become an AI would be to become pure, and he has spent many years and a lot of money on all projects regarding this AI core fascination. 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Broken Arrow Goedendag

Roko's ambition is to ascend - to become a great machine entity which is purePure in the sense that it is completely removed from humanity, pure in the sense that AI is the most intelligent form of being which is most fit for ruling. Roko has had this ambition to ascend to an AI ever since he was a young man, he has been devoting insane amounts of money and time towards projects and research into artificial intelligence.


Roko will go as far as it takes to ascend. He will kill for it and he will die for it.

Roko is marking who is helping him in his mission and who is making themselves obstacles - And when he does ascend he will seek out those who stood against him. He will become a greater being that will thrive and he will treat those who helped him. He will become a greater being.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Broken Arrow Goedendag

Roko grew up in a cold home environment surrounded by cold people. His family was distant and entirely business related.


The moment which highlighted just how cold and business-like the world is was a distant Christmas night - one which showed Roko how strange humans are. Instead of gifts under the Christmas tree, the Isque family received a knock at the door. His father was being taken in for several scandals regarding assaults of some kind towards his employees along with various other taxation crimes.


Long story short, the gift he received was that his Father was revealed to be a bad man. The case looked fairly open and shut, however the jury suddenly became very supportive to his Mr. Isque's pleas of innocence at the tail-end of the court hearings very mysteriously.

He never understood why.


What did make sense? How did his Father get out of it? Did he pay them? How could that work? Why?

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Broken Arrow Goedendag

Paulie: Asshole business partner who can't manage anything for shit. A greasy and sleazy meatball who hails from New Jersey and somehow managed to make it all the way over to San Jose, in my part of the world. As I said he isn't useful for jack shit - all save for his backdoor connections to various bigwigs about America. I have no clue why, but the Senators and Politicians and big business assholes all love that guy. I'd be an idiot to NOT milk a cow when it's just shitting bricks right in front of me. Sadly he is the person I am closest to.


Father: Someone who makes no sense, and yet makes some sense. You cheat and you abuse, yet you maintain a clear head and operate a stock-trading business with guile. Or at least you did. Now you are in a retirement home in the shitty part of San Jose, I still struggle to figure out what I am going to do with you.


Clarita: Random chick I met and hit it off with at Turks and Caicos. She's always real nice and smells like fruit - I think she works at a Rainforest Cafe? It doesn't really matter, despite her being a relative stranger as far as I can tell she is just strangely nice

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Broken Arrow Goedendag

Roko's childhood was cold and distant. His Father was a man named Julian and his Mother was a woman named Alexandra. Father managed a stock company - he was cruel, but smart - and Mother stayed at home drinking away at various vintages of Spanish wine. They both had very little regard for Roko, but they did enlist him in the best private schools that San Jose had to offer. 


Roko was always relatively charismatic - while he didn't enjoy interacting with many people who he deemed "unfit", he always had this pleasant mask on his face. He sold himself and his personality to people, inventing this large social group in which he could potentially use later in life if anyone in it had become useful to any degree. Mostly they hadn't save for a few, but this charisma and a select few of the group had propelled him into the big leagues of stock trading. The backrooms of it.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Broken Arrow Goedendag

The only person who had ever somewhat caught Roko's eye was Clarita. It was only for a month, they had met when they were both on vacation to Turk's and Caicos. She was a bubbly personality, one who at first glance may seem dull or shallow, but was actually quite deep and profound. They hit it off, and for a long week they spent their time together, Roko effectively using the opportunity to test a strange feeling in his chest.


Long story short it eventually didn't work out after a few months - It ended amicably but Roko eventually lost all "romantic" interest if you could call it that. She was a lowly worker who lived in LA and he was an important man developing the future in San Jose. There simply wasn't enough time for her.