Tom Sayrin's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Tom Sayrin's first Contract.

London, the capital city of England, land of the legendary Knight-King Arthur, and his oh so famous blade Excalibur! Not to mention the magician Merlin. Why WOULDN'T I want to live in such a wondrous place! Such fortune that I was born here, that I may stay in close touch with my roots as well as bask in the tales of knights and swords commonly found here and across the rest of Europe. In France, the blade Durandal, wielded by the Paladin Roland. In Denmark lies Skofnung, wielded by the King Hrolf Kraki. I ah, suppose I should also mention that London is where my home is, a rather decently sized mansion, and it would be quite troublesome to replace it to move elsewhere.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Tom Sayrin's first Contract.

'Tis pointless to try to hide it, my family is greatly wealthy, and I was fortunate enough to be born into it, which isn't to say that I do NOTHING to earn my money, since my father made it clear he wouldn't abide freeloading. I invested some money into starting a business that supports craftspeople, those who make things ranging from pottery to swords and armour. We provide them with contacts with clients, suppliers of materials, workshops and such, taking a modest commission as payment, which is typically quite hefty since I myself often provide the workers with some wealthy clients, given the social circles my fortune grants me access to. As for what I spend it on? Oftentimes on pieces from the craftspeople my business services, having them forge me swords and armour, or create paintings of me. I also pay people to train me in all manner of things, focusing mostly on sword fighting, so that I might embody a fraction of the skill as the knights I so admire, though my father didn't approve of me handling swords when I was young, and had me train in martial arts instead. Additionally, my money is sometimes spent on hosting tournaments and festivals of my own.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Tom Sayrin's first Contract.

A world of swords and sorcery! To do away with the modern tools of warfare and have magic take their place! To have dungeons dot the lands, begging noble adventurers to delve into them and retrieve all manner of treasures from their depths, doing battle with foul beasts and monsters to earn their rewards! To have schools teach not only maths, art, literature and sciences but magic and the art of the blade as well! For might heroes to rise to face dastardly villains threatening the land! Why, I'd do anything to see this come about in my lifetime! Uh, kill a person? Goodness me I'd really prefer not to, life is a precious thing! But I suppose if there was an evil villain I had to slay to see my dream come true, perhaps I could do that. I'd really rather not die myself, since how can I enjoy the world I made if I'm dead? But if it really comes to that, I could live in that world in my next life, perhaps.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Tom Sayrin's first Contract.

Discovering magic existed, but that as a mere human, I lacked the capacity to use it myself, no matter how hard I tried or how much I learned, that it simply wasn't meant to be. Thus, I decided I would master the blade instead, becoming a noble knight, participating in duels and tournaments of skill, honing my physical prowess to the limit. Many people think me the fool, say that I'm "playing pretend", but I care not for their petty words, for I am confident that one day, my dream shall come to be, and all the world shall discover the joy of magic.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Tom Sayrin's first Contract.

My Father, simultaneously absent and ever present in my life, mostly left me to be raised by nannies and other such assistants but made sure I adhered to his regimen of schooling and lessons in all sorts of things, so that I would be a "worthy son" of the family.  I can't say I dislike his approach, since it's given me many skills I've been able to make use of in my life,  but I certainly would prefer it if he was more present.

Barnaby, my butler, my ever faithful friend and confidant, has always stood by my side since I was young, ensuring I didn't get myself into trouble, occasionally helping me with some scheme or antic I was getting up to. Into my adult life, he supports me fully in my exploits, aiding with my business and the like.

Marcus Omidia, my great foe, my nemesis, my rival. We first met in the finals of a grand tournament, where we fought to a draw, and swore we would settle the score one day. One battle after the next, I would win or he would win, the score never seemed settled...