Kyle Byrne's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Kyle Byrne's first Contract.

Uuuhhh... Boise, Idaho. I don't really know what to like, uhh.. Say about it, and stuff. I live there because my parents live there. They own an American Craftsman styled home, and it like, sucks and stuff. They keep having to drop money to fix it. It sucks.

My parents keep the house really like, tidy and stuff. We have a garage, and they have a 2005 Toyota Corolla. After I got my license my dad lets me drive it.

I have a uhhhh like, room and stuff. I saved up over the summer to get a really good computer setup so I like, have that and stuff. Uuhh. Yeah.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Kyle Byrne's first Contract.

Uuuuhh... I don't really like, have much money. I have to borrow it from like, my dad, and stuff. I spent it all on getting a better computer. I don't have a summer job right now, so I just have whatever I have saved up.

I like, buy electronics and stuff, and like, learn how to program and stuff, yeah. I started doing it when I was like, really young, so I kept like, doing that, and stuff. I made a lot of like, really crappy video games for a long time. I think I might like, want to make video games for a living or something, after I graduate, yeah. Uuhhh, I could like, maybe translate stuff as-well.. I did some language classes in school haha.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Kyle Byrne's first Contract.

I like, uhhh... Think the 'man' and stuff like, sucks man. My parents bought this crappy old house 'cause uhh, like, the system is rigged and stuff, and like, a conglomerate's been like buying land so the prices went up? We're like, always at war or something, and uhh-.. The government's corrupt, and stuff. Everybody's a sell-out. I think corporations are like, the cause of this and stuff.

Uuuhhh... I don't really think I can 'do' much about that, haha. I like, don't think I'll ever be able to like, 'buy' a home and stuff. I'd like, probably try and like, kill the people who did this, though... If I knew who they were, and they were in-front of me. I like, want a future and stuff, but I don't really see any haha.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Kyle Byrne's first Contract.

Uuuhhh... When I was like, thirteen or something, my dad showed me what a computer was, and it was like, cool. I played like, some game called Zombies versus Plants on it..? I don't know-.. Uuhh, I was playing like, his old game consoles before.. But uhh-.. That's more of like, a precursor.

Sometime in like, middle-school, we had like, a computer lab? And like, I started taking uhh-... Coding classes, and stuff. Or, Computer Science? I forget.. It was one of the two. And like, after that my dad like, made me take extra-curricular stuff from like, one of those tacky coding schools.

That's pretty uhh, defining and stuff. I like, code every-day, man. That's like, my whole thing, I think? It's cooler than the time my dad took me out to like, shoot cans for my fifteenth birthday... That was pretty cool.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Kyle Byrne's first Contract.

My Mom, Patricia Byrne. She's like, my mom and stuff, and always worries about me. I think uhh-she like, drinks too much and stuff? I think she just like, worries too much. She's nice though. I love my parents.


My Dad, Samuel Byrne. My dad's cool, but he like, pisses me off sometimes. One time he found my stash of pot and like, grounded me for a whole month. He says he doesn't want to get the cops involved, but if he catches me smoking more marijuana he'd take me to them. He's really supportive about like, me coding and stuff though. That's pretty cool I think.


My Best Friend, Stephen Nash. We both like, smoke pot and stuff. We're into playing uuhh-.. Video games, and all that stuff. He told me about these cool video games called Two Worlds II and Deus Ex, and the latter like-.. Really changed my mind about a whole lot of stuff. Kinda turned me into the person I am today, haha. He's like, aspiring to be a Wildlife Conservation Officer, so I like-.. I think that's like, not as stupid as a normal cop. That's kinda cool, honestly. I think birds fucking rule.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Night of The Knobbler!

Yeah my childhood was pretty good, I guess. They were nice - they still ARE nice, god... Haha, I'm like, saying they're dead or something.. Nah, man. I still live with my parents. In like, a short amount of time I'll probably have to be finding my way out into the world by myself. I'm like, graduating high-school this year, and stuff. Birthday should be around the same time as that, too. After that I'm like, probably going to have to couch-surf. My parents are old-school, haha.


High-school's sweet, dude. I fit in. I think a-lot of the people I see there are, like.. Dumb as a box of rocks, and stuff? That's the public school system for you, man. I learn as much as I can, and a few of the idiots there who think they're hot shit, like, tell me I'm cheating, call me an asshole, stuff like that. I usually just glide with my pack of friends and like, smoke pot after class I guess.


This guy though - his name's like, Bernie or something? Haha, I broke into his locker once and put laxatives into his lunch. Turns out his mom still packs him like, lunch and shit, and wrote a note in there that said "YOU'RE ADOPTED". He figured me out by my handwriting and beat the fuck out of me after that, but he never really cussed me out again. I think he learned I figured out a way to get under his skin in a manner he can't really combat.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Night of The Knobbler!

Hhhnnnaaaaahhhh. Not really, man. Love just kind-of sucks. People are like, attentive, and worry about you and shit, and their trajectory for their lives are like-... "Hey, I'm going to go do all these crazy things, and go to Paris before I'm twenty-five, and-.." Yada, yada, yada.


I like, fell in love with this chick named Beth. She was in a chemistry class I was in last year. When I was telling her what my life goal was - just, code crap, get a job in it, eat only ramen for the next ten years and move into a trailer park - she went completely pale, haha. Broke up with me the day after. I can't really handle stupid people.