Henry Callahan's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Drill Bit


My Home.

There are two things to know about San Francisco, the early birds get the worms and never call it 'San Fran or Frisco'. This place is where I was born and bred, although it is home, I still find some struggles living here, especially after what happened when my friend…y'know. It's home, though, so there are some things i find enjoyable here more than any other state i may visit. I create, invent, innovate, if i can make the world a better place, ill do it, but best to start off small before going big, help out the community, that sort of stuff. i see the struggles here, i want to keep up and alleviate them, to the folks i know at least.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Drill Bit


My Income.


An easy one to answer, i'm an inventor and innovator…also a hacker, i help out clients via creating or solving a problem they have, i also make and sell some of my inventions for some easy money, i don't really have a company though, so all sales are online. Some are Etsy projects, some are DIY kits, some are actual jobs with businesses, not obligated to say who it's for though, it's an NDA i signed with them, at least i keep the rights for my inventions, along with the revenue from the companies that are using them, so i'd say I'm pretty well off nowadays.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Drill Bit


My Ambition.


Innovating the World, being an inventor, it's my job to improve and create new things or ways for humanity to be more efficient. I want to help people, that's one of my main motivations, creating stuff is the other one, I love making new tech, objects, just cool items I can use in everyday life, even if some are more useful than others… I already have blood on my hands getting into this mess, and it won't come off, that's for sure. If I have to take a few people down to reach my goal, I will do it, I need to see this through, see my dream come to fruition, if I don't make it, I certainly hope some of my legacy does.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Drill Bit


The Accident.


Not sure why I'm writing this, why I'm even answering these questions, but, I guess it's to keep my mind focused…this though, it's a very painful question to answer. My friend, Tyson, is- WAS, my best friend, someone I could look up to being my shield and protector, I was the brain's of the duo, he was the social brawn. Pretty nice pair, huh? We were involved in a car accident, he managed to push me out of the way in time but he…he was sent into a coma, after a year of waiting for him, he finally flat lined, and it's been three years ever since that, guess I keep looking back on it with survivor's guilt. Just hoping he's watching or is peacefully in heaven, I know I won't make it there.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Drill Bit


Closest People in My Life.


Tyson, My Parents and My Teacher, Bradley Ryan. They all helped me to become the man I am today, either emotionally or helping me via expanding my skill set in many ways, such as programming, hacking, or engineer work. Tyson was really the guy who helped me push forward on doing all that work, while he is gone, I still give little touches in my projects to remind me of him, or just keep him around in spirit… I miss him badly, but I have to keep pushing forward, yeah? Bradley's the guy who helped me work on my hacking skills, taught me a lot, especially on programming and people skills, but I still need to work on that latter, that's for certain. My folks aren't around much, I do visit them, and it's just nice to be with them, but I need to spread my own wings to fly, not worry them so much.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Drill Bit


School Life and Childhood.


Childhood was fine, I was smarter than other kids, but I was chill, never stepped on any toes and even used my smarts to appear cool to some, of course I got bullies, jealous and tried to use me for my brain, but I managed to persuade them one way or another. Dad was a drill instructor for the army and made sure I managed to protect myself, no big flashy moves, but I know how to throw a punch, that's for sure. When I grew up, he took me to the range, my skill with a gun was much more natural, with him help tough, it got honed. My mother is a sweetheart, a writer for a series of novels, creativity was a big thing in the family, on the field, story creating and now me, with technology and programming, guess that runs in the family now.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Drill Bit


Loved someone?


Love and I have a complicated relationship, I understand it, I look for it, it just doesn't want to help me out or even talk to me. But after a few years of this, I figured it out after Tyson died, I did love him…but I never looked at another guy the same way I did him…so I did some digging, or rather some searched and figured out I'm Demi. Not a big shocker, or the end of the world as we know it, just a bit tough for me to get a relationship, maybe it's for the best though.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Devilish Designs


My worst fears…


I got several I guess, never was a fan of water, or needles, probably because of stuff when I was very young, I got used to them though as I grew up and don't mind them as much, though being a tech guy, you can imagine I don't do well with being near water with my electronics, hehe… Other than those two, i guess i'm starting to get a fear of confrontation, or am i over that now, sure i got shot and got this chronic nerve damage because of it, still wish i can find someone to heal it, and i got shot in the arm, but i also took care of the guy who shot me already and the owner seems to be long dead… I guess my worst fear right now is to be forgotten, to not be remembered by anyone and to have those close to me be in danger with me not being able to help them…simple i guess, but being an inventor, not being remembered and not allowed to use your inventions to help really stings my heart and rubs me the wrong way, that's for certain I guess, hope i can see the other side after all this when i'm dead.

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Devilish Designs


Prized Possessions?


This is, kind of, one of the easier questions to answer, at the same time, not really? All of my tech and inventions are a prized possession to me, but at the same time, there is one item I keep with me that I never let go, being my goggles. Tyson bought them as a joke gift, but I managed to make them useful, hiding my eyes from bright lights and all the sorts. They could never really hide my eyes from his bright smile though, every day i miss him, but i got over it, it's a dull ache that slowly is fading away… Off-topic, back to the question. My other prized possession might be my phone, i modified it with my gift and tech, now it's a real powerhouse with technology, just wish that it could have been useful on the last job i did, well, sometimes you win, sometimes you don't, eh?

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 3, The High Cost of Living


Biggest Problem right now?


