John Mann's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before John Mann's first Contract.

I was born and bred in Hereford, and I figured I'd stay there until I died. I had a good wife, a couple of kids, a couple of parents to take care of, and a damn good cattle farm. Never figured there'd be any reason to leave. Paradise was sitting on the porch after a good hard day of work with a glass of iced tea and a good book. Since Patricia left me after the Werewolves ate the kids, the place has lost its charm. I'm really only here because its the only place I have roots in. Plus, I feel a responsibility to the cows to stay here.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before John Mann's first Contract.

I get the money from my failing cattle farm and what I've saved from it back in its prime. I took the farm over from my pop when he decided to retire, and I've moved it forward into modernity. Instead of butchering the cows for meat, since my little girl turned vegetarian, I've just made it a dairy farm. The bond that strengthened between me, my cows, and my daughter made up for the loss of profits tenfold. Since my wife left though, I haven't had my main partner and all my employees quit what with the rumor of me killing my kids, so I've had to downsize. 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before John Mann's first Contract.

The contracts are just a tool to me. They give me the power that I need to match my favorite anime protagonists like Luffy, Yuji, and Josuke. Anime was the way I bonded with my son, and the boundlessly optimistic characters it showed helped me live through the tough times that I've been through. If I grow strong enough through the contracts to be like my heroes, then I'll be able to protect people like my kids from danger that's both natural and supernatural. I'm willing to fully put my life on the line for this. There is no penalty to anyone else if I'm gone, so I might as well fight to the last. If that means I end up in a ditch somewhere filled with holes, so be it.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before John Mann's first Contract.

My kids being eaten by a roving pack of werewolves is what changed everything for me. Before that, I had everything, a wife, a farm, respect from my community, kids. Now, people think I'm a lunatic and a murderer. While it may have changed my financial, social, and spiritual circumstances, it hasn't changed my outlook on life. I still believe this is a good world, and this event has led me to take contracts to become more powerful and make it a better one. David and Katie, my two kids, are still my inspiration and I think about them every day.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before John Mann's first Contract.

Steve Mann - My Dad:

Pop is one of the people who lost all respect for me after my kids died. He said that even if werewolves were real, I should have been there, as a man, to save my kids. He said that he would have done so for me. Now he mostly just ignores my calls and posts negative comments about my farm online.

Carl Jones:

After my wife left me, I began to explore a side of myself I had left long untouched. With online anime fandoms being some of the only places I could turn to for support, I ended up falling in with a completely different crowd. A trait of this crowd which I had very little experience with in West Texas was queerness. Carl is somebody who I met in the One Piece fandom who is likely the closest person to me currently. We're in an on and off long distance relationship and have never actually seen each other, though we would aid each other at a moment's notice.

Patricia Helen - My Ex-Wife:

Patricia and I married in our early twenties and were happy to live together and raise our farm and kids as a couple. Looking back though, we were really closer to friends than lovers. We were never romantically close, and any ties we had to each other have certainly not been held together by any sense of love. She has tried to distance herself from me as much as possible, changing her last name back to her maiden name.