Impulsivity, I need to think things through, at longer intervals as well, the more I stay awake, the many more mistakes I am making and that is hurting my body, scar after scar getting stacked up, I'm looking like a Picasso painting then an actual human if I keep this mess up and not decide to fix it at the start point. Second problem? Lies, i keep getting sent to a hospital, and i don't want them asking questions on where I got all these scars and wounds from, I'm guessing I wouldn't really survive the aftermath if i did give anything up about the Contract. Those two things are what i need to fix before i attempt another contract, not that i am able to at the moment while healing up, even if it isn't a lot of damage, i was feeling it badly once i got back home...

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 3, The High Cost of Living


How do I face the day?


After I wake up, probably either normally or face down at my desk, I do a stretch and make some coffee, Yes, I use water with coffee, I ain't insane like some people, unless I need to do a three-day binge while also working on my many projects for more money, sure, I dabble with the insanity if that is the case. Being me, and having a job that is basically inventing and selling those inventions, means i have a pretty open schedule, i jump from project to project or ride it out if i have a random bout of motivation, i never miss a deadline thankfully, or make a project half-empty, i go all the way, probably because i have nothing else to distract myself with other than shows and video games…not really a social person, not anymore after what happened with my friend- i'm stopping here.

12. If you were going somewhere special that you wanted to look your best for, what would you do to prepare? What would you wear? How long would it take you to get ready?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Guest Book Getaway


Preparing for special events?


I do wear something other than my lab coat, believe it or not, i do have some good suits i keep in my closet, as for what i'd do? Freshen up, i get a hair cut, a shave, look my best, even if the event i'm going to doesn't pique my interest, i still want to look my best and feel my best when attending, for how long this all takes...about 3 hours total, getting a hair cut is at least half an hour and preparing stuff like ironing my outfit takes about an hour, so i have an hour and a half to freshen up and be prepared for anything. I am not going without some sort of protection though, after all i faced, i feel like my paranoia set in severely, i keep a taser on me at all times, hope i get to keep that at least, along with my kevlar shirt.

13. What will you do for your next birthday?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Guest Book Getaway


My Birthday?


I don't really...celebrate it these days, sure i get messages, people come over or invite me for the party they prepared, but, being in the time of my life where i have basically grown up, even more so with my recent 5-year time skip, i think i've move past celebrating and more worrying for the days that i know i got older, year by year, i'll probably be dead sooner than intended with all this contract work i have been doing, but i don't think i'll ever lose the fear of losing time and not getting enough of it to enjoy myself...i should make a trip to hang glide or something..

14. What is your greatest regret?

Link Answered after Contract 5, ANOINTED


My Greatest Regret…?


If we are talking about the past, it's me not being able to pull my friend out of the way of the car, if i could have just pulled him along with me or stopped him before we crossed the road, maybe that accident would have never happened, and i wouldn't have to live with the nightmares and regrets I have about him. If we are talking about the present, it's me not being prepared enough, i failed two contracts already due to being impatient or not being smart enough so, i need to change that going forward, maybe what i have prepared will be enough for today, but what about tomorrow, and the next day and the day after that? I can hack, i can fight, i can improvise, but what if it isn't enough, i'll probably regret a lot more as time goes on, and i'm afraid the biggest regret is taking the deal to become a contractor.

15. What is the nature of your Gifts? Are they inherent potential? Do harbingers just grant your wishes?

Link Answered after Contract 5, ANOINTED


My Gifts?


They are more, what I can do, but amplified, especially the phone, it can hack into any system and turn into a gun, of course, that isn't everything, some of my gifts, like my car, is more for personal/general use, it's still all mechanical, all gadgets and such, not really abilities, though I might try something soon when the time comes that is. Give my body more protection maybe, who knows, point is, all the gifts I have gained are made by me, with some magical enhancements via blueprints and notes I get. Harbingers mostly just give me these or i manage to modify it enough to count as a new gift, I guess? Still having trouble putting my mind around it, but i won't pass up an opportunity to learn and create new technology that no one has ever seen before in their lifetime, hope that i'll put it to good use though.

16. How do you feel about spirituality? Are you religious? What do you believe?

Link Answered after Contract 6, ANOINTED


My Beliefs?


In my opinion, believing in something like god or some higher power is all fine and dandy, I don't really pray to them, even being born a Christian, i never really went to Church all that much, well…until I faced actual demons, now I think there is something beyond the mortal coil, as for what type of god, I'm trying to address everyone above the mortal coil then just one god, guess wanting blessings by all of them, pretty greedy sentiment, I know, Christian God really doesn't like the idea, i am sure, but having some power behind me, no matter what religion is always welcome, as for researching stuff like magic, still don't know much about that stuff, guess i should read up on the occult, make anti possession charms, who knows? I am sure though that when working with the harbingers and being a contractor, i am bound to see some insane stuff.

17. How do the events of the Contracts conflict with your worldview? How do you react when everything you thought was true is put in doubt?

Link Answered after Contract 6, ANOINTED


My new Worldview?


Oh, let me tell you, finding out that gods, vampires, demons, and all sorts of stuff are real, really made me question my life up until that point, growing up, i'm a guy who loves technology and science, while i wished magic was real, i never expected it to actually be a reality that i am living in, guess it shows how careful everything has to be to keep up this sort of, chaotic balance. Guess i could try to slowly introduce this stuff as time goes on, but i don't know how it will turn out, i want to progress humanity, make them reach the stars and if i have to introduce magic to achieve that goal, i might as well do it, however, everything has consequences and i don't want to find out what mine might be once i even attempt to make this dream a reality.